In Discover Your Calling week 2, we will look at the benefits of following God’s Will as we examine the story of Ruth and Naomi.
As you begin to unearth what God has called you to do, you might experience a sense of peace. After all, you have now discovered why you are different from others – how you are unique in every way. Your uniqueness makes you one of a kind!
Another crucial benefit that you’ll begin to see with your calling is the ability to make choices that line up with God’s Will. Reducing “decision fatigue” (the tiredness one gets after making multiple decisions) will remove some pressure.
Your search to understand your purpose can also give you blessings, acceptance, and a sense of belonging. You can officially enter the “cool crowd” – those who are excited about an eternal future with our Lord!
Finally, you’ll discover the joy that comes from having a real sense of purpose – one that is part of God’s plan for your life. God has given you the tools; it’s up to you to use them productively!
Why not take one step in that direction today?
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Enjoy the full 6-week journal version of this Bible study, including a printable worksheet and leader’s guide!
Day 6 – Receiving Peace through Your Calling
In Discover Your Calling week 2 day 6, we learn about how to receive peace while fulfilling your calling.
Ruth and Naomi came from a place of disadvantage. Women were not revered as they often are today, and we see tragedy after tragedy hit these ladies’ lives. Read Ruth 1-2.
In Ruth 2, we see the ladies are looking to survive. This is the reason that Ruth offers to glean during the barley harvest. Read Ruth 2:1-16.
We can now see how God is providing food for His people, but we do not yet know how or if they will be embracing His plan for their lives.
What About You?
Maybe you are in a situation like this. Perhaps you have been in survival mode and now see a sliver of light at the end of the tunnel. That is how hope works – a little at a time.
Have you ever seen one of those romantic comedies where the two characters finally realize their love and wake up the next morning to see all their doubt has faded away? That’s pretty unrealistic. These things take time.
When we follow the calling God has for us, change typically won’t happen overnight. However, if you are on the right path, you’ll begin to find peace of mind and eternal hope – deep inside. These are signs from God.
Often, when we get on the right track spiritually, we gain a calmness like no other.
The more you trust God, the more peace you will experience inside. You just need to let Him do His job. That might mean letting go of attachments to unrealistic expectations that you have.
To confirm that you are following your calling, look for the sign of peace and continue to hope that your journey will be revealed in time.

Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the will of the Lord is. – Ephesians 5:17
Day 6 – Biblework
Today’s Verses: Ruth 1-2
Read the following additional verse(s): Psalm 4:8; Psalm 29:11; Zephaniah 3:17
Answer these questions:
- In what ways were the women suffering, based on Ruth 1?
- As you finish reading Ruth 2, explain why there is a difference in Naomi’s attitude.
- How were they beginning to see blessings in Ruth 2?
- Make a list of your current worries and decide how you can reflect them as joyous. How can you see the glass half-full?
- As you make a list of your current troubles, how can you begin turning those issues over to God and trusting Him with their outcomes? How might this change in attitude impact your calling?
Digging Deeper:
In Ruth 1:10-13, we see Naomi explaining why her daughters-in-law should stay in Moab. Understanding the culture will help you empathize here. Read Deuteronomy 25:5-10 and Genesis 38. How might Naomi’s fears have been impacted by the Law of the Levarite?
Day 7 – Changing the Choices We Make
In Discover Your Calling week 2, day 7, we learn about how to make godly choices.
In Ruth 1:16-17, we see Ruth make a critical decision – one that changes her life.
Are you making excuses in regard to your calling from God?
As you begin to brainstorm the options of what you believe God has designed you to do, turn to prayer. Begin to write down your choices or what God is saying to your heart and soul. List everything as you brainstorm.
Once you’ve made a solid list of ideas, pray further about your choices. Then, weigh the pros and cons of each one. You can do this by assigning a numerical value to each choice (whether good or bad). Next, add up your totals for each list to see the weight of each option.
That exercise should help clarify things.
Naomi listed out the reasons that Ruth and Orpah (the other daughter-in-law) should stay in Moab. What were her persuasive arguments?
What About You?
When we face choices related to our calling, we often give excuses or justifications as to why we are “not in a place” to fulfill our God-given mission.
It’s important that we don’t whine to God about what He wants us to do. Let go of “plans” and listen to nudges.
Revelations should not be treated as “what if” scenarios, but instead, as “Let’s do this thing” action statements!
Moses continuously said he was not a good enough speaker to be the leader on behalf of his people. God even had to encourage him to bring his brother Aaron into the mix to get His Will accomplished. Don’t resist what God is encouraging you to do.
God was always at work in the lives of those in the Bible, and He works for your good, too (Romans 8:28).

Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect. – Romans 12:2
Day 7 – Biblework
Today’s Verses: Ruth 1:16-17; Romans 8:28
Read the following additional verse(s): Genesis 6:6-22; Genesis 12:1-5; Exodus 3:7-22; Exodus 4:1-18
Answer these questions:
- We combined two methods (brainstorming and having a weighted pros/cons list) for making decisions today. With your list, where do your options or revelations that relate to your calling stand?
- What did God call Noah to do? Why? What was Noah’s response (Genesis 6:22)?
- What were the promises that God gave Abram/Abraham in Genesis 12?
- List some of Moses’ objections from Exodus. What was God’s response?
- What are some difficult choices you’ve had to make, and how did they turn out?
Digging Deeper:
Because these words are so impactful and critical to the story of Ruth, go ahead and write out Ruth 1:16-17. If you have the time, you might commit these verses to memory. Also, do a word study on keywords that you are unsure of or would like to know more about in this text.
Learn how to do a Bible word study.
Day 8 – Receiving Acceptance or a Sense of Belonging
In Discover Your Calling week 2, day 8, we embark on a journey of acceptance and belonging.
In many areas of the United States, it has become more and more popular to be “accepted” by societal norms. In Ruth’s days, things were different.
Ruth was a Moabite – an outsider by all accounts. Let’s learn a little more about the Moabites.
Read Genesis 19:30-38 to learn about their history. Do you see how and why they would be considered outcasts among the Israelites?
Skim the book of Ruth. How many times was Ruth referred to as “the Moabite?” How do you think that affected her self-worth – to be identified with her past rather than what she was trying to do for her future??
Look at Ruth. She knew that she would be an outcast, a member of society who was judged by what her ancestors did. However, she followed the path to this new land anyway. Who does this remind you of? Wasn’t the Lord also considered an outcast by His own people?
One beautiful aspect of having faith in Jesus is that He accepts us as we are. He doesn’t mind the baggage we carry. In fact, He went on the cross to take our past on. He loves us that much. When we feel isolated and crave a sense of belonging, we can always turn to the Lord.
What About You?
Love and acceptance from the Ultimate Redeemer (Jesus) will keep you motivated as you pursue your calling.
When confirmation of your calling is present, you’ll likely experience persecution by the standards of this world, but in God’s Kingdom, you will always belong. You might want acceptance from people, but you only need Jesus in your life.

Give thanks in all circumstances, for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you. – 1 Thessalonians 5:18
Day 8 – Biblework
Today’s Verses: Ruth 1-4; Genesis 19:30-38
Read the following additional verse(s): Mark 9:40; John 15:18-25; John 16:33
Answer these questions:
- Why were the Moabites enemies of the Israelites?
- Have you ever felt like an outsider, as Ruth did? What happened?
- According to the book of John, what is our standing with the world?
- In what ways do you feel a tug on your heart on what your calling might be?
- What signs or signals have you seen?
Digging Deeper:
As mentioned, Jesus is our Redeemer. A Kinsman Redeemer in Ruth’s time was a common term. Research this crucial element. Why is the term “Kinsman Redeemer” relevant in the story of Ruth? Who saved Naomi? How was this done?
Day 9 – Following God’s Will for Real Purpose in Life
In Discover Your Calling week 2, day 9, we learn about achieving real purpose in life.
Wouldn’t you love to feel worthwhile and live up to your spiritual potential? Are you currently living your dream life? Are you lacking anything in this world? Maybe you have accomplished many of your life goals and are even looking toward new goals to challenge you further.
Before you go too far, you might want to ask a crucial question in regard to your dreams – Are you following God’s Will with these pursuits? Is this what He wants you to do?
While it’s true that we cannot know what God is thinking or understand His ways fully (Isaiah 55:8), we do know that when we abide in Christ, we bear spiritual fruit. If you’re unsure about what God specifically wants you to do, look toward His promises and grow spiritual fruit.
Let’s look at spiritual fruit in the Bible. Read Galatians 5:22-23.
What does it mean to bear fruit? In which area are you struggling, and where are you abundantly growing fruit? For example, maybe you are a very patient person but still have trouble finding inner peace.
What About You?
As you read to the end of Ruth, can you see the blessing of love in the bond that Ruth and Naomi shared? What do you believe Ruth’s strongest trait to be? What was she called to do? What about Naomi?
Ruth had obedience, loyalty, and faithfulness as part of her calling. One way that she illustrated these traits was in how she spoke to others. She was humble and gracious. What would be her impression if she were to talk that way today?
How are you representing your faith in your walk?

For this is the will of God, that by doing good, you should put to silence the ignorance of foolish people. – 1 Peter 2:15
Day 9 – Biblework
Today’s Verses: Ruth 3-4; Isaiah 55:8; Galatians 5:22-23
Read the following additional verse(s): Hosea 14:8; John 15:16; Luke 3:8-9; Romans 7:4-6
Answer these questions:
- How did Ruth demonstrate her fruit to others?
- What fruits of the Spirit are listed in Galatians 5?
- How is your life reflective of each type of fruit? What could you work on?
- In what ways could your calling produce fruit?
- Which type of fruit would appear most abundantly with your calling?
Digging Deeper:
Research the 9 fruits of the Spirit from Galatians 5:22-23. Write their definitions in your own words. If something is unclear, look it up. Write out one verse for each type of fruit listed. Compare this with the definition you recorded. For example, we see joy in Nehemiah 8:10.
Day 10 – Recognizing Your Purpose as Part of God’s Will
In Discover Your Calling week 2 day 10, you will learn how to recognize your purpose as part of God’s Will.
Now that you’ve gotten a handle on Ruth’s story, you can see how her calling of obedience and loyalty was shining for all to see. Did you know that Ruth had the significance she did? Was the family tree at the end of Ruth 4 a surprise?
Read Matthew 1:1-17. What role did Ruth play in our eternal lives??
Check out some of the people mentioned along the road. Do you see “perfect” people, or are they flawed as you and I are? Are you getting goosebumps?? Special moments of revelation will do that!
As you read about Tamar and Rahab in today’s verses, you’ll discover a range of wild stories – far from perfect. Think about these characters as you ponder your purpose.
Having a purpose in life can certainly lead you to pursue God-focused goals or help you change your current goals to seek His Will above everything.
What About You?
What are you lacking that might motivate you to leap as Ruth did?
What if God gave you all that you feel you lack? Could you leave your comfort zone to follow the signs that God has given you regarding your calling?
If you are feeling a tug on your heart telling you that you are ready to take a leap, don’t ignore this! Many people are not blessed in this way or ready for the mission God has for them. See this as a chance to give God what He desires for you!
Step out with confidence when you travel this road. Look at what Ruth did. List the key actions that she took to fulfill her calling. How did she act out of faith?
In what ways do you act out in faith each day??
Your kingdom come, Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. – Matthew 6:10
Day 10 – Biblework
Today’s Verses: Ruth 4; Matthew 1:1-17
Read the following additional verse(s): Genesis 38; Joshua 2; 2 Corinthians 5:6-10
Answer these questions:
- As you consider what your calling might be, what sacrifices do you see that need to be made?
- What are you willing to sacrifice?
- What actions did Ruth take to live up to her potential in order to fulfill her calling?
- When has God turned an adverse condition into a blessing for you?
- How has God been speaking to you today?
Digging Deeper:
In looking at Ruth’s family tree, do you see why Ruth was so important? Write out the names of the individuals listed in the family tree that leads to Jesus. See Matthew 1:1-17. What revelations does this exercise give you?
Learn how to do a topical Bible study.
Bonus Bible Study Resources
Use these Bible study resources to improve your quiet time with the Lord!
Other Sharing Life and Love Bible Studies
How to Build a Quiet Time with God – In this 8-week Bible study, you will walk through the book of Psalms. Also, you’ll create a quiet time with God.
FREE Ruth 9-Week Bible Study – Learn about this incredible Moabite and what she achieved in her lifetime in the Ruth Bible study!
Create Your Own God-Centered Goals – In this 5-day Bible study, you learn about goals and how to create ones that are centered on your faith.
Additional Helpful Resources
Find additional ideas for your Bible library here:
- SOAP Bible Study Method – FREE Worksheet Included
- Build Your Own Bible Reference Book Library
- What is Celebrate Recovery?
- How to Pray | A Guide for Beginners
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Join our Facebook community, the Sharing Life and Love Sisters Bible Study Group, if you would like to watch live videos that walk through various Bible studies. Our community is for ladies only at this time and is called the Sharing Life and Love Sisters Bible Study Group.
How did you do in the Bible Study – Discover Your Calling Week 2? Did you learn of any new benefits of following God’s Will for not only your calling but your life? It can be quite the revelation, right? Enjoy this journey of discovery, as it might only come once in this life!

The Lord is not slow to fulfill His promise as some count slowness, but is patient toward you, not wishing that any should perish but that all should reach repentance. – 2 Peter 3:9