The SOAP Bible Study Method Worksheet


The SOAP Bible study method is a practical way of studying the Bible and applying what you learn to your life. Use this FREE worksheet to record the scripture you are studying, your observations, applications for your life, and a personal prayer to God. Use this worksheet as you spend quality time exploring God’s word. This colorful printable is a great tool for using the SOAP Bible study method! Enjoy!

The SOAP Bible study method is a practical way of studying the Bible and applying what you learn to your life. Use this FREE worksheet to record the scripture you are studying, your observations, applications for your life, and a personal prayer to God. Use this worksheet as you spend quality time exploring God’s word. This colorful printable is a great tool for using the SOAP Bible study method! Enjoy!


With the SOAP Bible study method, first, you just read or write down the scripture you are studying. Then, you make observations on the Bible verse (Who, What, When, Where, Why, How) to better understand what’s happening. Next, you figure out how to apply it to your life. Finally, you pray to God, asking Him to reveal Himself in the Bible verses you are studying.


The SOAP Bible study method is one of the easiest ways to study the Bible, so if you are struggling with making Bible study a daily habit! In the SOAP Bible study method article, we go over the details involved in the Bible study method, how to use it successfully, some tips and recommendations when you study the Bible, an example, and so much more!

Created by Shana D Scott & Michele L Kelsey

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