celebrate recovery lessons

Celebrate Recovery lesson 19

Celebrate Recovery Lesson 19: Crossroads + Free Worksheet

With Celebrate Recovery lesson 19, we come to a place of new beginnings – in more ways than one, because we not only start a new study guide book, but we also start a new chapter in our recovery! You will begin to look at how you can “maintain” your sobriety or a sense of peace in your recovery! It’s a time for self-reflection, examination, and the beginning of new habits! How exciting!! Grab a free original worksheet with this lesson, too!

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Celebrate Recovery lesson 18

Celebrate Recovery Lesson 18: Grace + Free Study Guide

An unforgettable thing happens in recovery during Celebrate Recovery lesson 18 because you receive a gift – one that you did not know you were due, one you certainly did not earn, and one that will change your life in a positive way. It’s called grace! Celebrate Recovery lesson 18 is an essential part of completing Principle 6. You’ve done many things with this principle, so you can handle this step, I promise! Grab a free study guide with this lesson, too!

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celebrate recovery lesson 17 how to forgive

Celebrate Recovery Lesson 17: Forgiveness +Free Study Guide

As we step into Celebrate Recovery lesson 17, you will notice we are getting braver and braver. More courage is required as you take this step of offering forgiveness to others, but you CAN do this! It will just require a bit of dedication and motivation – nothing you can’t handle! Think about all the people who have forgiven you during your life. Think about God’s forgiveness – a wonderful gift we have never deserved! Forgiveness is truly a beautiful thing!

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Celebrate Recovery lesson 16-Amends

Celebrate Recovery Lesson 16: Amends +Free Study Guide

A challenging step in recovery occurs in Celebrate Recovery lesson 16 as you offer amends for any harm you have caused to others. This takes serious courage, but it is a very freeing experience that you won’t want to miss out on. Celebrate Recovery lesson 16 is necessary as you learn how to make amends to those you have wronged in your life. Be brave and take this step seriously; it will change your life!

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Celebrate Recovery Lesson 15

Celebrate Recovery Lesson 15: Victory +Free Study Guide

A life-changing step happens in recovery during Celebrate Recovery lesson 15, because you gain victory over your character defects. You do this by making serious changes in your life. These changes will result in positive outcomes! Things happen for a reason and overcoming your shortcomings will bring new light to things that need to change in your life! Celebrate Recovery lesson 15 is important as it helps you remove all your shortcomings and make changes that will benefit your life.

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celebrate recovery lesson 14

Celebrate Recovery Lesson 14: Ready +Free Study Guide

One of the most productive steps in recovery happens in Celebrate Recovery lesson 14 as you get ready to make some serious change in your life. As you discover and learn about the changes that you need to make, get excited! Understand that everything happens for a reason and you’ll likely turn into a more well-adjusted person after you’ve made the needed changes in your life! Celebrate Recovery lesson 14 is vital because it helps you change any hiccups in your character!

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Cr Lesson 13

Celebrate Recovery Lesson 13: Admit +Free Study Guide

One of the bravest steps that you can take in recovery is Celebrate Recovery lesson 13 because you continue the process of admitting wrong in your life. Without this step, you might slide back into mistakes that you thought you conquered. As you move forward in recovery, embrace all the positive changes that will happen! Celebrate Recovery lesson 13 is critical because it helps you admit where you have gone wrong and head toward the future!

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Celebrate Recovery Lesson 12: Confess (Free Study Guide)

One of the scariest steps in recovery happens in Celebrate Recovery lesson 12 as you begin the process of confession in your life. Without confession, you might end up repeating your mistakes (the ones you thought you were past) over and over again. Embrace the positive changes that need to happen through the help of this step! Learn to admit where you have gone wrong and find out how to move forward positively!

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Celebrate Recovery Lesson 11: Spiritual Inventory

Celebrate Recovery Lesson 11: Spiritual Inventory Part 2

Celebrate Recovery Lesson 11: Spiritual Inventory Part 2 helps you complete the inventory for your life. Without the inventory, your recovery would not be complete. In Celebrate Recovery lesson 11, you will work on your spiritual inventory, which is possible with the help of the Lord! Celebrate Recovery lesson eleven will include all of the previous lessons on your road to recovery! Use the FREE Inventory Worksheet in this lesson or the one found in the CR study guide. In this lesson, I share more of my story and my advice! Enjoy!

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Celebrate Recovery Lesson 10

Celebrate Recovery Lesson 10: Spiritual Inventory Part 1

Celebrate Recovery Lesson 10: Spiritual Inventory Part 1 helps you create the inventory for your entire life. Without the inventory, your recovery process would not be complete. In Celebrate Recovery lesson 10, you will continue to work on your spiritual inventory, which is impossible without the Lord! While many things are possible in this world, with God, all things are possible! Celebrate Recovery lesson ten will include all of the previous lessons on your road to recovery! Use the FREE Moral Inventory Worksheet in this lesson or the one found in the CR study guide.

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Celebrate Recovery Lesson 9: Inventory (Free Worksheet)

One of the most important parts of your recovery happens in Celebrate Recovery lesson 9: Inventory because you create the moral inventory of your whole life. Without this step, your recovery process would not be complete. During this lesson, you will need to stay positive, as you will be looking once again at both the good and the bad of your life. It will be a challenge, but it will strengthen you at the same time. In Celebrate Recovery lesson 9, you will write your moral inventory – a task that is impossible without the help of the Lord! Remember that many things are possible in this world, but with God, all things are possible (Mark 10:27).

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Celebrate Recovery Lesson 8: Moral (Free Worksheet)

Probably the most difficult part of recovery begins in Celebrate Recovery lesson 8 because you start taking a moral inventory of your entire life. If you didn’t take this step, you might have trouble moving forward with your recovery as a moral inventory is part of the process. You will find the right motivation to write your moral inventory here because we will cover the basics you need to know to accomplish this task! Celebrate Recovery lesson eight is critical as it encompasses all of the previous lessons, placing you firmly on your road to recovery! Check out this article to learn more about how to get started creating your moral inventory!

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Celebrate Recovery Lesson 7: Sponsor (Why You Need One)

One of the most rewarding parts of recovery happens in Celebrate Recovery lesson 7 (Sponsor) because you get to know someone you will become very intimate with. You will get to know this person very well, or rather they will get to know you very well! Without this part of Celebrate Recovery, you won’t be able to complete the 12 steps that make up the complete recovery process. This lesson will guide you through what a sponsor is and how one can best help you through your recovery. It will also cover your accountability partners – another important aspect of Celebrate Recovery or any recovery program for that matter!

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