51 Prayers for Your Husband Printable Prayer Cards


These 51 Prayers for your Husband printable prayer cards are a practical way of honoring God and reminding yourself to pray for your husband daily. Praying for your husband will bless your marriage in many ways. Use this FREE printable to remind you of specific scriptures to pray over your husband, to honor God through your marriage, to create a habit of praying for your husband, and as a personal prayer to God. Use the individual prayer cards and spend time in God’s word. Enjoy praying for your husband with guidance!


These 51 Prayers for your Husband printable prayer cards are a practical way of honoring God and reminding yourself to pray for your husband daily. Praying for your husband will bless your marriage in many ways. Use this FREE printable to remind you of specific scriptures to pray over your husband, to honor God through your marriage, to create a habit of praying for your husband, and as a personal prayer to God. Use the individual prayer cards and spend time in God’s word. Enjoy praying for your husband with guidance!


This printable can be cut out into 54 individual prayer cards. Fifty-one of the cards have preset prayers for your husband. The final three cards are blank for your own personal prayers. You can then apply these prayers to your daily schedule. Use these prayers as guides to pray and speak scripture over your husband.


Praying for your husband not only wraps him in the Spirit of God but also helps him throughout his day in many ways. You can also use these prayers for your future husband, your daughter’s husband, or the type of husband your son will be one day! Get creative as you use these prayers and make them helpful to your life! 

Created by Michele L. Kelsey & Shana D. Scott

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