Celebrate Recovery 8 Principles

This FREE printable has listed on it the Celebrate Recovery 8 Principles! Enjoy having these 8 principles at your fingertips or in preparation for an upcoming meeting! This is a one-page printable. It’s a simple download at no cost to you. Use in conjunction with the article Celebrate Recovery 8 Principles or as part of your CR literature. Beautifully made, this printable sheet is meant to help you on your road to recovery. Enjoy!

This FREE printable has listed on it the Celebrate Recovery 8 Principles! Enjoy having these 8 principles at your fingertips or in preparation for an upcoming meeting! This is a one-page printable. It’s a simple download at no cost to you. Use in conjunction with the article Celebrate Recovery 8 Principles or as part of your CR literature. Beautifully made, this printable sheet is meant to help you on your road to recovery. 


If you’ve only just begun Celebrate Recovery, please check out the article on Celebrate Recovery and what it is. Celebrate Recovery is a Christ-centered recovery program for anyone with hurts, habits, or hang-ups. If you’ve joined a step study, you might enjoy Celebrate Recovery Lesson 1 – Denial, as it begins the coverage of the 25 lessons that make up the CR curriculum.  That lesson includes a FREE study guide, as well.

Created by Michele L Kelsey


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