Discover Your Calling Week 4

Discover Your Calling Week 4 | How to Trust God’s Will (Rahab)

In Discover Your Calling Week 4, we learn exactly how to trust God’s Will and obey it accordingly.

Before we are able to submit to God’s Will (HIS purpose for our lives), we must have faith. If you look at the origin of the word faith, you see the words believe and trust there. We must believe in our God and trust that HE has a plan for our lives – a purpose that will matter.

As we go through the next few days, you will see similar concepts explored – risking it all and sacrificing everything. When you take a deeper look, you’ll notice that these ideas must be reiterated because trust has to be in place before you can earnestly seek God’s Will for your life.

Rahab shows us that she has tremendous courage as she housed complete strangers. Why would she be willing to risk it all? How did she get the faith she had? Where did this belief come from?

The Bible might not contain every detail that would be needed to answer these questions, but what about relevant questions for us? God is not OUR enemy, right? So, why do we have trouble putting all of our faith and trust in Him when someone like Rahab could? 

As you study this character, consider the ways you are holding back. 

Have you fully surrendered your heart and submitted your actions to God? How are you still holding back? This is between you and God. Be real this week. 

Take a few moments to pray about this. If nothing is placed on your heart, pray for someone unknown. There are plenty out there who do not have the courage or means to ask for the spiritual help they need.

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Day 16 – Risking It All For God

In Discover Your Calling Week 4, day 16, we see how Rahab risked it all for God.

Read Joshua 2 for the story of Rahab. It’s important that we do not allow fear to prevent us from doing God’s Will. Your calling might be an unpopular choice amongst your family or friends. It could mean that you need to distance yourself from certain environments.

Look at what Rahab sacrificed for her faith. She risked everything for people she did not know, and she did this at a scary cost. Her life could have been over in the blink of an eye!

So, how did she proceed? She did what was right because she trusted the God of Israel to be the One True God.

When push comes to shove, are you willing to step out in faith? What barriers stand in your way? Are you showing God you are serious about His mission for you by the way you act, speak, and behave? Take the time to really think about your answers to these questions.

If you have identified a few things that you know are hindrances to fulfilling your God-given purpose, what small steps could you take to get through those barriers? For example, you could begin to pray more about the matter or speak to a church leader for further insight.

We must trust God’s plan for our lives if we are to be used by Him in wondrous ways. 

Discover Your Calling Week 4

Day 16 – Biblework

Today’s Verses: Joshua 2

Read the following additional verse(s): Joshua 1:9; Psalm 9:10; Psalm 28:7; Proverbs 3:5-7

Answer these questions:

  1. What was Rahab risking by protecting the spies?
  2. Why do you think Rahab had the courage that she did?
  3. Is there anything in the way of your calling? What?
  4. How are you allowing excuses, hindrances, or barriers to stand in the way of your calling?
  5. What will you do about them?

Digging Deeper:

Dig into Joshua 1:8-9. What are we told will happen at the end of verse 8? Do a word study on the main words here. It will depend on the translation you use, but the NASB uses the terms prosperous and success. How do these definitions vary from the everyday definitions of them?

Related: How to Do a Word Study When Doing a Bible Study

Day 17 – Giving Up Who You Once Were

In Discover Your Calling Week 4, day 17, we learn about giving up who we previously were.

In Joshua 2:1, we learn that Rahab was a prostitute. Clearly, that impacted the spies’ decision to stay with her. As we look into her story, we can see that she impacted the genealogy of future leaders of Israel. Do you remember her story and the family tree that she is a part of?

Ruth is another example of someone we studied who gave up her identity to become part of God’s chosen people. These women let go of who they once were to become part of something that still impacts us today. Do you see it?

We often have to strip ourselves of the baggage we carry in order to fulfill what God wants us to do. That could mean giving up a bad habit, forgiving someone who has done something wrong to us, or even attending Christian recovery meetings or counseling.

Learn how to give up the old and put on the new in reading Colossians 3. Make a list of what we are to put off and what we are to put on. Verse 10 tells us that we receive a new nature.

How beautiful is the image of shedding the heavy baggage that weighs down your soul and putting on your special armor (Ephesians 6:10-20), given to us by God? Wow! That might just give you chills, as it did me!!

What About You?

You might be holding on to who you once were or be hindered by things in your past, but God knows this. He has a special role for you, regardless of that stuff. Put it behind you and look toward your eternal role – a calling designated by Him just for you!!

Discover Your Calling Week 4

Day 17 – Biblework

Today’s Verses: Joshua 2:1; Ephesians 6:10-20; Colossians 3

Read the following additional verse(s): Psalm 51:10; Ephesians 2:10; Romans 12:2

Answer these questions:

  1. What encompasses a worldly mindset over a godly one?
  2. What did you learn from your list from the book of Colossians
  3. What do you need to let go of? 
  4. What are you ready to embrace?
  5. How can you think more about things in Heaven over things on Earth (Colossians 3:2)? What does this reveal about your calling?

Digging Deeper:

Do a brief topical study on at least one of the terms you will try to “put on” from your Colossians list. What other verses relate to this term? If you pick self-control, for example, you might look up Ecclesiastes 7:9. To rejoice more, you might want to read 1 Thessalonians 5:16.

Learn how to do a topical study in the Bible.

Day 18 – Sacrificing for God

In Discover Your Calling Week 4, day 18, we discover the value of sacrificing for the Lord.

Did you know that you are one of a kind? God made you special. Maybe you’ve heard that before and know that you have great things to offer the world, or perhaps you are stuck in a negative mindset, wondering what your worth truly is.

Why did the spies target Rahab? Could it be that maybe she had something they did not – a safe place to hide? God gave her what she needed to fulfill her calling in the same way that He has done this for you. She had faith, and He met her needs fully.

Read Joshua 6, paying close attention to verses 21 through 25. How did Rahab’s story end?

Think about your circumstances carefully. In what ways are you blessed? Where do your special talents lie?

When we sacrifice for God, it should not be leftovers. God is our Father, our Creator, and the One we owe it all to! We should be jumping excitedly to serve Him, not grumbling or making excuses – even if they are completely valid.

If you are looking for a starting point, consider giving a tithing (giving 10%) of your time, money, or effort in a new way. Maybe you have a talent or skill that you can share with others to spread the Gospel. Perhaps you are good at fellowship. Thrive for God!

God will bless what you give, and He always provides for those who are faithful to Him.

Discover Your Calling Week 4

Day 18 – Biblework

Today’s Verses: Joshua 6

Read the following additional verse(s): Proverbs 5:21; Hebrews 11:31; James 2:25

Answer these questions:

  1. Whose lives were spared, according to Joshua 6?
  2. What areas are you thriving in? 
  3. How can you use them for God’s glory?
  4. What steps could you take to share your God-given gifts on a regular basis?
  5. Who do you already know who is an example of someone using gifts from God?

Digging Deeper:

Hebrews 11 names many heroes of faith. List the ones you are not very familiar with. Do a character study so that you can determine why they are listed among those who were faithful. What traits landed them in that ranking? How do you compare? Are changes needed?

Related: How to Do a Bible Character Study

Day 19 – Trusting God When It Hurts

In Discover Your Calling Week 4, day 19, we see what trusting God when it hurts looks like.

From Joshua 2 and 6, we learn that Rahab was quite courageous. She took a big risk by allowing those spies to hide in her house. She was a trusting, fearful believer in our God. She likely had to overcome some great fears in order to be so brave.

We were never promised in the Bible that life would be easy. In fact, we are almost guaranteed a more challenging life if we go “against the grain” of societal norms. To be a follower of Jesus, we must face our biggest fears head-on.

We are taught that when it hurts, we need to fix it – whatever “it” is. However, if you are on a mission for the Lord (your calling), you’ll likely experience the opposite. You’ll see a “pull” when you want to “push.” Pain, fear, and anxiety will happen from time to time.

So, what is a Christian to do? First, take a deep breath and say a prayer about your anxious thoughts. Next, remember your fears are only as powerful as you allow them to be. In other words, having “mind over matter” can often be helpful. Finally, read about others!

What About You?

Finding inspiration from stories in the Bible where individuals have trusted God will give you a great amount of strength and resolve. 

You might even find yourself unstoppable if you dive into the story of David and Goliath (1 Samuel 17) or Gideon and his army of 300 (Judges 7). Look at how faith in God helped them thrive! Really see yourself in the lives of others, and your passion will bloom!

Do not allow your fears or anxious thoughts to stop you from fulfilling your calling!

Discover Your Calling Week 4

Day 19 – Biblework

Today’s Verses: Joshua 2; Joshua 6; 1 Samuel 17; Judges 7

Read the following additional verse(s): Psalm 55:22; Isaiah 41:10; John 14:27; 2 Timothy 1:7

Answer these questions:

  1. Why might Rahab, David, or Gideon have felt anxious? 
  2. How can you relate?
  3. What are your persistent anxious thoughts or fears?
  4. How has your faith evolved since first having those unwanted thoughts?
  5. What can you do to make adjustments in your life today?

Digging Deeper:

Psalm 55:22 has a powerful promise. What other verses show us that God cares about us? Check out 1 Peter 5:7. Does this verse relieve some anxiety? Find a few more verses that relate to anxious states of mind. Keep a list of verses like this in your Bible or journal.

Related: How to Create a Prayer Journal

Day 20 – Knowing the True Value of Choosing God’s Will

In Discover Your Calling Week 4, day 20, we learn of the true value of choosing God’s Will over that of the world.

Rahab’s story did not end in Joshua 2. We read of her salvation in Joshua 6, but she is also mentioned elsewhere in the Bible (Matthew 1:5, Hebrews 11:31, and James 2:25). 

She was a notable character not just because of her faith in God but also due to the fact that she became an ancestor of Jesus. If you knew the impact you would have on the world, would your choices be different? Would you jump at the chance to serve God?

The truth is that we do not know at this time how our legacy, our words, our actions, or anything else we do will impact the world once we are gone. We do know that God loves us (John 3:16) and wants us to fulfill the roles He created us for (1 Corinthians 7:17). 

What About You?

If you are still wondering what your role is, do not fear. God will reveal it all in His time. It’s important to understand that His timing is perfect and not for us to question.

When you are uncertain of your particular mission, consider the commands of all Christians. 

There are over 50 one-another commandments in the Bible. It can take a lifetime to learn and understand them all, but if you put love above everything else, you will likely treat others according to God’s Will.

Upon pursuing the most important commandment to love one another (John 13:34-35), work to spread the Gospel to unbelievers. You often don’t even have to travel the world to do that!

The value of your specific calling will depend on how you use it! Wait on God’s timing for your role if it has not been revealed to you yet!

Discover Your Calling Week 4

Day 20 – Biblework

Today’s Verses: Joshua 2; Joshua 6; Matthew 1:5; John 3:16; John 13:34-35; 1 Corinthians 7:17; Hebrews 11:31; James 2:25 

Read the following additional verse(s): Matthew 5:43-48; John 15:12; Acts 2:42; Galatians 5:14

Answer these questions:

  1. Who was Rahab in relation to King David? 
  2. To Jesus?
  3. How can people use their gifts to show love to unbelievers?
  4. In what ways are you trusting God with your calling?
  5. Where are you holding back? What changes will you make today?

Digging Deeper:

Jesus ties the 10 commandments in with the Greatest Commandment to love one another. Research the 4 types of love listed in the Bible. You will need to do a word study on love and define it according to these 4 words. Which types of love is Jesus referring to in John 13?

Bonus Bible Study Resources

Use these Bible study resources to enhance your time with God!

More Sharing Life and Love Bible Studies

How to Build a Quiet Time with God – In this 8-week Bible study, you will walk through the book of Psalms. Also, you’ll create a quiet time with God.

FREE Ruth 9-Week Bible Study – Learn about Ruth and what she achieved in her lifetime in this valuable Bible study!

Create Your Own God-Centered Goals – In this 5-day Bible study, you learn about goals and how to create ones that are centered on the Lord.

Additional Helpful Resources

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In Discover Your Calling Week 4, we have learned what giving it up for God is all about in studying the story of Rahab in the Bible. Do you trust God’s Will for your life, or are you still struggling to sacrifice everything for Him? Pray it out. He is always listening!

Discover Your Calling Week 4

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