Celebrate Recovery Step 10

Celebrate Recovery Step 10 | Inventory (3 Simple Ways to Start)

Celebrate Recovery Step 10 is about taking a personal inventory in recovery and admitting any wrong you have done. In the article for the last step, Step 9, we covered making direct amends to people. Now, on this journey, you’ll need to dig deeper. 

This 12-step recovery program called Celebrate Recovery is very similar to Alcoholics Anonymous. The Step 10 in AA is the same as that in CR.

If you are new to the 12 steps of recovery, please start by reading Celebrate Recovery Step One! If you were already on this journey with us and want to review the last article, please check out Celebrate Recovery Step 9

In Celebrate Recovery Step 10, you will learn how to take a daily inventory of your life, asking specific questions and learning to create a healthy habit that will keep you on the road to recovery.

Celebrate Recovery Step 10 can give you the tools you need to succeed and will challenge your thinking as you develop new habits and implement new insights into your recovery walk.

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What is Celebrate Recovery Step 10?

As mentioned, Step 10 for AA is the same as Celebrate Recovery Step 10. Remember, there are 8 Principles of Recovery in the CR program. These principles are based on the Beatitudes found in the Bible. The 12 steps of CR are the same as the 12 steps in AA. 

Celebrate Recovery Step 10 states: We continued to take personal inventory and, when we were wrong, promptly admitted it. Celebrate Recovery Step 10 corresponds with Celebrate Recovery Principle 7 of the 8 Celebrate Recovery Principles.

All of the numbers in Celebrate Recovery (the principles, steps, and lessons) can get confusing, so be sure to check out this FREE list of CR Numbers. It will clarify things as you move forward in Celebrate Recovery Step 10.

Celebrate Recovery Principle 7 states: Reserve a daily time with God for self-examination, Bible reading, and prayer in order to know God and His Will for my life and to gain the power to follow His Will. 

Celebrate Recovery Step 10

What Does Celebrate Recovery Step 10 Mean?

In Celebrate Recovery step 10, we take the time to evaluate our lives as we continue to take personal inventory. At this time, we also promptly admit any instances where we are wrong.

To accomplish Celebrate Recovery Step 10, we need to take a personal inventory of both the good and bad parts of our days, promptly admit any wrongs, keep a Step 10 journal, summarize your Step 10 journal, commit Scripture to memory, and work all steps the best you can.

Celebrate Recovery Step 10 corresponds with Celebrate Recovery Lesson 19 – Crossroads and Celebrate Recovery Lesson 20 – Daily Inventory. For more details about Step 10, be sure to check out those two articles, which go into further details and provide a free worksheet.

Celebrate Recovery Step 10

How to Accomplish Celebrate Recovery Step 10

In Celebrate Recovery Step 10, we learn of the importance of taking a personal daily inventory so that we can analyze the good and the bad that occurs throughout our day. During this analysis, we can find any wrongdoings that we need to make right.


A chief part of accomplishing CR Step 10 is reserving a daily time with God for self-examination, which you can easily do through your daily inventory. As you confess your wrongs or your sins to God, ask Him for guidance to help you not repeat those wrongs again.

If you do not currently have a quiet time with God, you should develop one. Our Psalms Bible Study walks you through how to create your own quiet time with God. The 8-week study will go through all of the details of developing your quiet time and keeping it a priority!

If you do not currently have a relationship with God at all, you are truly missing out. If you do not know where to start in developing a relationship with God, please explore the Spiritual Growth section of our website. We have many resources and articles available to help!

Celebrate Recovery Step 10

Bible Reading (and Bible Study)

Another aspect of accomplishing CR Step 10 is daily Bible reading (and Bible study). If you have never read the Bible all the way through, you can begin today. It is never too late to soak yourself in God’s Word. Learn who God is and how the Bible is His love story to us!

We have an entire section of this website devoted to Bible study, as well as a Facebook Bible Study Group. Learn why you should study the Bible, what a Bible study is, and how to really dig deep with the Inductive Bible Study Method.

Maybe you are not ready to study the Bible. (You can start studying the Bible at any time!) Perhaps you just want to know how to get started reading the Bible. A great way to start reading is with a Bible Reading Plan (Free 12-month Plan Included).

Celebrate Recovery Step 10


Prayer is the other component of CR Step 10’s principle to know God. Prayer can connect you with God in new ways. You can learn to show Him praise and adoration, share gratitude and thanksgiving, and petition Him for specific prayer requests.

If you do not know how to pray, it is never too late. You can begin with a prayer journal or just by speaking your prayers out loud. If you have created your daily quiet time with God, use that time to speak to God about your worries or concerns. Nothing is impossible for God!

Another great resource is found in our prayer tips! There are more than one hundred tips to help you get started with prayer. Even if you are a seasoned prayer warrior, you can find many new ideas and ways to spark your prayer life in our prayer articles.

Celebrate Recovery Step 10

Bonus Tips for Celebrate Recovery Step 10

In order to get the most out of this series, be sure to try multiple suggestions as you work Celebrate Recovery Step 10. If one thing does not work for you, try something else.

  • Connect with other people in recovery at a Celebrate Recovery meeting! Meet like-minded, non-judgmental people. Check out the 30 benefits of going to a CR meeting!
  • To truly thrive in your recovery, join a Celebrate Recovery Step Study! While the meetings will get you started and are great first steps, a step study helps you grow and bond with others.
  • One way God speaks to us is through Bible verses. Be sure to implant them on your heart. One way to do this is to memorize scripture! Start with John 3:16, Mark 10:27, or Psalm 23.
  • Memorize the Serenity Prayer for continual comfort and to release any anxiety at any time and in any circumstance!
  • Keep going back to Celebrate Recovery! As it’s often said, it works if you work it! (It does take effort.)

Bonus Celebrate Recovery Step 10 Resources

These bonus Celebrate Recovery Step 10 resources will help you achieve CR Step 10 successfully!

A Celebrate Recovery Step 10 Video

Lesson 10 of Celebrate Recovery: Spiritual Inventory Part 1

Other Celebrate Recovery Step 10 Resources


You now know how to take step 10 in recovery. Celebrate Recovery Step 10 helps you keep yourself accountable with a daily inventory. Look at how close you are to completing all 12 steps of recovery!

Don’t forget to trust the 12-step process and believe that God will get you through this. Think of the many this program has already helped! Maintain your hope, and you will surely see success!

Celebrate Recovery Step 10

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