There are endless Bible study questions you might be asking right now. What is the inductive Bible study method? Why is it popular? How can it help you achieve your Bible study goals? Maybe you want to discover something new or understand the inductive method more fully.
Have you ever wondered how other people study the Bible? How do they understand God’s Word?
Maybe you do understand the Bible fully but would like to try a new Bible study method. This article was written for you as you will learn all about the inductive method and why you should give it a try.
Everyone can and should use the inductive Bible study method at least once. Where is the harm in attempting it? It might be just the spiritual challenge that you have been looking for!
Learn more about these questions in this article: What is the inductive Bible study method? Is it right for me? Why should I use it? How can I get started and make the most of it?
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What is the Inductive Bible Study Method?
Is your top question, what is the inductive Bible study method? Perhaps you wonder, what is Bible study? That article will provide you with a beginner’s guide to Bible study. Maybe you are thinking, why should I study the Bible? You can also learn where to start reading the Bible.
If you are interested in the inductive method, we will go over that now. The inductive Bible study method involves 3 main elements: Observation, Interpretation, and Application. With these, you can examine the Bible verses that you are studying and apply all of them to your life.
This means that you will walk away with practical applications that you can use from one day to the next. The word inductive just means that you use certain elements of observation to determine the meaning and application of the text you are studying.
When you use the inductive Bible study method, you are really digging deeply into the text of the Bible. You might not define every single word as you might with the verse mapping method, but you will define quite a few and learn to mark those words with symbols or markings.
This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night so that you may be careful to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success. – Joshua 1:8
Is the Inductive Bible Study Method Right for Me?
The inductive Bible study method digs deep into the Word. If you are short on time or tend to be impatient, the inductive Bible study method might not be the best method for you. It might be more prudent to use the SOAP Bible study method or the SWORD method for Bible study.
Another way to determine if the inductive Bible study method is right for you is to just try it. You can use the method on a short book of the Bible or on only one chapter of a book of the Bible. A good starting point for a chapter study is John 1. A short book to study is 1 John or Jude.
Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path. – Psalm 119:105
How can I learn the Inductive Bible Study Method?
Precept Ministries and a few other organizations, such as Beloved Truth, offer free Bible studies using the inductive Bible study method. These studies are typically offered online, but there are many in the metropolitan areas of most major cities.
While the courses are free, you must pay for the books, which are not bound. Because of this, they tend to be very affordable. If you are looking for a classroom experience, those are great choices. However, in most classes, they do not teach the inductive method, but they use it.

How will I know for sure if the Inductive Bible Study Method is right for me?
Continue to try different methods of Bible study until you find one that “clicks” with you. Since we are all made differently, there is no way to know for sure if this method is right for you without you giving it a try. You can print a copy of a short amount of text to practice the method.
Toward the end of this article, we will provide you with resources to utilize the inductive Bible study method more fully. This way, you can purchase books and resources or find online free resources that will teach you the inductive Bible study method.
All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work. – 2 Timothy 3:16-17
5 Smart Reasons to Try the Inductive Bible Study Method
Now that you know what the inductive Bible study method is, you can learn the many reasons that you should use it. Please review the Scriptures provided above for additional reasons to study the Bible more in-depth. For example, study for teaching, correcting, and training.
If you are new to Bible study, you’ll want to have some structure and guidance on your journey. An easy Bible study is our Psalms study.
The Psalms Bible study walks you through how to set up your quiet time with God. It is an 8-week study with a walk through most of the Psalms. This is perfect for new Christians or ones returning to the faith. At the end of the study, you will have built your quiet time with God.

1 – The Inductive Bible Study Method Will Challenge You.
If you have ever prayed for patience, here is where God is answering that prayer. You must learn to be very patient as you mark the majority of the key terms in the text that you are studying. This is not a bad thing! In fact, it can be quite enjoyable!!
As you determine which words to mark (in the New Inductive Study Bible, the terms are given to you), you can create a “key” that you can use to list out the keywords and add symbols to each one. Make sure that you create easy symbols so that marking does not become cumbersome.
If you prefer to have them already designed, my friend Megan Allen has a great keyword list that she made, as well as instructions on how to get started with this method. Another thorough resource for keyword markings is Kari Dent. She has a full list of key terms.
I have stored up your word in my heart, that I might not sin against you. – Psalm 119:11

2 – With the Inductive Bible Study Method, You Go Deep.
Similar to verse mapping, with the inductive Bible study method, you study in depth. This means that you will define and mark most key terms listed in the chapter or book that you are studying. To do this, you will want to do word studies. In that article, I explain how to do a word study fully.
You will also define the main questions that you ask in any situation: who, what, where, when, why, and how. You might have additional questions that you ask in any circumstance. Also, as you read and try to fully grasp the original meaning of a text, you’ll come up with your own.
Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who has no need to be ashamed, rightly handling the word of truth. – 2 Timothy 2:15

3 – The Inductive Bible Study Method is Free and Fun.
Two of the most appealing reasons to try the inductive method are that it is free and fun! As long as you own a Bible, you can practice this method! If you do not own a Bible, check out Bibles for America. They will ship you a free Bible, or you can use a mobile Bible or one online.
There is a mobile application called the Inductive Bible Study Method App. This app helps you do all that you can do on paper on your smartphone instead. You can create symbols for keywords, mark keywords as you wish, and do individual studies provided by the ministry.
To start the inductive Bible study method on paper, all you need are some colored marking utensils, such as colored pencils or highlighters, your Bible, and some paper. Plus, if you are even a tiny bit creative, you will really enjoy the marking system this method calls for.
My son, do not forget my teaching, but let your heart keep my commandments for the length of days and years of life and peace they will add to you. – Proverbs 3:1-2
4 – With the Inductive Bible Study Method, You Teach Yourself.
This is one of my favorite reasons for using the inductive study method. With it, you are able to not only teach yourself what you need to know but you also retain the information better when you are the teacher. As the teacher, you can instruct yourself about what you learn.
Additionally, since you are the only one besides the Lord who knows exactly what you need, you will do an excellent job when you get to the application step. You know which areas need improvement in your life and where you are shining. This gives you unbeatable insight.
But in your hearts honor Christ the Lord as holy, always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you; yet do it with gentleness and respect, – 1 Peter 3:15

5 – The Inductive Bible Study Method Gives You Endless Opportunities.
While I’ve spent several years doing this Bible study method, usually with a Precept Ministries’ class, I must confess that I have only gotten through a few books of the Bible. Unlike a Bible reading plan, it takes a lifetime to get through the whole Bible – literally.
This can be a good thing or a negative one. The negative is that if you want to get through studying the whole Bible, you will need to work on it non-stop and really be motivated, consistent, and dedicated to finishing your work.
The positive is that you will never get bored, will always have room to grow, and will always have something to study. If you are anything like me and enjoy studying all the time, you will love it. You will always have something to fill any gaps in your schedule.
She looks well to the ways of her household and does not eat the bread of idleness. – Proverbs 31:27
Top Resources to Use with the Inductive Bible Study Method
How to Study Your Bible: Discover the Life-Changing Approach to God’s Word – This should be your go-to book when using the inductive Bible study method. Written by Kay Arthur, these 15 chapters will teach you the steps of the method – observation, interpretation, and application.
How to Study Your Bible Workbook: Discover the Life-Changing Approach to God’s Word – This workbook is written by Kay Arthur and covers the same topic as the book listed above, but it teaches the application step, as you learn to apply the 3 steps of the method in Bible studies.
Lord, Teach Me To Study the Bible in 28 Days – This Bible study workbook is written by Kay Arthur and teaches you to apply the inductive Bible study method by studying the shorter books of Jonah and Jude, for example. This will help you practice what you’ve learned.
The New Inductive Study Bible (ESV) – This Bible is designed for the Inductive Bible Study Method. In the front of the Bible, there is a 32-page explanation of the method. Additionally, there are instructions in front of each book to explain how to study that book of the Bible.
Discover the Bible for Yourself by Kay Arthur – If you do not purchase the Inductive Study Bible, this is a great book to have! It has the introduction information for each book of the Bible as well as which keywords to mark, which the Bible does have also.

Concluding Thoughts on the Inductive Bible Study Method
What is the inductive Bible study method? You can now answer that question, but just because you know what the inductive Bible study method is does not mean you know how to use it well. To do it well, you will need to practice and use the right resources.
Have you tried the inductive Bible study method? Did you love it or hate it? Which books of the Bible have you studied in depth like this? We’d love to hear all about it!
No matter what method you use for studying the Bible, you just need to keep going! There is never enough time to study the whole Bible, so be sure to get at it whenever you can. If you need help with your quiet time with God, check out our Psalms Bible study!
God bless you!