Knowing the right Scriptures and prayers for Bible study can be a challenge. What do you say? What do you pray for? How should you ask God for guidance and wisdom? Is one way right while another way is wrong? How do you know which is best?
Honestly, you might not get a clear answer to every question. This is not because our God changes; it’s because we do! There might be a time and a place for an hour-long prayer, where you spend your energy, emotional strength, and comfort getting close to God.
But we all know there are occasions when this just doesn’t work. You might need to keep it short due to a group setting. It might be inappropriate to be humorous in prayer when one group member has just lost a dear loved one. Wisdom and guidance are always needed before prayer.
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25+ Scriptures and Prayers for Bible Study
Use these prayers for Bible study as you fervently pray about the study you are a part of. Personalize them for your use during your time with God.
10 Printable Personal Prayers for Bible Study for Your Bible
The following prayers for Bible study are perfect to place in your Bible. If you enjoy Bible journaling or have a journaling Bible, you might want to cut one of the prayers down to size and add it to the front of your Bible with washi tape or glue.

Dear Heavenly Father,
As I read through Your Word today, remind me of Your promises.
Help me please commit this time to You wholeheartedly, as I always crave a stronger relationship with You.
Thank You for the many blessings You have given us. Open my heart to be more gracious and less self-focused.
Help me please to be a humble and holy child of Yours, making You proud every step of the way.
You are my everything, and I need You every second of every day.
I pray all things in Your precious name,

Dear Father in Heaven,
I believe in Your Word. I trust Your Word. Help me understand Your promises for me and grow spiritually more and more each day.
I commit this time to You today in the study of the Bible. I pray my knowledge increases and Your Will for my life becomes clearer.
As I dig into Your Word, please show me what to say “yes” to and what to say “no” to. Additionally, give me the courage to do Your Will.
Teach me what You wish me to know and how to apply it to my life.
In Your Holy Name,

Your Word is so precious to me. Thank You for blessing us with it. Please help me handle the Bible with care and learn from it with an eager heart.
Please provide me with wisdom, discernment, and a heart for obedience as I live out the truths I find in the Scriptures.
Thank You for my salvation.
In Jesus’ Name,
O LORD My God,
How great You are!
Thank You for Your Word.
Please help me open my heart and mind to receive and understand what I study in the Bible today.
As You teach me new things, please help me apply what I absorb in a way that is holy and pleasing to You.
I love and praise You!
In Your Name,
Thank You for giving me the opportunity to study the Bible and learn.
Please help me understand Your Word. Grant me wisdom so that I can help others increase their faith and grow Your Kingdom in Heaven!
Show me the words that would best help my loved ones and those who desperately need to hear them.
Please give me courage and strength today.
In Your Precious Name,

Thank You for the wonderful opportunity to dive into Your Word.
As I do, please help me understand and apply what I learn to my life.
Help me prosper in wisdom.
I long to have a deeper connection with You. Please help me grow in my faith.
I love You!
In Your Precious Name,
5 Printable Group Prayers for Bible Study
Group prayers for Bible study are perfect for Bible studies with more than one person. Consider adapting a prayer to meet the needs of your Bible study group.
Heavenly Father,
Thank You for the beautiful gift of Your Word.
Help us grow spiritually through this study and build a stronger relationship with You.
We trust Your promises that are found in the Bible and are excited to see what truths You reveal today.
Help open our eyes to what You would have us learn in this Bible study.
In Your Holy Name,

Dear Jesus,
Today, we thank You so much for allowing us to gather together to study Your Word, where You are alive and always present.
Keep our thoughts and minds present during the study and help us minimize distractions.
After our study, please help us retain the information You would have us learn from this study.
We love You and praise Your holy name.
In All Things and Always in Your Name, We Pray,
Today, we pray for this Bible study and thank You so much for allowing us to meet together and grow as Christians in one body.
As we dive into Your Word, please help us keep our minds open to what the Holy Spirit reveals.
Help us have a powerful faith in You and leave this study with loving hearts – hearts that reflect You and what You have taught us today in this study.
In Jesus’ Name,

Our Father in Heaven,
Today, we come before You and thank You for allowing us to have this Bible study.
Help us check our pride, insecurities, and self-doubt at the door.
Rather, teach us to act out of faith, love, hope, joy, and peace.
Help us emulate You in our empathy, sympathy, and loving ears.
What a joy we have in studying Your Word.
In Your Name,

Dearest Father in Heaven,
Thank You so much for allowing this beautiful group to meet and worship You together.
As we study Your Word today, please allow Your Spirit to touch our hearts and minds so that we can change, according to what You reveal to us in Your Word.
Please help us discern the truths and promises You want us to know.
In Your Precious Name,
10+ Scriptures on Bible Study
The following Bible verses on Bible study will encourage you on your walk with God. If you find it helpful, consider making scripture cards or prayer cards. You can then add them to your prayer closet.
Take up your cross and follow Me. – Matthew 16:24
Come near to God and He will come near to you. – James 4:8
All Scripture is inspired by God. – 2 Timothy 3:16
The one who seeks finds. – Luke 11:9-12
Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s Will is—His good, pleasing, and perfect will. Romans 12:2
For the Word of God is alive and active. – Hebrews 4:12
The one who follows instructions is on the path of life. – Proverbs 10:17
If you abide in Me and My words abide in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you. – John 15:7
Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path. – Psalm 119:105
For whatever was written in earlier times was written for our instruction, so that through perseverance and the encouragement of the Scriptures we might have hope. – Romans 15:4
I will meditate on Your precepts And regard Your ways. I shall delight in Your statutes; I shall not forget Your word. – Psalm 119:15-16
Prayers for Bible Study Resources
Grab our printable prayers and scriptures to increase your faith as you study the Bible. These simple prayer cards are perfect for your prayer closet or prayer binder. Use a bulletin board and post these or add your favorite ones to your Bible!
You might find it helpful to have a prayer journal in addition to these printable prayers for Bible study and Scripture cards, and there are many out there if you choose to look elsewhere. Additionally, if you are the creative type, you could make your own.
Frequently Asked Questions on Prayers for Bible Study
Do you still have questions about prayers for Bible study? Let’s try to answer them!
What is a good opening prayer for Bible study?
Dear Heavenly Father, As we begin our study today, please bless us with the knowledge and discernment to apply that knowledge according to Your Will. Help us stay focused and enjoy this time we can spend in fellowship together. We love You, LORD. Amen
How do you pray over a Bible study?
You can start with praise and thanksgiving. After that, it is wise to list any petitions you might have. For example, pray over anyone struggling in the Bible study group. You might also ask God to bless the study as you work through His Word.
What are good closing prayers for Bible study?
LORD, We thank You so much for the time that we shared together in this Bible study. Please bless our spiritual walks as we leave this place. Help us live out what we have learned today by studying Your Word. In Your Name, we pray, Amen.
How do you lead a prayer?
The first thing you will want to do in a group setting is to get everyone’s attention and get them to quiet down so that you can lead them in prayer. Once you have their attention, you can ask them to bow their heads in respect to God as you pray.
What is a prayer closet?
A prayer closet is an area where you go to pray. If you enjoy having a quiet time with God, a prayer closet can be very useful against distractions and chaos. It’s a great place to grab some alone time – a place where you can meditate on God’s Word and pray freely.
What are your favorite prayers for Bible study? Which of the provided prayers or Scripture cards will you be using? What are your favorite prayer tips when praying? We’d love to hear from you and learn what works and does not work in your prayer life.
God bless you!