Ruth Bible Study Week 2

Free Ruth Bible Study Week 2: How to Make Godly Decisions

In Ruth Bible study week 1, we talked about the setting of the book of Ruth, along with some of the first details revealed about her and her family. In Ruth Bible study week 2, we’ll examine how to make godly decisions and the excuses that make us change our minds.

Why DO we change our minds once we’ve already decided on something? I think it’s because of the popular word FOMO. FOMO stands for the Fear of Missing Out! Sound familiar? In the olden days, we used terms like “the grass is always greener” or “What if this or that happens?”

I was JUST studying the Bible and learned of a character in Judges 5 (Reuben) who had “Paralysis of Analysis,” a term I once heard. 

We should not sit around thinking and questioning whether we should be involved or act in one way or another. Because by the time we stop our “analysis,” the war will be over, and our chance to engage in battle will have passed. 

Have you ever experienced something like that? I always aim to weigh my options, so I’ve had this experience with this more than once! The next time you feel the urge to analyze a situation too much, consider the time you are wasting and consult God first and foremost!

Where would we be if Ruth had not followed Naomi because of paralysis of analysis?

Ruth Bible Study Week 2

Day 6 – Dealing with Ruminating Thoughts

In Ruth 1:6-7, you learn Naomi and her daughters-in-law have decided to head back to Judah. Why did they make this big move?

God provided for His people as He provides for us today. These three widows determined that moving to Judah would be more beneficial than staying in Moab. They had genuinely believed this was the best choice, given their circumstances and what was happening in Judah.

Have you ever decided to take action on an item only to change your mind completely at a later time? It’s as if our brains say, “Let’s do it!” Then, our insecurities kick in. 

We think, “Here are a million reasons NOT to do this!” And, given the excuses we come up with, we decide to go in a different direction.

Sometimes, this can be a wise course of action, but often, it is led by fear. Let’s look at how this applies to the story. We won’t dive into the Scriptures too deeply here (Read Ruth 1:11-13), but it is important to note that Naomi had many excuses as to why she should travel alone.

In other words, she changed her mind. Today’s verses show the three women united on a mission to travel to a land they haven’t been to in a long time. For Orpah and Ruth, it would be a foreign land where they would be at a disadvantage.

So, the burning question is, What thoughts might Naomi have that had her change her mind in the middle of their journey? Why did she leave with them in the first place (if she had all these excuses)?

When have excuses hindered you from doing God’s Will?

Related: 25 Unique Ways to Use a Bible

Ruth Bible Study Week 2

Day 7 – Naomi Changes Her Mind

Read Ruth 1:8-10. This brings us to a plot twist. Naomi decides to act on her thoughts and inform her only relatives that she needs to walk this road alone.

She is gracious about it, but she lets them know she has now decided to head to Judah alone. Look at the response of these women. They insist on going even though they were informed that Naomi wanted them to return to their homeland.

These verses show us that Naomi still believed in the Lord – something she likely passed on to her daughters-in-law. She asks that the Lord bless these women for their kindness. Even though her world had fallen apart, she seemed to have the Lord inside of her.

We cannot always be on good and perfect terms with God. There might be times when we get angry or feel a sense of resentment. Relationships are not perfect; this includes the one with our Father. Naomi still had God on her mind as she encouraged these girls to stay in Moab.

When she gathered the courage to tell them her decision, they all broke down and wept. The women explained that they still wanted to take this journey with her. Naomi must have been one noble or generous mother-in-law! Many people don’t have good relationships with their in-laws.

How can the kindness of the Lord be shown even during times of difficulty?

Related: How to Start Trusting God Even In Hard Times

Ruth Bible Study Week 2

Day 8 – Why Are There So Many Excuses?

In Ruth 1:11-15, we get a clearer picture as to why Naomi wanted the girls to stay behind in the land that was their home (Moab). The text does not explain why she suddenly had these excuses for her daughters-in-law, but it was not completely selfish.

Her reasons or excuses really do make sense for that day and time, but why didn’t she share them before they all began this long journey? Wouldn’t that have made more sense?? Write your thoughts in your notes.

Let’s look at the excuses that Naomi gave the women to stay behind in Moab. Keep in mind the cultural study we looked at last week. In most cases, women were better off if they had a man in their life or as their partner in marriage.

In your notes, list each excuse Naomi gave the girls to encourage them to stay in Moab. Which would be most compelling? 

Since we know the women wept over one another when they were going to say goodbye, it is reasonable to assume this was not an easy choice. However, did you notice Naomi’s attitude in Ruth 1:13? Who does she blame for her circumstances? Is this justifiable, in your opinion?

Naomi becomes rather negative as she blames God for her circumstances. When trials occur, do you get upset with our Creator, or do you do some self-examination? 

When negativity surfaces, always determine if you are acting in God’s Will, being obedient, and allowing Him to direct your path rather than insisting on complete control.

How could you be more gracious than negative today?

Related: Use a Daily Gratitude Journal to Be More Gracious

Ruth Bible Study Week 2

Day 9 – Making Sacrificial Choices

The most well-known verses in Ruth are found in Ruth 1:16-17. Often, these famous lines are quoted during weddings. Did you know that? 

Although they were not written in the sense that they are used in matrimonial ceremonies, they can be quite beautiful for that purpose.

Why are these words so impactful? When you look at the facts of the situation, you realize that there are dozens of reasons. The most relevant reason for this point, however, is that Ruth was making a very smart decision that affected her life forever.

List in your notes the things that Ruth promised to Naomi. What a beautiful covenant relationship!

Ruth showed immense courage and a radical commitment to her mother-in-law when she followed this different path. She went against the grain!

Where else do we witness incredible faith in the Bible? Read the following cross-reference verses for more accounts of those who gave up something for the Lord.

Read Genesis 22:1-12, Daniel 3:1-27, and Daniel 6:1-23. Are those not incredible stories??

Essentially, when we give something up for the Lord, we embrace something else. For example, you might give up on the latest Netflix show to spend more time in prayer. Perhaps you are tempted to do something you would typically regret.

We were never promised an easy life. Jesus reminds us to stay hopeful through turmoil because He was here and overcame the world (John 16:33). He now lives inside of you, so you can resist the urge to gossip or shun those you should embrace!

What are you sacrificing for God?

Related: 25 Characteristics of a Healthy Spiritual Marriage

Ruth Bible Study Week 2

Day 10 – What Real Commitment Looks Like

Yesterday, we saw courageous faith in Ruth when she left everything familiar to her in Moab to go with her mother-in-law as she journeyed back to Judah. 

We also learned that Jesus never promised an easy life. Rather, He encouraged us to take up our crosses to follow Him (Matthew 16:24). Ruth illustrated this in her sacrificial choice to follow Naomi. Ruth spoke beautifully to her mother-in-law, offering her complete commitment.

What about Naomi? How did she react to this reply after her rather negative attitude about the dangers the girls would face if they followed her? Basically, Naomi indicated that it was “fine” through her silence (Ruth 1:18).

Of course, we do not know for sure. Naomi might have been overwhelmed by Ruth’s words and just could not respond.

We looked at some awesome examples of faith yesterday, but what about those who struggle with this? Sometimes, we need to be shaken up to get us on the right track!

Do you think Naomi’s faith was shaken by Ruth’s words?

We don’t always see faithfulness to the Lord in the Bible. Read Matthew 19:16-22. This man had much difficulty in following Jesus wholeheartedly because of his wealth. How did Peter struggle in Luke 22:54-62?

By making the decision to go with Naomi, Ruth gave up her false gods to follow the God of Israel. 

If you haven’t made a commitment to follow God with all your heart, take a moment to do so right now. Ask Him to help you leave your sinful life so you can follow Him wholeheartedly!

How are you following the Lord’s path for your life?

Related: Create a Radical Habit in Your Walk with God

Ruth Bible Study Week 2

Ruth Bible Study Week 2: Days 6-10 Biblework

For Ruth Bible study week 2, in each day’s Biblework, you will be given the verses from that day’s study to read. Read those. There will also be “additional reading” in God’s Word that you ought to do. 

Please note: Some questions will come from both today’s verses and additional verses.

Day 6 – Biblework

Today’s Verses: Ruth 1:6-7; Ruth 1:11-13

Read the following additional verse(s): Psalm 132:13-15; Jeremiah 29:10; Zephaniah 2:7; Matthew 6:9-13; Romans 12:2

Answer these questions:

  1. Why might Naomi have wanted to make this move?
  2. When have you seen a move as a wise option? Explain.
  3. How has God provided for His people (as you read in the cross-reference verses)?
  4. In what ways has God come through for you when times were/are hard?
  5. When have you backed out of a decision because of your insecurities or uncertainties?

Day 7 – Biblework

Today’s Verses: Ruth 1:8-10

Read the following additional verse(s): Genesis 27:27-29; Genesis 45:15; Joshua 24:15; Psalm 119:68; 2 Timothy 1:16-17

Answer these questions:

  1. Before reading too far into Ruth (as it will “give away” the answers), what reasons do you think Naomi had for changing her mind about moving back home with the two women?
  2. What is your relationship like with your mother-in-law (if applicable)?
  3. Based on the text, what was the relationship like for Orpah, Ruth, and Naomi?
  4. When has the Lord blessed your life abundantly? In what area?
  5. What blessings have you received that you have not given thanks for? Take a moment to do that now.

Day 8 – Biblework

Today’s Verses: Ruth 1:11-15

Read the following additional verse(s): Exodus 3:10-4:17; Deuteronomy 25:5-10; Jonah 1-3

Answer these questions:

  1. The story of Jonah reveals someone who did not want to follow God’s directions for his life. What happened in the story?
  2. Moses was another example of someone who acted out of disobedience, fear, or even insecurity at first. Why was Moses complaining?
  3. How did God feel about Moses’ complaints, and how did He handle them?
  4. Do you currently have a problem with complaining too much?
  5. Do you have a bond like this with a friend or family member? What could you do to build one?

Day 9 – Biblework

Today’s Verses: Genesis 22:1-12; Ruth 1:16-17; Daniel 3:1-27; Daniel 6:1-23; John 16:33

Read the following additional verse(s): 2 Kings 2:2; Matthew 16:24-25; Mark 8:36

Answer these questions:

  1. In Genesis 22, how did God provide for Abraham and Isaac?
  2. In Daniel 3, how were Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego rescued?
  3. What happened to Daniel in Chapter 6?
  4. What is the greatest sacrifice you have ever witnessed in person?
  5. How will you try to give yourself more to God? (This could mean your time or energy, not just money).

Day 10 – Biblework

Today’s Verses: Ruth 1:18; Matthew 19:16-22; Matthew 16:24; Luke 22:54-62

Read the following additional verse(s): Exodus 32; Isaiah 53:6; Acts 21:14; 1 Peter 2:21-25

Answer these questions:

  1. In Matthew 16, how could the rich man have responded and acted to follow God’s Will?
  2. In 1 Peter, what did you learn about suffering?
  3. According to Peter, what example are we to follow?
  4. How are we saved according to Isaiah 53?
  5. In what ways are you committed to God? Do you need to recommit in some area of your life? If so, take action, and do so today!

Ruth Bible Study Week 2: Digging Deeper Days 6-10

The Digging Deeper section will give you more activity where you will take a deeper look at the lesson, viewing it differently. While optional, you will learn more and advance further in your studies by doing as much as possible. Remember, you get out what you put in! 

Day 6 – Digging Deeper

One key element that you looked up in Romans 12 is how we need to know and learn all about God’s Will. Do a word study on God’s Will to see what is truly meant by this term. Remember that this study will be done in Greek, as the New Testament was written in that language.

Day 7 – Digging Deeper

Speaking of difficult in-laws, look at the relationship between Jacob and Laban (Genesis 29:13-30). Explain in your notes why Jacob might not have been a gracious son-in-law to Laban. How might you have felt if you were in Jacob’s sandals? What would you do?

Day 8 – Digging Deeper

There was some cultural relevance that validated Naomi’s concerns. It is based on what is known as the Levirate Law of Marriage. As you read more about this in your Biblework for today, write down the conditions of this law and how it affected the people.

Day 9 – Digging Deeper

In John 16:33, Jesus says we will have “tribulation” in this world. Do a word study of the word “tribulation.” What common English words does this make you think of? List ways the Lord has rescued you when you felt too much pressure in your life.

Day 10 – Digging Deeper

Matthew 16:24 is a critical passage. Read Matthew 10:34-39. Who must we deny to become a disciple? What must we do to follow Christ? Are you embracing God’s Will for your life? Take a moment to really dig into these Scriptures, doing a word study on anything that is unfamiliar.

More Bible Study Resources

Use these Bible Study Resources to enhance your quiet time with God. More help with your Bible study is available in the Bible study category of our Spiritual Growth area. We hope God blesses your studies as you learn more about the Bible today.

Additional Sharing Life and Love Bible Studies

How to Build a Quiet Time with God – In this 8-week Bible study, you will walk through the book of Psalms. Additionally, you will learn how to create a quiet time with God.

How to Find Your Spiritual Calling – This 6-week Bible study helps you discover what God has called you to do – your purpose.

Creating Your Own God-Centered Goals – In this 5-day Goals Bible study, you will learn about goals and how to create Christ-centered ones.

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You can join our online community on Facebook, the Sharing Life and Love Sisters Bible Study Group, if you’d like to watch videos working through a variety of Bible studies. Our community is for ladies only at this time. Discover it here: Sharing Life and Love Sisters Bible Study Group.

Ruth Bible Study Week 2: Conclusion

In Ruth Bible study week 2, you have been given an introduction to the book of Ruth in the Bible. You should now understand the times in which Ruth took place. As you think about what the people were like, be sure to examine your own walk. 

How will you allow what you’ve learned to change you? What will you do differently? I want to encourage you to make a plan to change whatever you need to for the Lord. He deserves your best!

Ruth Bible Study Week 2

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