how to break a porn addiction for good man crying

How to Break a Porn Addiction For Good (10 Genius Strategies)

Do you or someone you love struggle with addiction? Would you love to know how to break a porn addiction for good? Well, in this article, we will list 9 genius strategies that will help you not only start to break your porn addiction but will also help you continue to be free of it.

Struggling with any sort of addiction can be overwhelming. You might feel guilt and shame because you cannot live up to the expectations or standards of those you love. Your addiction to pornography is likely affecting your job, home life, and relationships in a negative way.

Are you ready to rid yourself of this problem? Do not allow it to hinder your progress or success in life any longer. If you are struggling with this problem or know someone with this issue, learn how to deal with porn addiction. Break this trap once and for all.

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What is a Porn Addiction?

Addictions plague the world from one end to another. They have overwhelmed us with their negative influences. The most common addiction that has consumed most people globally is porn addiction. 

This kind of addiction is also known as problematic pornography use. It refers to an emotional dependence on pornography – one that interferes with your daily life, your relationships, and your ability to function. Who would want to not have more control in those areas?

It is of utmost importance that you not allow anything to control your life negatively. When you are a slave to sin like this, you become the very thing that you hate. No one wants to be addicted to something that they are ashamed to talk about.

How to Break a Porn Addiction

Am I Addicted to Porn?

If you think you might have a porn addiction but are not sure, ask yourself some of the key questions found on Narcotics Anonymous’ website: Am I an Addict? If you are watching porn in secret, feel ashamed about it, or can’t seem to stop it, you’re likely addicted to porn.

Read more about the signs of addiction so that you can determine if you are a porn addict or not.

Let’s now look at how to break a porn addiction for good with the help of the suggestions here. 

How to Break a Porn Addiction For Good

As you learn how to break a porn addiction, you will find that it can be quite challenging. However, with discipline, dedication, commitment, and implementation of the right strategies, you can conquer it. Remember that recovery is not an overnight process.

Below are some strategies that can help you in your recovery journey as you learn how to get rid of porn addiction. Try one or two to see if they work before moving on to the next suggestions. Aim to continue to work at ending your addiction no matter what.

#1. Accept and acknowledge the problem.

In recovery, acceptance is key. Acknowledging the fact that you are struggling with porn consumption and that it is hurting your life is important. By doing this, you will incorporate a positive mindset in your attempt to cure your porn addiction.

There is no “quick fix.” There are no really “easy” cures to porn addiction, but having the right mindset can certainly help you defeat this giant. If you have tried to stop a porn addiction in the past and were unsuccessful, adjusted expectations might be needed.

Think about how you scored on the quiz – Am I An Addict? This was listed in the previous section. If you doubt the accuracy of this quiz, be sure to check out our last article on this topic – Signs of a Porn Addict, which will help you determine whether you are an addict.

Healthline also has a great list of initial signs you are an addict, including a family history of addiction and being in a situation where you lack control.

How to Break a Porn Addiction

#2. Seek out a professional to help you.

There will be times when it is important to seek help from a counselor or therapist. They can provide you with proper individualized treatment and list the coping skills that will be needed to support you throughout your recovery journey.

If you join a 12-step program, you’ll likely be connected to a sponsor. A sponsor helps you with accountability (did you show up to the meeting that you said you would?) and encouragement when you have wins. They will also lift you up when you fall.

How to Break a Porn Addiction

#3. Identify the triggers.

When we speak of triggers, we are referring to cravings – the things that make you truly crave pornography. You must be aware of the thoughts, emotions, and situations – anything that can trigger you. Before you get online or pick up that magazine, ask yourself why you are doing it.

This will help you not relapse and teach you how to get over a porn addiction because you will begin to understand why you were drawn to this addiction in the first place. Understanding root causes and dealing with them appropriately will lead to success. 

#4. Replace the habit.

Once you have identified your triggers, you will want to replace your bad habit with a healthier one. For example, if you find that being lonely triggers your addiction, you can try out a new hobby that will keep your mind occupied. 

That way, when temptation strikes, you will be aware, and you will be able to distract yourself or keep yourself busy with positive activities. Consider going to church, volunteering with a worthy cause, or reading your Bible. Find accountability partners who can help when you are tempted.

#5. Limit access to pornographic content.

One thing that is important to note about learning how to stop a porn addiction is that the recovery process takes time. You will likely not stop viewing porn immediately; it will take some time. Do not lose hope. Practice patience and give yourself grace.

However, you ought to take practical steps to reduce your exposure to pornographic content. Avoid triggers like certain websites or social media outlets. Consider praying about the matter, as well. If you do not know how to pray, our website is full of free prayer journals and articles!

How to Break a Porn Addiction

#6. Look for a support team.

Having a support team will go a long way in ensuring you conquer the addiction. Connect with people who are struggling with similar addictions. You can support and motivate each other throughout the whole process. 

Look for a Sexaholics Anonymous meeting near you and engage in their activities. Whether we like to admit it or not, we thrive when we are around others who are encouraging us. Make sure you do not think that you have to walk the road to recovery alone. 

Read a Related Article: How to Make Friends.

#7. Be committed and consistent.

As previously mentioned, recovery from porn addiction is a journey. It requires discipline, dedication, commitment, and consistency. Focus on your goals and always remind yourself of the reasons you want to break free from porn addiction. 

Staying determined will make your journey to recovery much easier. Remember, success never happens overnight, but through each day of your recovery, you can view things as opportunities to pat yourself on the back. In other words, take it one day at a time.

#8. Educate yourself.

To learn the effect of porn addiction on your brain, do a little research. Being able to understand the science behind this matter will propel and motivate you to want to break free from this addiction. You don’t want to be a slave to something other than our Creator, right?

So, embark on a journey to discover how to break a porn addiction for good. Often, when we study a subject and do the research ourselves, we learn it better. It becomes ingrained in our hearts and minds. Learn a few tips on how to deal with addiction. 

Discover how to be free from an addiction to pornography. Like a caterpillar aiming to be a butterfly one day, know that your day will come in the future – the day when you can wake up in the morning with a fresh sense of freedom and determination to keep it that way.

#9. Be kind to and patient with yourself.

Breaking free from any sort of addiction requires time and effort. Forgive yourself, and don’t focus on past mistakes and regrets. Instead, forge ahead and celebrate any small victories in your recovery process. 

Encouragement can make you optimistic and give you motivation to really want to improve yourself. Always remember you are on a journey towards healing and growth.

As you strive to become a butterfly, consider joining a Celebrate Recovery meeting or another applicable 12-step program. This will ensure that you find success as you learn how to end a porn addiction.

Remember, no one walking this planet is perfect. You will likely do what you wish you hadn’t (make mistakes). There is no way to be “perfect” on your road to recovery. Everyone slips and falls at one point in time or another. 

#10. Gain accountability.

Since we are not perfect, as mentioned in the last point, we need accountability partners! These are people who will help you with consistency, discipline, dedication, and commitment – all the ingredients you need to be successful on your road to recovery.

A Celebrate Recovery meeting (or another 12-step program) is the perfect place to make friends, but more importantly, with a bit of time and effort, you can gain the accountability partners and the sponsor that you need – people who will help you stand when you fall.

Do not forget about the Lord. While the people you get to know in recovery are critical for a successful journey, God is essential for all aspects of your life. He wants to know your hurts and pain. Consider adopting a prayer routine in the mornings to help grow your faith.

Related: How to Build a Quiet Time with God

Related: The Serenity Prayer

Resources to Help You Break a Porn Addiction

Every Woman’s Battle: Discovering God’s Plan for Sexual and Emotional Fulfillment – This is a great resource for ladies who are looking to overcome their sexual addiction or addiction to porn. Men will benefit from the popular Every Man’s Battle.

The Resolution for Women by Priscilla Shirer will help you live intentionally and discover the calling that God has for you. The men’s book is The Resolution for Men

Here is a great Bible reading plan to include in your walk. The app has thousands of inspiring reading plans, so find what works for you! This Bible reading plan looks promising – 90 Days to Wholeness: A Porn Addiction Recovery Devotional for Women. It is free.


As you now know, learning how to quit a porn addiction and how to break a porn addiction for good is a challenging but transformative process in life. Acceptance is key. You also need to understand the root cause of this addiction. 

With determination and proper guidance, you can overcome this struggle. Remember, you are never alone. Many people globally have been able to break away from porn addiction and regain control over their lives. Do not lose hope!

Keep trying, and you will make it!

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