where to start reading the Bible daily

Where to Start Reading the Bible Daily + 5 Genius Places

Are you ready to read the Bible daily? Do you need to know where to start reading the Bible daily? This article and the Bible will light the path for you!

We’ll look at some reasons that it’s smart to read the Bible daily, the difference between studying the Bible and reading the Bible, how to read the Bible daily, and, of course, where to start reading the Bible daily with some great FREE resources!

We will examine where to start reading the Bible in the Old Testament, in the New Testament, and with a Bible reading plan. That way, you have plenty of options to consider as you embrace your decision to read the Bible each day.

If this is a New Year’s Resolution for you (to read the Bible daily or even more than you currently do) or a new spiritual goal, you can certainly succeed by staying motivated through the hard days and by building a consistent habit of reading your Bible every day! 

Believe in yourself, commit to persevere when it’s tough, and give yourself grace for those moments when you do not live up to your own expectations! We can’t be perfect; only Jesus can!

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Why Read the Bible Daily?

One of the most common reasons that people wish to read the Bible daily is so that they can learn more about the Bible and apply that knowledge to their lives. If you are hoping to grow your relationship with the Lord or strengthen your faith, Bible reading is a great start!

Another critical reason that you should read the Bible daily is to learn. You will learn more about God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit, salvation, the people who lived by faith, the ways to live a godly life, and the ways to stay away from sin!! So much is revealed when you read!

Reading the Bible daily will also help you learn how to listen to God and discern His voice from all of the noise in the world. If you want to walk in wise ways, ask God for wisdom (James 1) and read your Bible daily. You won’t know how to wisely apply His instructions without the Bible!

where to start reading the Bible daily

Our calling as Christians is to build His Kingdom, spreading the Gospel each step of the way! Also, our spiritual goal should be to be more like Jesus in our walk, talk, thought life, and every other aspect! We can only do this through Christ, who gives us strength (Philippians 4:13)!

Get to know Jesus by reading your Bible on a daily basis!

Of course, there are many more reasons to read the Bible daily, but those should give you a strong desire to be in the Word of God daily! Remember, the more you do it, the easier it will get, and the more you will feel refreshed by the Bible.

I have hidden Your word in my heart that I might not sin against You. – Psalm 119:11 (NIV)

What’s the Difference Between Reading the Bible Daily and Studying the Bible Daily?

One thing that is important to clarify is the difference between reading the Bible and studying the Bible. If you are a newcomer to the Bible world, understand that you can do both at the same time, but it is often more feasible to do them at different times.

When you study the Bible, you might want to dissect every word, look up the people and places, research events, or dive deeper with a Bible study. In essence, it could take you a long time to get through one verse. When I study, I spend hours digging into the Bible.

In contrast, reading the Bible daily is just about absorbing the text. You might wish to try an audio version, where the Bible is read to you. YouVersion’s Bible application for smartphones is fantastic, but you must find what works for you!

If you wish to start reading the Bible daily, decide how fast you read, how much time you have to read each day, and how much time you can really meditate on the words you just read. Keep in mind that, in many cases, we have time for what we make time for.

Be sure to prioritize your relationship with God!

Where to Start Reading the Bible Daily In the Old Testament

When we look at where to start reading the Bible daily in the Old Testament (the older part of the Bible), most people will want to start at the beginning. That means a deep dive into Genesis. From there, you can read the Bible cover to cover or try to go in chronological order.

There are many chronological Bible reading plans out there. The ones I have followed skip to Job in the middle of Genesis, as Job is believed by some to be the oldest book written in the Bible. Culturally, the book of Job also seems to have occurred in the early Biblical times.

If you would like to really start reading the Bible daily, my top recommendation is the book of Psalms. This book is written mostly by King David – a man after God’s own heart (1 Samuel 16:7). This book is full of encouragement, hope, strife, joy, loss, and so much more!

where to start reading the Bible daily

If you are like many who are going through a rough patch right now, you can find much encouragement in Psalms. As you strive to make Bible reading daily to be a new habit, you’ll find easy success with Psalms, as each chapter contains new nuggets of insight!

If you’d like to walk through the Psalms using a Bible study, you can pick up the Psalms Bible study, which is the first Bible study written by this author (me). The 8-week Bible study helps you build a daily time with God with tips, Bible memory verses, study questions, and more!

Where to Start Reading the Bible Daily In the New Testament

Maybe you want to know where to start reading the Bible daily in the New Testament of the Bible. Here are three recommendations that will guide you – Matthew, John, and Philippians.

Matthew is great because it starts you at the beginning of the New Testament. Jesus’ family tree begins the book of Matthew, and some of the main events in His life are recorded there. The book will not disappoint you, and you’ll find that many New Testament plans start here!

John is similar to Matthew because they both record the Gospel message. Gospel means “Good News” in Greek – the language that was used to record the New Testament. John takes a different approach to many of the same stories but focuses mostly on the life of Jesus. 

where to start reading the Bible daily

It is truly difficult to advise someone on where to start reading the Bible daily in the New Testament of the Bible without mentioning Philippians. It is one of my favorite books and covers the subject of joy and finding contentment in a broken world. Sound familiar?

Paul wrote the book of Philippians as a letter of encouragement to the church of Philippi. That church was enduring difficult financial stress and other worldly issues but found a way to persevere and trust God as seen in their actions and hearts. It’s definitely worth a read!

Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path. – Psalm 119:105 (NIV)

Where to Start Reading the Bible Daily Using a Bible Reading Plan

Are you looking for a bit more daily guidance? Do you want to follow a plan created by someone else? Are you wondering where to start reading the Bible daily when using a Bible reading plan? Let’s dive in and see what a few options for this are!

Reading the Bible Daily Using a Topical Bible Reading Plan

Be sure to check out YouVersion’s Bible reading plans on their app. They have thousands of unique plans. Some Bible reading plans are meant to encompass the whole Bible, while others are topical. What’s great is that they are all offered for FREE!

At Sharing Life and Love, we offer a FREE 12-month topical Bible reading plan, where each month covers a different theme. There are many other websites that do topical Bible reading plans like this!

Check out Megan Allen Ministries for additional FREE Bible reading plans based on a single topic of the month.

Reading the Bible Daily Using a Through-the-Bible Reading Plan

My husband and I are currently reading through the entire Bible in two years using a Chronological Bible Reading Plan. There are 4 study guides that are part of this plan. We’ve enjoyed answering the questions each morning as we go through the Bible in two years.

The Bible Recap is another very popular Bible reading plan that I have been following in 2023. On the YouTube channel Notes and Hues with Kanoe, Kanoe walks you through her way of taking notes through the Bible Recap Bible Reading Plan. It’s definitely something to check out!

Many study Bibles have Bible reading plans already inside of the Bible! If you are fortunate to have a Bible like this, you might enjoy following one that’s already created in your Bible!

Check out more resources in the following article: How to Build Your Bible Reference Library.

How to Read the Bible Daily

Once you’ve selected a Bible reading plan, it’s time to get real with God. Are you willing to make the time and energy sacrifices to get to know Him better? If you are lacking motivation, determine a time and place where you feel very connected to God, and go from there.

We cannot always have the quietness or stillness we hope for when spending time with God, so we have to draw near to Him wherever we are. It might mean talking to God while you throw a load of clothes in the washer or working on Bible memorization while washing the dishes.

If you have a working environment that keeps you from being able to read the Bible, you could try to listen to an audio version. The YouVersion Bible application by Life Church has some really great narrators that can read the Word of God to you. If possible, read along!

where to start reading the Bible daily

When push comes to shove, learning how to read the Bible daily is all about practice. Like any habit you develop, it takes time. While it used to be believed that habits took 21 days to be formed, most experts now believe it is closer to a few months, so stay strong.

Take it one day at a time, and give yourself plenty of grace. Know that you are not perfect. Take your time, enjoying the Bible at a pace that keeps you consistent and connected to God.

Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship. – Romans 12:1 (NIV)

Final Thoughts on How to Start Reading the Bible Daily

Do you know where to start reading the Bible daily? How will you embrace this new habit? In what ways are you preparing yourself for any obstacles? We’d love to hear all about it!

Remember, the keys to building the habit of reading the Bible daily are believing in yourself (“You can do this!”), committing to getting it done even when times are hard, and giving yourself grace, knowing that you will not achieve this goal perfectly, but you can still succeed!
We’re looking forward to hearing your success stories as you learn to read your Bible daily!

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