Discover your calling week 6

Discover Your Calling Week 6 – How to Return to God’s Will (David)

In Discover Your Calling Week 6, learn how to return to God’s Will if you’ve fallen away or how to start over!

While we did touch on David last week, this Bible study wouldn’t be complete without covering his story a bit more! We can learn so much from this king! We don’t only get a taste of his story in both the Old and New Testament, but the Psalms are full of his beautiful poetry!

In the story of David, we learn that he suffered numerous setbacks, as things never went as planned. He spent most of his life on the run from someone he held near and dear to his heart once upon a time (Saul)! 

We see everything from sin and loss in the story of Bathsheba to an unbeatable, loving friendship with Jonathan (Saul’s son). His story just has it all, so wouldn’t we be selling ourselves short if we left off these details?

As you embark on the last chapter of this voyage, keep an eye on what the Lord has planned for your future. Don’t miss the many applications that could have impacted your life if you had only opened your heart. Do not feel the need to rush through this. God’s timing is always right!

To begin this final chapter, let’s read Matthew 25:14-30. Are you thinking of how you can impact the world with the talents that God blessed you with? Are you ready to ignite the flame He’s placed inside your heart? Let’s go!

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Grab the Journal Version of Discover Your Calling!

Enjoy the full 6-week journal version of this Bible study, including a printable worksheet and leader’s guide!

Day 26 – Moving Forward After Setbacks

In Discover Your Calling Week 6, day 26, discover the value of moving forward after having several setbacks.

Having setbacks, falling away, and even missing the mark completely are things that happen to the best of us. Moving forward after such things is often as simple as just being okay with what happened. Admit that things did not go as planned because God’s purpose for you is great!

Read how David conquered Goliath in 1 Samuel 17. How excited must David have been to defeat the nearly 7-foot-tall giant warrior that no one else would stand up against??

The bravery and excitement he had in his early years were soon followed by years of running from enemies. Really, much of the rest of his natural life was spent hiding from Saul. 

It was not an easy or simple life. It was certainly not the life we would imagine for such a memorable king. In other words, David knew the meaning of the word “setback.” Actually, many of the Psalms of David were laments (complaints) about his circumstances.

Often, complaining is how we deal with setbacks. We talk about our “lot in life” or see things from a negative perspective. Sometimes, we just can’t let things go when we need to display plenty of grace, as God has for us! Do not blame others for your circumstances.

What About You?

Starting now, make it a point to take responsibility for where you are. You can move forward. There is no amount of baggage too heavy for the Lord. 

David did complain a bit – and rightly so! However, he always knew God was present and continued to reach out! You can do this too! It is not too late for you to return to God. Repent and look toward the future He has planned for you!

Discover your calling week 6

Day 26 – Biblework

Today’s Verses: 1 Samuel 17; Matthew 25:14-30

Read the following additional verse(s): Deuteronomy 20:1-4, Psalm 124; Philippians 2:13

Answer these questions:

  1. How did David use his strengths as a shepherd to defeat Goliath? 
  2. How did he convince Saul that he was the right man for the job?
  3. What gifts or talents did you once have or currently have that you are not using?
  4. How can you begin to use those gifts or talents (once again)?
  5. Are you allowing the world to prevent you from fulfilling your calling? Explain.

Digging Deeper:

Make a list of your abilities, talents, or gifts. If you have trouble making this list, just note the things you have done well in life. Where do you shine? If the answer is still unclear, consider asking friends and family members for their opinions. Keep this list in your Bible.

Day 27 – Making the Decision to Change

In Discover Your Calling Week 6, day 27, you will decide if you are ready to change or not.

David was far from perfect. After all, he had an affair with Bathsheba and had her husband killed. However, he felt guilty and did repent of his sins to the Lord.

When we veer off the road that we know we should be on, we often feel a sense of guilt. Maybe when doing something, you realize that it is pulling you away from God rather than pointing you toward God. The best thing you can do is to seek God’s Will above your own comfort level.

Make a decision to change your ways and to put what God wants above all else. If you need a daily reminder of this covenant (everlasting promise) with God, write it out. You might want to sign it as a symbol to God that you truly are committed to whatever He has in store for you.

Read 2 Samuel 11. In 2 Samuel 12:1-25, we learn about the results of David’s sins.

What About You?

Sometimes, we decide to change because we fear the Lord. The Lord does not want us to respond out of selfishness, even if that comes most naturally. Rather, He wants us to act out of the love that is found in our hearts. 

His lovingkindness is just breathtaking. Are you getting chills?

If you have strayed away from God, it is never too late for you to change. As a parent feels, God does not love you less when you are a lost sheep, but DO return to Him now because each moment you are away, you are surely breaking His tender heart.

Discover your calling week 6

Day 27 – Biblework

Today’s Verses: 2 Samuel 11; 2 Samuel 12:1-25

Read the following additional verse(s): Proverbs 28:13; Luke 18:13-14; Acts 2:38-39

Answer these questions:

  1. When have you felt that God was punishing you (if ever)?
  2. Have you repented of all your sins? 
  3. If not, what is stopping you?
  4. What areas in your life need to change in order to follow God’s Will for your calling? 
  5. How will you make these changes?

Digging Deeper:

Read Psalm 16 and Acts 2:14-41. Note what is called of believers to receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. In what ways are you following God’s Will? In what areas of your life do you need to repent and turn to our Lord? Do another fearless inventory of any sins you still struggle with.

Day 28 – Having a Slow Start or Restarting

In Discover Your Calling Week 6, day 28, we will learn what to do if you are having a slow start or need to restart your calling.

David did not have a kingdom handed to him on a silver platter. He was not born to a place of privilege. From the time he was anointed king to the time when he truly lived in a palace, he faced many difficulties. Saul became jealous of David and made his life very hard.

Read 1 Samuel 18:1-29 and Psalm 68. That is just one story of a hard time that David went through. Saul should have been an ally; David did not disrespect Saul or do anything to deserve the treatment he received. He tried to be on Saul’s side.

When the person David respected responded negatively to him, he had every reason not to want to follow God’s Will for his life, right? If you faced such opposition, how would you proceed?

In 1 Samuel 24, we read about one of the times in which David spares Saul’s life. According to verse 5 in the New Living Translation (NLT), David’s conscience bothered him after he proved that he was close enough to end Saul’s life.

What About You?

If you are having a slow start or trouble restarting a mission for God, consider what David went through. Find solace in the fact that you are not alone. Many have faced trials in following God’s Will, but you can look at their lives as examples of perseverance.

God knows the challenges that you face. He did not assign you just any old duty. He handed you a lifetime commitment to do something that only you can do in ways that you alone are talented. Press on, dear friend!

Discover your calling week 6

Day 28 – Biblework

Today’s Verses: 1 Samuel 18:1-29; 1 Samuel 24; Psalm 68

Read the following additional verse(s): 1 Samuel 21:11; 1 Samuel 29:5; Psalm 18:30; Matthew 5:43-44

Answer these questions:

  1. According to 1 Samuel 18, why was Saul so angry? Was his anger valid?
  2. Why and how did Jonathan help David in 1 Samuel 18
  3. Do you have a supportive friend like this?
  4. What opposition have you faced or are you facing regarding your calling? According to Matthew 5, how are we to respond to our enemies?
  5. How can you press on through difficult circumstances?

Digging Deeper:

Previously, you studied the 4 types of love. Compare and contrast the love we are instructed to portray to our enemies in Matthew 5 to the love Jonathan had for David in 1 Samuel 18:3. What do you learn about the word love that you can apply to your life and your calling?

Day 29 – Remembering Your Purpose

In Discover Your Calling Week 6, day 29, you will be reminded of your purpose.

Read Psalm 138. In verse 8, the New Living Translation (NLT) uses the words, “The Lord will work out His plans for my life.” When we shed our worries and realize that God’s plans will turn out as they are meant to, it can be like a sigh of relief. Do you feel it?

David knew that the Lord’s plans would prevail throughout the many trials he experienced. He did not live a perfect life, but through it all, he did remember the Lord. 

It’s important that we return to the Lord when we fall away because it is only then that He will purify our hearts (James 4:1-10). We are to humbly come before Him as we seek to follow His Will for our lives.

Read James 4:8 carefully. When we come near to God, what does He do? 

We are all sinners, so this verse applies to everyone on Earth. In what new ways can you submit yourself to God?

What About You?

If you’ve forgotten your purpose or feel as though you are far away from God for some reason, you can easily get back on track by just following the words in James.

I’m reminded of the picture of Jesus carrying a lost soul when the individual was going through hard times. People wondered why only one set of footprints was present in the sand, and that is when it is revealed that at the hardest moments, He carries us. 

Is He carrying you?

Read Psalm 139. God is always present and ready for you to open your heart for a lasting relationship with Him or to repair a bond you once had with Him. It’s never too late!

Discover your calling week 6

Day 29 – Biblework

Today’s Verses: Psalm 138; Psalm 139; James 4:1-10

Read the following additional verse(s): Psalm 57:1-3; Jeremiah 29:11-13; Colossians 3:15

Answer these questions:

  1. When have you experienced the feeling of being all alone? 
  2. When have you felt closest to God?
  3. How could you repeat that experience?
  4. When have “anxious thoughts” been in the way of your relationship with God?
  5. What are a few things you could do today to be closer to Him and/or follow His Will for your life?

Digging Deeper:

In Psalm 139:1 and Psalm 139:23, David speaks of God “searching” him. Do a word study on the word search to determine the meaning. What do these cross-reference verses further reveal to you about the meaning of this word (Psalm 44:21 and Jeremiah 17:10)?

Related: How to Do a Word Study in Bible Study

Day 30 – Finding Joy in Your Role

In Discover Your Calling Week 6, day 30, you will discover newfound joy in your role or calling.

Be prepared. As you read and study the Bible, your heart will likely experience quite a change. You might realize that things you thought were important (worldly things) are fading away in comparison to the big picture. 

As your heart changes, your mood and expression will likely soften as joy enters your soul.

Much joy is seen through David. He danced with joy and wrote many of the Psalms with gladness in his heart. 

Read Psalm 30. Can you feel a sense of hope and joy as you read about the feelings and emotions that David had? Is your perspective changing?

What About You?

If you are just now learning of your role within the Kingdom of God, embrace it! You are stronger now than you’ve ever been (Nehemiah 8:10). Keep pursuing His righteousness as you travel the pathway He has set before you. This is SO exciting!

If you are restarting your calling or trying again, there is absolutely no shame in this! We have all been in similar boats. Remember, God loves to have His children return to Him. Read Luke 15:3-7. God is waiting with joy for you to come home – right where you belong!

Whether you are just starting your journey or have been down this road many times, God is ready for you. He is laying the groundwork for you to do amazing things in the future. You only need to be still and trust Him

Discover your calling week 6

Day 30 – Biblework

Today’s Verses: Nehemiah 8:10; Psalm 30; Luke 15:3-7

Read the following additional verse(s): Psalm 4:3-8; Proverbs 17:22; Romans 15:13; Philippians 4:4; James 1:2-4

Answer these questions:

  1. When have you experienced real joy?
  2. What role will you be playing in God’s Kingdom?
  3. How will you continue to follow God’s Will for your life after this study? 
  4. How will you stay motivated?
  5. What was your favorite lesson in this study? What was your biggest takeaway?

Digging Deeper:

In Psalm 30, we see David being rescued by God and dancing with joy. Do a topical study on the word joy. This will involve finding about 10 Bible verses that mention this word in them. Keep this list of verses for reference in your Bible or journal for times when you need additional joy!

Learn: How to Do a Topical Bible Study

Bonus Bible Study Resources

Use these Bible study resources to enhance the time you spend with the Lord!

Additional Sharing Life and Love Bible Studies

How to Build a Quiet Time with God – In this 8-week Bible study, walk through the book of Psalms. Also, you’ll create a unique quiet time with God.

FREE Ruth 9-Week Bible Study – Learn about this incredible foreigner and what she was able to achieve in her lifetime in the Ruth Bible study!

Create Your Own God-Centered Goals – In this 5-day Bible study, you learn about goals and how to create ones that are centered on God.

More Helpful Resources

Find additional ideas for your Bible library here:

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As we conclude this Bible study in Discover Your Calling Week 6, you should now have a firm grasp on what your calling from God is and how to get started. God is with you every step of the way. Follow His lead, and you’ll do just fine! Remember, it’s all for His glory!!

Discover your calling week 6

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