Why do I love my husband? To be honest, I began this article as a list of all the ways I love my husband. However, I decided that why I love my husband would not nearly be as helpful as telling you how I love my husband. Of course, results will vary!
I never really thought of myself as a creative person, but when I began this list of how I love my husband, I saw quite a few homemade gifts that have emerged over the past decade or so. Consider altering one of my ideas to make it your own. Get personal with your man.
An engraved gift is always one of my favorite gifts to give since it can be so personal. You can have a favorite Bible verse or quote on the gift to make it extra special. Enjoy learning about these gifts I have made or have had made for my husband with many resources to help!
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How I Love My Husband (Creative Gift Ideas)
These are many ways for me to show how much I love MY husband. These might not work for you. Everyone is different, and each relationship happens to be one of a kind. Try a couple of these, and determine if they work well with your husband or boyfriend.
If these ideas are not ideal for you, consider a variation of an idea or perhaps a personalized gift. Etsy and Amazon Homemade have many shops dedicated to this.
1 – A Gratitude Jar
For this homemade gift for my husband, I used an old cookie jar that I was never going to utilize for the storage of cookies. On the outside of the cookie jar, I included an explanation of what it was and how to use this gift. Inside the cookie jar, I left small pieces of paper.
On each piece of paper, I included something that I loved about my husband. It could be a trait or quality or something I am grateful for – something special he has done for me in the past. It’s essentially a jar of appreciation.
In what ways are you thankful for your spouse? If you can’t think of much, consider a different project. You might also want to read about how to have an attitude of gratitude.

Examples of Notes in the Gratitude Jar:
Thank you for supporting me in all the ways that you do.
I love the way you always open my car door for me. It makes me feel like a queen!
Thank you for all the mornings that you served me breakfast in bed.
I love the moments when we watch our favorite shows together.
Thank you for being you! I couldn’t ask for more!
I appreciate all of the contributions that you make to our life together.
When I am with you, I am my favorite version of myself.
Thank you for spending our lives together. You are very special to me.
One day, you told me that I make you a better man. That has meant so much to me.
Thank you for being my best friend – for now and forever.
Therefore, a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and they shall become one flesh. – Genesis 2:24
2 – A Homemade Coupon Book
Honestly, this Christmas, I ran out of time, energy, and motivation! So, when the topic of Christmas shopping came around, this idea seemed to be perfect. Plus, I love making my own gifts because they mean so much more.
As a side note, I often don’t have a choice because my husband tends to purchase anything that he wants when he wants it. Is your man this way?
Examples of What I Included in My Homemade Coupon Book:
Example #1 – A Complimentary Backrub Plus a Kiss
Example #2 – Personal Cuddle Time With or Without Television (Optional)
Example #3 – Will Do One Chore on Your List You Don’t Want to Do
Example #4 – Multiple Hugs – Any Time!
Example #5 – A Home-cooked Meal of Your Choice

However, each one of you also must love his wife as he loves himself, and the wife must respect her husband. – Ephesians 5:33
3 – Prayer Cards
In my How I Pray for My Husband article, I mentioned how I use prayer cards to write out my prayers for my husband. I also created Praying for Your Husband Prayer Cards. You could use a simple checklist that will guide you on what to pray for each day as it pertains to your husband.
I list anything and everything that comes to mind when it comes to his upcoming work day. For example, if I knew that the roads would be icy (as they are today), I would focus on praying for his safety and the safety and common sense of the drivers that drive around his truck.
As you build your prayer binder, you might want a specific section that is just for your husband. List the things that you want to pray for and use a marker or tab of some kind to be able to keep track of where you are on the list. I use paper clips or little sticky tabs or flags to do this.
Ideas on What to Say in a Prayer Card for Your Husband (Don’t forget to give it to him before he heads to work):
Today, I pray that your faith stays strong and you have God in your heart.
Lord, Please protect our marriage today and draw us closer to one another.
Lord, Please strengthen and heal my husband. Help him bring glory to You, God, in all he does.
Today, Lord Jesus, Please help my husband use his gifts and talents for You.
Lord, Today I ask for You to help Bryan think about Your vision for his life.
Be devoted to one another in love. Honor one another above yourselves. – Romans 12:10
4 – Favorite Activities Binder
For my husband’s 40th birthday, I wanted to really surprise him with something that took me a long time to put together – something he would treasure. I made a binder full of information on where to find the best fishing and hunting destinations in Oklahoma (where we live).
Also, I included information about his favorite interests and places we might wish to check out. I added coupons that might make events more affordable. Since Bryan is not from Oklahoma (and I am), this was helpful to him as he was able to learn more about his new home state.

Here are a few of the topics I included in his 40th Birthday Binder:
- Local Churches
- Local Farmers Markets
- Local Scenic Routes
- Local Gyms
- Local Malls
- Best BBQ Restaurants
- Best Steakhouses
- Best Pizza Joints
- Best Burger Joints
- Best Sushi Places
- Great Places to Play Pool
- Great Places to Golf
- Great Places to Go Ice Skating
- Great Places to Go Bowling
- A List of Movies We Want to Watch Together
- A List of Television Shows We Want to Watch Together
- A List of Sermons We Want to Watch Together
- A List of YouTube Videos We Want to Watch Together
- A United States Map with States Visited Colored In
- A List of Recipes for All Types of Food He Loves to Cook
- A List of BBQ Tips
- A List of Places to Order Manly Subscription Boxes From
- A Guide to Coffee (His Favorite Hobby)
5 – A Scrapbook
A scrapbook might be the most popular and easiest thing to put together for a loved one. You can just put together memorabilia that they would appreciate and remember. Consider organizing the scrapbook in date order, putting the oldest information at the front.
There are already-made scrapbook kits that can make this very simple. That is what I used. I believe I got a deal at Walmart for a complete kit with stickers and scrapbook paper. It served this purpose well. I also put our old wedding pictures together, and he loved it all.
Here are some ideas to make a scrapbook or memory album one-of-a-kind:
- Include stickers.
- Add various shapes and colors of scrapbook paper.
- Include washi tape.
- Use pictures – from your first date to last week (even just of your dog)!
- Add memorabilia (ticket stubs, receipts, and pamphlets).
- Include a poem or two.
- Have fun with it!
- Add lyrics from a song you love or one that applies to the occasion.
- Include dates of when certain things happen.
- If you cannot remember the exact dates, estimate the year!
- Remember, it does not have to be perfect!

Additional Resources I Use to Love My Husband
Since each marriage is unique, I can only offer you suggestions for resources and tools that I have used as I love my husband. You might wish to try a couple of them. If those do not work, try something else. The key is to put God’s will first and keep trying new things if needed!
Recommended Marriage Books
The following romance and marriage books are just a few of the ones that I own, so I am recommending them based on first-hand experience. Has one of these blessed your marriage?
The 5 Love Languages by Gary Chapman – This is a great choice if you do not yet know what your love language is or if you are still learning what love language matches your spouse.
Love, Joy, and Peace Marriage Bible Study by Kim Bowen – This is a Bible study that we are currently studying. It has topics like sex, family life, communication, and conflict. It is more than just a Bible study, too. There are many engaging activities to enjoy along the way.
Couple’s Devotional Bible by Zondervan – This NIV (New International Version) of the Bible is a great addition to any Bible library! It’s full of devotional messages for couples!
The Power of a Praying Wife by Stormie Omartian – This is the first book I added to my collection from her line of books. It is great if you are learning how to pray for your husband or to try a new way!
Boundaries in Marriage by Henry Cloud – I originally read the first Boundaries book and found it invaluable with insight. My husband read this one and said he learned quite a bit!
No one has ever seen God, but if we love one another, God lives in us, and His love is made complete in us. – 1 John 4:12
Additional Marriage Blog Posts
51 Powerful Prayers to Pray for Your Husband
How to Grow Spiritually With Your Spouse
Awesome Daily Prayers for My Husband
Concluding Thoughts on How I Love My Husband
While this article was about how I love my husband, I really hope that you are able to explore your own ideas! Maybe one of my ideas will spark an interest or idea that you can use to show your husband how much you love him.
If you have enjoyed this article, it would be a great help if you’d share it on social media or pass it along to friends and family. To keep up with all of our articles, be sure to subscribe to our email newsletter. God bless you as you show love to your spouse this year!
Above all, love each other deeply because love covers a multitude of sins. – 1 Peter 4:8