
Free Ruth Bible Study Week 4: How the Lord Provided

In the free Ruth Bible study week 3, we learned that it is important to let go of fear, anger, and resentment, unlike that which Naomi had at the beginning of Ruth when she renamed herself Mara, which means “bitter.” In Ruth Bible Study week 4, we will see how God provides for us.

As we venture into Chapter 2 of the book of Ruth, we see that God does not waste a single moment. He is always ready for the future, and He is faithful to His people, which includes believers like you and me. He keeps His promises.

As we learn about Boaz and the character and attitude of lovely Ruth, we think of all the coincidences that are happening. Those did not happen by chance! God always knows what His people need and will do whatever He deems best for those who trust Him.

You will learn about gleaning this week. This special provision for widows helped Ruth and Naomi survive. It gave them hope and a future. Sound familiar? Read Jeremiah 29:11-13

What’s baffling about this story is how Naomi reacted to her circumstances in comparison to Ruth. Can you relate to either one? Do you turn trials into learning experiences, or do you complain about everything that doesn’t go your way?

Take a moment to make a list for each woman. List the traits you notice from the text. How can you be more like the one whose traits are favorable to God?


Day 16 – Meet Boaz (A Worthy Man)

As you step into Ruth 2, you are introduced to a new character – Boaz. In reviewing the different ways that Boaz was mentioned in different translations, you will see that it is quite fascinating to see the way he is described.

Read Ruth 2:1.

The main point of introducing this character here was to show how he was related to the Elimelech family. We will go into more detail later. 

Let’s examine how the text describes Boaz.

The CSB (Christian Standard Bible) calls him “a prominent man of noble character.” This brings to my mind a picture of Prince Charming – someone of royal descent. 

The NLT (New Living Translation) describes him as “a wealthy and influential man.” This description suggests someone in the government or someone with considerable power.

The ESV (English Standard Bible) calls him “a worthy man.” To me, this brings questions to mind. If he is a worthy man, what or who is he worthy of? 

Look up Ephesians 4:1-3. Make a note of what it says about being “worthy.” 

Now, when we peek at the NASB (New American Standard Bible) translation, we see “a man of great wealth.” Keep in mind that this “wealth” is not just about money. As we will discover, the more you get to know Boaz, the more you’ll see his spiritual wealth.

Considering all of this and the meaning of the name Boaz (in him is strength), would you call him the “hero” of the story, as most commentaries refer to him?

How would other people describe you in less than three words?

Related: How to Do a Spiritual Evaluation of Your Life


Day 17 – Ruth’s Attitude and Character

Yesterday, we learned that Boaz was a man of noble character. In Ruth 2:1, we have not even officially met Boaz yet. He is already becoming popular. Imagine if you lived in the small town of Bethlehem. 

What might the “talk” of this wealthy man be like? Do you think the women were swooning?

While we could probably talk about “boys” all day long, it’s important that we closely examine what the verses reveal about Ruth. Let me ask: What is your impression of Ruth so far? In your opinion, would she be “worthy” of someone like Boaz?

Read Ruth 2:2. In this single verse, we discover that Ruth works quite hard and is eager to do so. She is attempting to provide for her mother-in-law. It’s important to look at the way she talks, too. She certainly doesn’t talk “down” to Naomi.

Instead, she approaches everyone she meets with a gracious, loving attitude. Beyond maintaining an eager, enthusiastic demeanor in the face of trials, Ruth had to carry the baggage of caring for another widow, the reputation of a foreigner, and the status of being a poor widow.

I love the way the Moody Commentary describes Ruth. “Ruth’s valor and commitment to Naomi are immediately borne out by her expressed initiative…to glean.”

Because she came from Moab, outside of her in-laws, she did not likely have the spiritual hope that an Israelite would have. Nonetheless, she persevered.

We’ll talk more about Ruth’s character later.

For now, think about the image you are portraying when you go out in the world. Are you more like the world’s point of view of what a woman (or man) should be like, or do you humbly imitate Christ? 

Read Colossians 3:1-17 for further insight.

Related: How to Be a Modest Woman


Day 18 – The Lord’s Provision: Gleaning

When we were in Ruth 2:2 yesterday, did you notice the word used to describe what Ruth wanted to do? (Most translations used this term). Gleaning or gathering is how those who were less fortunate extracted or reaped grain or wheat – depending on the time of year.

Do a word study on the word glean. Record in your notes the definition. 

Remember the barley harvest? Well, after the stalks of grain were cut with a sickle and bound in sheaves, leftover stalks of grain in the field would be gathered by those in need. 

Research the practice of gleaning a little further by looking up these cross-reference verses. 

Read Deuteronomy 24:19-21, Leviticus 19:9-10, and Leviticus 23:22

Determine who is speaking in these passages and why you believe this practice was put in place.

This provision was implemented by our gracious God to help the poor, foreigners, widows, and orphans. It prevented the farmers from keeping all of the grain for themselves or their workers and taught them how to show grace to those in less fortunate situations.

We do not know what was said in the entire conversation that Ruth had with Naomi, but Ruth seemed to know the Israelite custom well enough to suggest she take action to glean the field.

Perhaps her mother-in-law taught her about the Israelite God – the One True God. Maybe her deceased husband had explained the laws and how gleaning worked. Interestingly, she knew about it since she was a Moabite, but it is a good thing. 

They needed this provision of food. Isn’t it amazing to see God work through others with lovingkindness in details like this? We’ll discuss that more tomorrow. 

In what circumstance have you seen the Lord’s provision?

Related: Are You Spiritually Lazy?


Day 19 – God’s Hidden Plan

Before reading the next verse, think about how God was moving in these two widows’ lives up to this point. Ruth was clearly influenced by her mother-in-law’s faith in God, as she knew who He was (Ruth 1:16) and that He could punish her if she did not keep her word (Ruth 1:17).

In what ways do you believe God was acting in these ladies’ lives? Do you think they both saw this?

God works in mysterious ways (Habakkuk 1:5) and in ways that we cannot even understand (Isaiah 55:8-9), but sometimes, we can see the big picture and are able to be inspired by it. Remember, God works for our good in all things (Romans 8:28).

When we read Ruth 2:3, the author uses mysterious language as though Ruth found that particular field by chance. I want to scream, “AS IF!” We know that the Lord’s fingerprints were all over this, and He couldn’t have picked a better moment to intervene!

These widows were not having the easiest go of it, so having the Lord’s guidance, however subtle it was, was a great blessing in the long run. Have you ever needed a little push to keep going? Maybe you have felt lost, anxious, or afraid, and then He stepped up to the plate!

How wonderful is it to be part of His Kingdom, to be His child, and to be welcome to eternal life with Him in spite of all the baggage we carry, as these ladies did?!?

How are you celebrating being a chosen child?

Related: Build Your Faith with Battle Prayers


Day 20 – Hello, Boaz! 

Have you ever met someone truly phenomenal? Maybe it was a teacher in grade school or a mentor at your church. It might just be someone you admire!

Whoever comes to mind when you think about honor, dignity, and respect is the person you should take a moment to thank. If they’ve passed on, say a prayer of thanksgiving that the person was ever in your life long enough to positively impact it. We all need heroes!

Read Ruth 2:4. Boaz is one. He brings out the best in others, and he sees the best in those around him. Maybe you have a “Boaz” in your life or once did. How do you reflect that person in your interactions?

If you don’t have a role model, focus on being one or be like Boaz! Outside of Ruth, there isn’t much written about him, but we can see a great example (or two) in his family tree!

King David was actually a descendant of Boaz. He was a man after God’s own heart (1 Samuel 16:7). David was never very far from God (Psalm 139), no matter his turmoil. 

He trusted God (Psalm 11:1), shared his feelings with our Creator (Psalm 10:1-4), waited on God patiently (Psalm 62:1-2), put his hope in the Lord (Psalm 33:20-22), and sang his praises to God (Psalm 66:1-6). 

David was a role model in almost everything he did. He no doubt learned a thing or two from his family of origin. 

When you see this short interaction with Boaz (a simple greeting between two people), what is your impression?

Does Boaz make you want to change something? How could you be more like David? 

Are you a good example of Christ in how you respond to others?

Related: How to Make and Keep Christian Friends


Ruth Bible Study Week 4: Biblework for Days 16-20

For Ruth Bible study week 4, in each day’s Biblework, you are given the verses from that day to read and study. Make sure to read them every day. The additional reading in God’s Word is something you should also try your best to do. 

Please note: Questions might come from both today’s verses and today’s additional verses.

Day 16 – Biblework

Today’s Verses: Ruth 2:1; Ephesians 4:1-3

Read the following additional verse(s): 1 Kings 11:28; Job 1:1-3; 2 Thessalonians 1:11

Answer these questions: 

  1. What does the description of Boaz remind you of? (There is no right or wrong answer).
  2. In what ways are you wealthy, worthy, and/or blessed?
  3. What does Paul say about being worthy in Ephesians 4?
  4. What has been your experience with your “calling?”
  5. What are some new ways that you can better demonstrate the life described in Ephesians 4?

Day 17 – Biblework

Today’s Verses: Ruth 2:2; Colossians 3:1-17 

Read the following additional verse(s): 1 Chronicles 16:11-12; Proverbs 27:2; 1 Timothy 4:12; 1 Peter 2:13-14

Answer these questions: 

  1. As you study Colossians 3, make a list of what the “new nature” in Christ looks like.
  2. Similarly, make a list of what to “put off” or “the old nature.”
  3. What traits on either list do you specifically see in this description of Ruth?
  4. What do you need to “put on” and/or “put off?” Explain.
  5. What do you think is the most important trait on each list? Explain.

Day 18 – Biblework

Today’s Verses: Leviticus 19:9-10; Leviticus 23:22; Deuteronomy 24:19-21; Ruth 2:2

Read the following additional verse(s): Genesis 24:12-14; Genesis 27:20; Romans 5:3-5

Answer these questions: 

  1. Why was Ruth allowed to glean in the fields?
  2. How did the practice of gleaning show God’s lovingkindness?
  3. What did you learn about God’s provision in Genesis?
  4. In what ways has God surprised you in providing for you?
  5. Why are trials beneficial, according to Romans?

Day 19 – Biblework

Today’s Verses: Ruth 1:16-17; Ruth 2:3; Isaiah 55:8-9; Habakkuk 1:5; Romans 8:28

Read the following additional verse(s): Isaiah 46:8-11; Ephesians 1:9

Answer these questions: 

  1. How was God working in the lives of these women by steering Ruth toward the field belonging to Boaz?
  2. When have you witnessed God’s mysterious ways at work?
  3. What question would you like to ask God one day? (You CAN ask Him now!)
  4. When have you felt lost in this world? Explain.
  5. How has having faith encouraged your path?

Day 20 – Biblework

Today’s Verses: Ruth 2:4; 1 Samuel 16:7; Psalm 10:1-4; Psalm 11:1; Psalm 33:20-22; Psalm 62:1-2; Psalm 66:1-2; Psalm 139

Read the following additional verse(s): Judges 6:12; Luke 1:28

Answer these questions: 

  1. What did you learn from the interaction between Boaz and his worker? What is your first impression (or second, if you count the introduction in this chapter)?
  2. Who do you know that acts and speaks so pleasantly?
  3. When do you have trouble imitating a character like this?
  4. Is there something you need to change in your attitude to be more like Boaz or David? Explain.
  5. How does your relationship with God differ from the one that David portrays in Psalm 139? What can separate us from God according to Psalm 139?

Ruth Bible Study – Week 4: Digging Deeper Days 16-20

The Digging Deeper section gives you a bonus activity to take a closer look at today’s lesson. While they are optional, you will grow further by doing them. Make every effort to do the work listed below each day. You will be glad you took the time to do it.

Day 16 – Digging Deeper

Do a word study on the Hebrew word used to describe Boaz (“hayil”). What does the definition of this word illustrate to you? How could you describe Boaz differently now that you have done this additional research? Would someone describe you in this way? Explain.

Day 17 – Digging Deeper

When examining the traits to put on and put off in Colossians, we see a huge list. The cross-reference verses gave you three examples of traits. Determine what those traits are and how Ruth was an example of them. Find at least three more Scriptures that do the same.

Day 18 – Digging Deeper

Do a word study on the word hope as it is used in Romans 5. In discovering that definition, what does hope mean in the eyes of a Christian? Take a look at Romans 8:24. How does this verse show that a Christian’s faith is truly unique? How does this hope differ from worldly hope?

Day 19 – Digging Deeper

In Ephesians 1:9, what do you learn about God’s good purpose? In this verse, the author speaks of a “mystery.” What is the “mystery?” Suppose you met someone who was a new believer or not a one at all. How would you explain it to them? List all parts of this explanation.

Day 20 – Digging Deeper

In Psalm 139:23, David asks God to search his heart. This is not a once-over online search where you stick with the first result you get. Do a word study on the word “search.” What would God find if he did search your heart? Are any adjustments needed? Explain.


Additional Bible Study Resources

Additional Bible Study resources can help you in your time with God. For more help with your Bible study, check out the Bible study category of our Faith area. Be sure to pray before doing any Bible study. Ask God to richly bless His Word so that you can best apply it!

Sharing Life and Love Bible Studies

How to Build a Quiet Time with God – In this 8-week Bible study, you will read through portions of the book of Psalms. You will also create your quiet time with God.

How to Find Your Spiritual Calling – This 6-week Bible study takes you through the discovery of what God has called you to do.

Create Your Own God-Centered Goals – In this 5-day Bible study, you will learn about goals and create ones that are centered on your faith.

Join the Community!

In our Facebook community, the Sharing Life and Love Sisters Bible Study Group, we walk through a variety of Bible studies. Our community is for ladies only (for now) and is called the Sharing Life and Love Sisters Bible Study Group.

Ruth Bible Study Week 4 Conclusion

In Ruth Bible study week 4, you have learned about how God provides for His people. You should now understand what all He did to show His love for Naomi and Ruth. As we move forward in the story of Ruth, we will learn more about character and how to be noble!

In this week’s lessons, what are you chewing on? Are you planning to make any changes in your life? What will you do? Talk is cheap; instead of thinking about the changes you need to make, take action today. You can do this! 


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