Have you always wanted to know how to analyze your spiritual life – the walk you share with Jesus? Would you love to know how you are doing in terms of your faith? If you are excited to see how far you’ve come in your spiritual walk, check out the resources in this article!
I use a spiritual evaluation weekly or monthly, depending on my needs at the time. It can be quite enlightening to see what my spiritual habits or goals were a few months ago in comparison to what I am looking at today. Reflection and self-improvement are great tools to grow!
In this article, we’ll look at the question, “What is a spiritual evaluation?” Then, we will talk about why you should do a spiritual evaluation of your life once in a while.
Finally, you’ll discover three dynamite ways to analyze your spiritual life. Don’t miss the free spiritual evaluation offered, too!
What is a Spiritual Evaluation?
If you’ve never evaluated your spiritual life, there really is no right or wrong way to go about it. You cannot fail at this. If you spend hours and hours trying to decide if you are doing God’s Will, that is a worthwhile pursuit! Just don’t spin your wheels, making zero progress.
If you’d like to get a general idea of how things are progressing in your spiritual life, you might try a spiritual evaluation. There are many ways that you can do one. For example, some websites have polls, worksheets, quizzes, or some other ways to evaluate things.

A smart way to evaluate your spiritual life is by just praying. God will reveal to you what you need to know. Another strategy is to find a spiritual gifts test. There are many online that you can take at no charge to you. Discovering your spiritual gifts can be enlightening!
Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing, you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect. – Romans 12:2 (ESV)
Why Evaluate Your Spiritual Life?
If you use none of the resources listed in this article, it’s still a great idea to analyze things from time to time. Why would you want to continue doing things the way you have been doing them if it is not producing positive results in your life? It’s important we try to make progress!
Of course, there is always the possibility that you are at a standstill. If you discover a sense of apathy in regard to your spiritual life, pray about it. Concentrate on the things that come easily to you until you get your spiritual groove back! There’s no shame in using your strengths.

Sometimes, we need to dream big. Think big. Live big. What kind of spiritual goals could you set to improve your relationship with God? Here are some spiritual goal examples to help you determine what you might want to work on and focus on going forward.
Before making any changes or adopting any new spiritual habits, be sure to consult the Lord. Prayer is your most powerful weapon, so continue to seek out the Lord’s provision for your life through prayer. You might try praying scriptures or even reciting a prayer from the Bible.
Many are the plans in a man’s heart, but it is the LORD’s purpose that prevails. – Proverbs 19:21 (NIV)
How to Analyze Your Spiritual Life
Let’s look at some positive ways that you can learn how to analyze your spiritual life. These neat ways will give you some options as you explore this realm of your daily life.
#1. Track Your Time.
One smart way to analyze your spiritual life is to track your time. There are many FREE smartphone apps or online tools that you can use to measure your time. You might categorize your tasks to make them relevant to your life. I use the “Toggl Track” application.
With that application, I can categorize my tasks and record how long I’ve spent on each one. This gives me a chance to measure my progress throughout the day. It can even help me determine if I am doing activities that are bringing me closer to my goals or pulling me away.

You can use pen and paper to track your time, too. Just list out your activities and the amount of time you spend on each one. This will give you some benchmark numbers and goals to set. For example, you could write down that you spent one hour in prayer.
But I say, walk by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh. – Galatians 5:16 (ESV)
#2. Use a Spiritual Evaluation.
There are online spiritual evaluations or tests that you can take to measure your progress, but it all comes down to the relationship you have with God. Everything that you are measuring here is between the Lord and you! Don’t think that this is about “measuring” or “keeping” up!
If you struggle in one area of your spiritual life, you will know and can take measures to improve there. Since you know that it is your problem area, you can focus on tasks that will help you see progress in that area. In other words, you’ll know what to focus on or work on.
The FREE Spiritual Evaluation Tool that I use is found in the Free Resources of this website. With it, you can measure your progress monthly, weekly, daily, or however often you wish. Typically, I measure my progress weekly, but I do not always complete every section listed.
As we look at how to use this free spiritual evaluation (or write it out in a notebook), be sure to remember that what works for one person does not always work for another. We must each establish a solid relationship with God based on ourselves, not on someone else.
For this reason, I suggest this tool only if it helps you grow. Do not feel that you must do it or that it is an obligation of any kind. It is just a tool to help you reflect on what is going well and where you should maybe take a second look at things. That being said, enjoy!
The FREE “My Spiritual Evaluation” Worksheet
With this free tool or in a journal, you can write out your current spiritual habits. This will give you a chance to see where you are at any moment in time, what you are currently trying, and what you are most passionate about at this moment.
Next, you are able to list your current spiritual victories. Maybe you have just preached a sermon at your church or have mentored a troubled teen. There are hundreds of things that you could list here, so just write what is on your heart!
In the current spiritual struggles area, list anything that is hard for you. Are you having trouble connecting with God through prayer? Maybe you need to try a new devotional book or read a different part of your Bible. Trying new spiritual habits can definitely aid with any struggles.
Next, you’ll list your current spiritual goals. Maybe you’d like to read through the Bible this year, join a Bible study group, or even attend church for the first time. Whatever you feel the Lord has revealed to you to do, you can list it here. Just speak from the heart!
The next two questions on the spiritual evaluation worksheet will help you see what actions will need to happen to make the changes needed in your spiritual walk. Determine where improvements are needed and how you will make these improvements. Never stop trying!
Finally, there is plenty of room on the last page to write out a prayer to God about these struggles, goals, and victories. Just lay it all out on the line for Him to take care of. It might not happen tomorrow, but He will take care of it! Have a little faith as you move forward!
#3. Pray About It.
Before taking on any spiritual endeavor or life activity, for that matter, you should consult the Lord. Ask Him to speak to your heart and know that He is listening to you. He wants to hear from His children, so you just need to reach out and let Him know what is in your heart!
Whenever we are uncertain about something, we must speak to the Lord. Just as you love it when your children tell you about their days, the Lord wants to know what is hurting your heart. If you feel worried, you need to talk to God about your troubles.

Consider writing in a prayer journal or chatting with a friend or family member about your prayer life. Often, when we consult others, we learn some of the best tips and tricks around! See what your loved ones do to measure their spiritual lives!
As you strive to determine if you are moving forward or backward in your spiritual life, remember not to be too hard on yourself! What is important is that you are making a conscious effort to improve things. Make sure your heart is in the right place, too!
Did you learn a new way to evaluate your spiritual life? What does faith look like for you? Are you eager to spend time with the Lord, or do you struggle to find the motivation? Be sure to let us know what articles you find to be most helpful!
We look forward to your comments and to knowing how you have used the free spiritual evaluation!
Let the Word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another with wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God. – Colossians 3:16 (ESV)