Volunteer Log


Enjoy this FREE volunteer log as you participate in volunteer opportunities! This log is helpful for logging your hours or recording any volunteer activity! There’s room for you to record the date, the number of hours you volunteered, a description of your activity, and any notes you may have. Check out the blog post How to Volunteer for more great Sharing Life and Love content!

Enjoy this FREE volunteer log as you participate in volunteer opportunities! This log is helpful for logging your hours or recording any volunteer activity! There’s room for you to record the date, the number of hours you volunteered, a description of your activity, and any notes you may have. Check out the blog post How to Volunteer for more great Sharing Life and Love content!


Not sure where to volunteer? Consider joining the worthy cause of sending care packages to the military: How to Send Military Care Packages. Write letters to soldiers, become a soldier penpal, or write letters of encouragement to inmates. Don’t enjoy writing letters? Consider knitting for charity! You could join the Snuggles Project and help animals in animal shelters!


Created by Michele L Kelsey

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