Would you like nothing more than to uncover the answers to your 15 most frequently asked questions about Celebrate Recovery? Are you aching to know how you can become involved in a Christian recovery program? This is unlike any other!
Be sure to check out this article that has all the details regarding the program called Celebrate Recovery. Like the traditional recovery program called AA, Celebrate Recovery (CR) encompasses the 12 steps, as well as 8 core principles based on the Bible.

Guess what? You don’t have to be an addict to join a great program like this. It truly is a gift for the everyday person to receive. After all, we all have our hurts, habits, and what you might call hang-ups! Anyone is welcome at Celebrate Recovery.
Much hope can be found in a program like Celebrate Recovery!
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#1. What is Celebrate Recovery?
Celebrate Recovery is a Christ-centered, 12-step recovery program for individuals who are struggling with bad habits, addictions, and other things that are keeping them from living the life they desire. This program mirrors many parts of the AA program, as it has 12 steps and the Serenity Prayer, also.
#2. What is Confidentiality? What is Anonymity?
Confidentiality means that what you share will stay amongst the members in your individual groups – either in Open-Share Groups or Step Studies. Anonymity means that you are not named; your identity stays anonymous when anonymity is in place. It mainly means that no one will identify you with the things you share.
#3. How Did Celebrate Recovery Start? What is the Goal of Celebrate Recovery?
Celebrate Recovery originated with John Baker and Rick Warren. The goal of Celebrate Recovery is to help people achieve recovery from the things they are struggling with. If you have a hurt or hangup that is not resolved, you will find a home at a Celebrate Recovery meeting!
Therefore encourage one another and build one another up, just as you are doing. – 1 Thessalonians 5:11
#4. What are Celebrate Recovery Open Share Groups?
The Celebrate Recovery Open Share Groups take place at the Celebrate Recovery meetings. These can happen during any day or time of the week. Each location has its own schedule and a variety of types of open-share groups based on the needs of the people who attend the CR meetings at that location.
#5. What is the Difference Between an Open Share Group and a Step Study at CR?
An Open Share Group typically meets after the large group assembles at the Celebrate Recovery meetings for dinner (optional), a lesson or testimony, praise and worship time, and other designated activities or routines that take place at any given location’s meetings. A CR Step Study happens separately with the same individuals.
#6. What Issues Does Celebrate Recovery Help With?
The groups are split up into male and female groups, usually classified by what your hurt, habit, or hang-up is. If you need anger management, struggle with a past hurt or pain, suffer from anxiety, and so much more, you’ll find many options at Celebrate Recovery.

#7. How Many Lessons Are In the Celebrate Recovery Step Study Program?
While there is an extended program available, the traditional Celebrate Recovery step-study program consists of 25 lessons. You can read more about CR lessons by starting Celebrate Recovery lesson 1 today! Step out of denial, and don’t forget your free study guide!
#8. What is the Cost of Celebrate Recovery?
Celebrate Recovery is free. If you decide to attend Celebrate Recovery step studies or other groups, you may wish to purchase promotional materials. The Celebrate Recovery Study Bible is available for purchase online; there is also a devotional book available.
#9. What is the Difference Between Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) and Celebrate Recovery (CR)?
Alcoholics Anonymous is solely for those recovering from an addiction to alcohol. NA is similar but is related to narcotics only. Celebrate Recovery is religiously based and is available for a wide range of issues, including both alcohol and narcotics.
Finally, be strong in the Lord and in the strength of His might. – Ephesians 6:10
#10. How Many Weeks are there in the Celebrate Recovery Program?
There is no limit when it comes to the number of meetings of Celebrate Recovery. It lasts as long as the church or group is available to meet. If one CR ends, typically, they will open up at a different location, or you can attend at another location. Often, your recovery will last longer if you are still in denial. Walk out of being in that state today!
#11. Do I Have to Share at Celebrate Recovery?
You do not have to share at Celebrate Recovery meetings. If you attend a small group meeting, you are welcome to share your first name and the things you are struggling with, but you are not required to. All that is asked is that you maintain confidentiality and show the other group members respect as they attempt to recover from their bad habit or hang-up.

#12. Do I Have to Be a Christian to Join Celebrate Recovery?
You do not have to be a Christian to attend Celebrate Recovery. When the large group meets, there will be praise and worship. You might find that you are moved by what is shared in the groups or during meetings, but you are not required to be a Christian.
#13. How Often Does Celebrate Recovery Meet?
The Celebrate Recovery meetings typically meet once a week. You can attend various CR meetings that gather together in your area. The times and days available depend on your area. If available, you can attend a CR meeting once a day or more! Many people do this when it comes to recovery, as it can often be the best option!
Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. – Philippians 4:6
#14. How Long is a Celebrate Recovery Meeting?
It depends on how long you decide to stay. Usually, if there is a dinner available, it lasts for one hour. The “large group” typically takes one hour. Once you attend a small group meeting, you will see it takes another hour. After that, it’s all about how long you want to socialize. Of course, making friends takes a bit of work, but with the right attitude, CR is a great avenue to explore!
#15. Is There a Celebrate Recovery (CR) Meeting Near Me?
You can use the Celebrate Recovery locator to find a Celebrate Recovery meeting near you. Locations vary by the different places that include where people live and where the need for Christian recovery programs like CR is the greatest. Be sure to locate one near you for more information!
Did we answer your 15 most frequently asked questions about Celebrate Recovery? Do you still have questions that you really want the answers to? We would truly love to hear from you about this Christian recovery program. Get in touch with us or go to a Celebrate Recovery meeting today! You will not be sorry that you attended a meeting! God bless!

Maybe you are struggling to find the right path. Perhaps you would like to get better and improve your current circumstances. Do not stay trapped! Get in recovery today!
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The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? The Lord is the stronghold of my life; of whom shall I be afraid? – Psalm 27:1