Prayer Tracker

5 Unique Ways to Track Your Prayers + Free Prayer Tracker

Are you looking for some great ways to track your prayers? Consider using a prayer tracker! There are many other ideas available in this article, but a prayer tracker is made just for this purpose. If you feel your calling is to pray more, jump on board the prayer tracker train!

You might discover that you are really meant to be a prayer warrior. It does not happen overnight, but you can certainly improve your prayer life and relationship with our Lord by praying more! Stretch yourself a bit and grow in your faith by igniting your prayers! 

When you track your prayers, you discover how God was acting in your life when you did not even realize it! You also learn more about Him and His ways. Improve your prayers by analyzing the answers with a prayer tracker or two! Learn more in this article!

If we confess our sins, He is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. – 1 John 1:9 (NASB)

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Why You Need Prayer in Your Life

There are many reasons to pray. After all, it is an important part of your spiritual life! Building a relationship with God does not happen without effort. As with any relationship, marriage included, you need to communicate. That means talking (praying) and listening (hearing God).

Part of the reason that we speak to God in prayer is so that we can confess our sins and ask for forgiveness. Like a child who has done wrong, we need to tell Him the areas we feel we have fallen short of His glory. He knows what’s on our hearts but still wants to hear from us!

Prayer also has many personal benefits. It can relieve your stress and anxiety and teach you how to be more like our Lord Christ Jesus. Do you need to invite the Holy Spirit into your heart and life? Prayer is an excellent way to do just that! Get started today by tracking your prayers!

Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God. – Philippians 4:6 (ESV)

Psalm 37:4

Why Track Prayers?

So, you might think that there is zero point in tracking your prayers. However, there are many reasons to keep track of your prayers. By zeroing in on which prayers have been answered, you can get a better idea of God’s will for your life. 

Also, isn’t it nice to see God’s hand at work in your life? Looking at your answered prayers helps you understand God better and how He is working behind the scenes in your life. You might discover answers to spiritual questions that have been on your mind for some time.

Improve your prayer life or get yours started by better understanding what to pray for. It’s always a good idea to find new ways to strengthen your faith, and reviewing answered prayers can help you do just that! Look at and marvel at all that the Lord has done in your life through tracking!

Listen! The Lord’s arm is not too weak to save you, nor is His ear too deaf to hear you call. – Isaiah 59:1 (NLT)

How to Track Your Prayers (5 Ways)

Learn how to track your prayers in these simple five ways. By using one of these methods, you will be able to evaluate your prayer life and improve it. 

#1. Use a Prayer Tracker Bullet Journal.

There are many prayer tracker bullet journals that you can use. Consider purchasing a blank bullet journal to use to record or track your prayers, or use any old notebook that you have lying around to record your prayers in. To track them, just list how each prayer is answered. 

It might be smart to list the date of the prayer, what you are praying for, and how the prayer was answered by God. Consider incorporating prayer as part of your Bible study, too! Bible verses can support your prayers, help you know what to say, and even teach you more about the Bible!

As you look at how God answers prayers, keep in mind that His will is not the same as ours, and He sees the big picture! He sees things we can’t even understand!!

Ask yourself some reflective questions when analyzing answered prayers. How did the situation impact your life? What good came out of it? Did you learn something new? Can you still learn anything from what happened? How might it have impacted someone else’s life?

Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours. – Mark 11:24 (ESV)

#2. Keep a Prayer Calendar or Prayer Planner.

You also can use a prayer planner or prayer journal on this journey! You might even wish to keep a prayer calendar where you list your prayer requests on each day’s date on a regular calendar. Highlight prayer requests in different colors, depending on how they were answered.

One idea is to use faith stickers to track your prayers. Assign each color of sticker or each shape, depending stickers and categories you use. If you find it helpful, you could keep a color key with your calendar or planner! Get creative with it and, by all means, have some fun!

If you abide in Me, and My words abide in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you. – John 15:7 (ESV)

John 15:7

#3. Use a Prayer Tracker App.

There are many prayer tracker apps that you can use on your smartphone, iPad, computer, or another device. Some notable ones are Echo Prayer, Abide,, Daily Prayer Guide, and Glorify!! Keep in mind that most spiritual apps have a prayer feature, so take a look at yours!

You can even track prayers in the YouVersion Bible app! It is very handy to have a prayer tracker app in your prayer life. You probably always have your device with you, and the apps are usually reliable and keep you accountable (and give you something to do when waiting in line)!

Pray without ceasing. – 1 Thessalonians 5:17 (ESV)

#4. Write Your Prayers in Your Bible.

While this method is probably not preferable if you have only one Bible, I’ve used several “Prayer Bibles,” as I call them, to record my prayers. Just find a Bible that you are not currently using for another purpose and record your prayers and how God answered them! 

This is a fun and beautiful way to get involved in your faith, as is any Bible journaling method. Get as creative as you would like when you spend time with God! For more ideas on the Bibles that I own, check out How to Build a Bible Library.

I would recommend an inexpensive wide-margin Bible. That way, you have plenty of room to write. Be sure to record the date of the prayer, so you can look back and see how you previously prayed and who you prayed for in the past! It’s quite enlightening!

Confess your sins to one another and pray for one another that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person has great power as it is working. – James 5:16 (ESV)

#5. Use a Prayer Tracker.

A prayer tracker, for the purposes of this article, is a printable resource that allows you to track your prayers. In the next section, we’ll cover some great places where you can find paid and FREE prayer trackers. Like a prayer Bible, these are great if you love reviewing your prayers!

You can place your prayer trackers in a three-ring binder or folder. If you want to, use more than one prayer tracker – assigning each one a different purpose. For example, one could be for yourself and your personal issues. Another could be for your significant other.

If you are passionate about praying for other people, don’t forget to pray for those who hate you (or who you believe do), leaders in this world, co-workers, and your boss! You will certainly want to pray for your husband or wife and any children you might have!! List it all in a prayer journal!

And I tell you, ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. – Luke 11:9 (ESV)

Proverbs 3:5-6

Prayer Tracker Resources

Use these prayer tracker resources to further enhance your prayer life!

Our FREE Prayer Tracker

This FREE prayer tracker is available for you to use as you see fit in your personal prayer life. 

Prayer Tracker

More Prayer Trackers

This FREE Prayer Tracker is ideal if you love color and choices! There are a couple of different formats to choose from, but this is perfect for the prayer warrior in you!!

This FREE Prayer Tracker is perfect for holding yourself accountable! Keep track of all your prayer requests and which day of the week you pray for them with this great prayer tracker!

This 31-Day Prayer Tracker by Dana Lincoln is perfect for short-term use! It’s large but handy! Use it to enhance your prayer life as you write out and review your various prayer requests.

This Prayer and Praise Tracker is quite unique. You can list what you are thankful for along with your prayers. The two-page spread is ideal if you have a lot to say! For another FREE daily prayer journal, check out ours!

This Blessed: 3-Month Habit and Prayer Tracker is a little more of a planner but includes so much! It has Bible reading trackers, health trackers, prayer trackers, and more! It’s beautiful!

Go into all the world and proclaim the gospel to the whole creation. – Mark 16:15 (ESV)

A Faith Challenge

Something has been weighing heavily on my heart. I worry about the state of the world we live in. Let’s all try to spread a little love more than hate from now on. The Bible advises us not to grumble and complain, and if you hop on social media, you’ll hear a lot of that!

Try to find a way to be moved to do something more in your personal spiritual life or in the world! This isn’t just about the world either; you can certainly volunteer and make a difference easily! This is more about the state of your soul. How is your relationship with God right now??

Take a good look at how much time you spend on social media or watching television, and consider investing more time with our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. THAT relationship is what matters more than anything else in this world! Please build and share your faith today! 

We should help others do what is right and build them up in the Lord. – Romans 15:2 (NLT)

Philipians 4:6

Frequently Asked Prayer Questions

How do you make a prayer binder?

While you can make a prayer binder in any fashion you wish, starting with a clear or white binder is smart. You will be able to then put a nice cover on. Use dividers for the various areas of prayer that you concentrate on in your prayer life. Most of all, have fun with it!

What are the 5 basic prayers?

There are many vocal or repetitive prayers you can use when you speak to God. If those prayers help you, be sure to pray them as often as needed. The Lord’s Prayer is found in Matthew 6:6-13. Try talking to God in a less formal way from time to time. Speak from the heart!

How do you write a prayer list?

To write a prayer list, just use a notebook or any paper and any writing utensil. Create a list of all the individual prayers that are on your mind or those you have agreed to pray for. You might want to separate these lists in your prayer binder if you use one.

How do you make a prayer log?

A prayer log or prayer journal is a tracker of prayers. It is a way to record your prayers for future reference. If you enjoy tracking prayers, start a prayer journal or use one of the prayer trackers recommended in this article! A prayer log or prayer planner can be useful tools in your spiritual belt!

How do you pray daily?

If you have trouble remembering to pray daily, you might want to set an appointment on your calendar or set the alarm on your phone. Speak to God from the heart or refer to your prayer list, prayer log, or prayer binder to remember what to pray for next!

Isaiah 59:1


We hope you now have a great many ideas of how to track your prayers. Which prayer tracker will you use? Be sure to comment and forward this article to someone else today! Also, if you could share it on social media, we would love it!

Remember, the more you pray, the easier it will get. Build this excellent habit by practicing it more today! You won’t regret it. We are sure that you will easily be able to track your prayers using one of the methods listed in this article! 

Walk in wisdom toward outsiders, making the best use of the time. Let your speech always be gracious, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how you ought to answer each person. – Colossians 4:5-6 (ESV)

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