Celebrate Recovery Step 3 | How to Take Step 3 in Recovery

Celebrate Recovery Step 3 is one step in the recovery process. Two of the 12-step recovery programs are Celebrate Recovery (CR) and Alcoholics Anonymous (AA). Celebrate Recovery’s 12 steps are the same as the ones for AA.

In Celebrate Recovery step three, we learn about trusting God by turning our lives and wills over to Him. This is a monumental step in walking on your road to recovery!

If you are just starting recovery, be sure to read Celebrate Recovery Step One and Step Two! These steps will forever change your life, so keep at it! 

In reading this article, we want you to get excited! Something amazing is about to happen in your life. You will receive blessings beyond your wildest dreams in recovery, and you might not even realize it yet! 

If you are looking to find success as you journey down your path to recovery, check out the tips in this article. With the right lessons from the study guides, you can overcome so much and see positive change in your life. Expect great things!! 

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"Fall seven times Stand up Eight"
Japanese Proverb

What is Celebrate Recovery Step 3?

Celebrate Recovery Step 3 states: We made a decision to turn our lives and our wills over to the care of God. Step 3 corresponds with Celebrate Recovery Principle 3 of the 8 Celebrate Recovery Principles.

Celebrate Recovery Principle 3 states: I consciously choose to commit all of my life and will to Christ’s care and control. The Bible verse that goes with it is Matthew 5:5a, which states, “Happy are the meek.”

If you are new to Celebrate Recovery, be sure to check out this article for further clarification on what all the buzz is about – What is Celebrate Recovery? Remember that CR is for everyone; it doesn’t matter what your background is. We all have hurts, habits, and hang-ups!

The steps in CR are the same as those in Alcoholics Anonymous (AA). The main difference between the two programs is AA is more secular in nature. Celebrate Recovery is centered around Christ Jesus in the program. This is a very crucial aspect of step 3!

Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God…This is your spiritual act of worship. – Romans 12:1 (TLB)

What Does Celebrate Recovery Step 3 Mean to You?

If you’ve been following the previous lessons on the steps that make up Celebrate Recovery, you are probably getting to be an expert yourself – by now! Did you know that in this step, we will be turning our lives over to God

That means trusting Him completely and putting yourself aside.

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to Him, and He will make your paths straight. – Proverbs 3:5-6 (NIV)

What does it mean to turn your life over to God, though? Do you have to do something “official,” or can you do this in private? How will your life change after you hand it over to God?


Turn is all about turning your life over to God. This means that you have let go of control, admitting that you cannot handle everything on your own but need the help of the Lord God Almighty. Call on Him, and He will always be there for you; He’ll always listen to you!

Then you will call on Me and come and pray to Me, and I will listen to you. You will seek Me and find Me when you seek Me with all your heart. – Jeremiah 29:12-13 (NIV)

As you have more questions about your faith, it’s a smart move to start going to church. At church, you can usually connect with leaders who can answer the questions that have been weighing on your mind. Plus, there are many other benefits to going to church.

Imagine getting to praise and worship God with other believers! Think about how great it would be to meet other Christians and make lifelong friendships! Having fellowship with other believers is part of what makes up your faith! It’s a perk that you get to have as a Christian, too!

Another part of turning your life over to God is declaring that He is your King, that you will have no other gods before Him, and that He will be the love of your life! You will be so grateful that you have made this life-altering decision. Talk to a CR or church leader more about salvation!

If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved. – Romans 10:9-10 (NIV)

"No matter how dark the moment, love and hope are always possible."
George Chakiris

How to Accomplish Celebrate Recovery Step 3

Admit that you cannot handle everything on your own.

Sometimes, we have to be humble and admit we don’t know everything. If you or someone you love is in recovery, you know there are moments when everything can seem out of control. That’s what’s great about having a Higher Power (God); He takes the burden off your chest!

This goes back to the first step in recovery – admitting you have a problem. It can be the toughest step to take, especially if you think you might be perfect. Well, I’m sorry to say that none of us are perfect; only Jesus lived a sinless life! It’s time to fess up your weaknesses!

Surrender your will to God and believe in Him.

You’ve now admitted you have a problem and are looking for help with it. Congratulations! You have achieved more than most people ever do; you are self-aware

You might be thinking, “that’s great, but now what?” Now, you can surrender to our Lord and Savior!

It is like someone is taking a weight off of your shoulders when you take this step. No longer do you need to worry about every detail in your life because you TRUST God and know that He can take the reins of your life and lead you in the best direction (if you follow His path).

Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and He will establish your plans. – Proverbs 16:3 (NIV)

Let God into your daily life.

So, you have surrendered your will to God and completely trust Him with your life, or you trust Him the best you know how – at this point in your faith! That’s okay if you are struggling with this step in your recovery; most people do have difficulty giving everything over to God! It’s not easy!

What are some ways you can let God into your daily life? First, there is always prayer. Praying to God not only allows you the chance to vent when you need to, but you can submit prayer requests to God and thank Him for the many blessings you have been given.

Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. – Philippians 4:6-7 (NIV)

Second, it’s important to implement Bible study or Bible reading in your life. This is one of the ways that you can hear back from God. He communicates through His word – the Bible. 

Try a beginner’s Bible study or simply do a yearly Bible reading plan! That’s a great start!

Finally, learn to trust God completely. When you are in doubt about an important decision, ask Him what you should do. You might not audibly hear an answer, but your soul will tell you which path to take. The answer will become clearer each time you ask the more you do this!

Related: How to Build a Relationship with God Today

"The best way out is always through."
Robert Frost

More Tips for Completing Celebrate Recovery Step 3

  • Continue to go to Celebrate Recovery meetings and meet new people!
  • Love like Jesus loved; ask God to teach you how or read more about it in His Word.
  • Join a Celebrate Recovery step study! It will be a life-changing experience!
  • Keep praying continuously; the more you do it, the easier it will get!
  • Memorize the Serenity Prayer for added encouragement! 
  • Learn more about the Bible; join a Bible study or just start reading!

Related: Celebrate Recovery Lesson 5: Turn (Free Study Guide)

Related: Celebrate Recovery Lesson 6: Action (Free Study Guide)

More Celebrate Recovery Step 3 Resources

A Celebrate Recovery Step 3 Video

Celebrate Recovery Step Three Video


More Celebrate Recovery Step 3 Resources

  • Celebrate Recovery NIV Study Bible – This large-print Bible is perfect for taking notes or marking in your Bible. The devotionals are spot-on for recovery, too!
  • Celebrate Recovery 365 Devotional Book – This CR devotional book will help you as you walk on the road to recovery! Use this Devo book during your time with God.
  • The Celebrate Recovery Blog Series – We’ve covered several other Celebrate Recovery articles. You can find free printables and study guides in the Shop, or get started by reading the first article in this series – What is Celebrate Recovery?

Frequently Asked Questions

How many steps are there in recovery?

There are 12 steps in the two 12-step programs – Alcoholics Anonymous and Celebrate Recovery. There are more lessons provided in the study guides that correspond with the lessons. Celebrate Recovery also has 8 principles based on the Beatitudes that correspond with the 12 steps!

What does step 3 prayer mean?

According to JC’s Recovery Center, the step 3 prayer is usually used in AA to help with this third step, and the difficulty one might have in letting go of everything to the Lord. The prayer allows you to offer yourself up to God, relieve yourself from any bondage, and bear witness to others.

What is a Celebrate Recovery step study?

A Celebrate Recovery step study is a group of men or women who meet (usually) weekly for several months to walk through the step study lessons that are provided in the study guides. For more detailed information on the lessons provided in CR, be sure to check out those articles!

How do you work the third step?

To work the third step in recovery, you must first let go of control of your life even if you are holding on tightly. Second, you must turn your hurts, habits, and problems over to God. Finally, trust Him and allow Him the chance to enter and change your life for the good!

What does conscious contact with God mean?

Conscious contact means that you make a deliberate effort to allow God to enter your life. It is all about trust and doing something on purpose. You will want to permit the Lord to come into your life so that He can take control, allowing you a chance to let go!

"Don't let the past steal your present."
Terri Guillemets


You should now know how to accomplish step 3 in recovery. Celebrate Recovery Step 3 moves you closer to God and is a great way to begin your road to recovery. 

If you need more detailed instructions, be sure to follow the links in this article that go with the related lessons (Lessons 5 and 6) for step 3 of recovery!

If you’d like to share your story as it relates to step 3, be sure to leave a comment! We wish you only the best during this time! Continue working through the steps, and you will see success!

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