If you enjoyed the first article on prayer tips, you will love this article with even MORE prayer tips and ways you can spice up your prayer life today!!
Even if you believe your prayer life is already stellar, it couldn’t hurt to learn a few more prayer tips, right? You are going to love this list of prayer tips, provided you have an open heart and mind!
If you aren’t sure which of these prayer tips is best for you, consider a few prayer tips – one at a time! Take it slow and steady with these prayer tips, and before you know it, you will have tried them all! Enjoy!
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Top Prayer Tips and Ideas
As this is part 2 of a two-part series on prayer tips, we encourage you to check out the Prayer Tips – Part 1 article for even more great tips!!

#62. Ask for protection.
David often asked God for protection. He did trust the Lord to be by his side through the difficult moments, but he was also not afraid to voice his opinions in the Psalms! Let God know that you need protection or safety from whatever is bothering you! Be real with the Lord!
#63. Ask to be delivered from temptation.
This is a wise thing to pray for! Consider the many areas in your life where you have gone astray or might be tempted in the future. You probably know your weaknesses pretty well. Let Him know the areas where you feel that you are weak and need to be protected.
No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; He will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, He will also provide a way out so that you can endure it. – 1 Corinthians 10:13 (NIV)
#64. Go to battle.
You can “go to battle” with your war binder or prayer journal. Think about the areas you are struggling in. If you are having trouble with your anger or patience, talk to God in prayer about these issues or write out your prayers in your prayer notebook! I love doing this!!
#65. Remember your spiritual weapons!
There are many spiritual weapons listed in the Bible. You can find the Belt of Truth, the Word of God, and many others can be found in Ephesians 6. The Armor of God can protect you during your prayer time!! Use your spiritual weapons wisely!!
For though we live in the world, we do not wage war as the world does. The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds. – 2 Corinthians 10:3-4 (NIV)
#66. Make prayer a habit.
It typically takes 60+ days to truly adopt a habit. You might be able to start a habit sooner or need more time, but if you just make prayer a daily habit, you will be thankful!
Learn more about Radical Habits You Can Try!
#67. Talk about your calling.
This might be one of the most important prayer tips you could find! You can certainly talk to God about your spiritual calling. As with any area of your life, God will provide you with the guidance you need when you need it. Be sure to reach out to Him!
Learn more about your Spiritual Calling!
#68. Be specific.
The more specific you are in prayer, the better the experience will be for you. You will likely get a clearer response, too!
#69. Make a war notebook.
As discussed, a war notebook can be a prayer journal, a prayer notebook, a Bible study journal or diary, or even a listening journal where you document what God speaks to you. Determine what you need from a war notebook, and get creative making your own.
#70. Say the Serenity Prayer.
The Serenity Prayer is a strong prayer that is very well-liked by the recovery community. However, it will be well worth memorizing for anyone! You can recite the prayer daily or even just when you need to be lifted up and feel that special connection to God.
#71. Pray with confidence.
This is one of those life-changing prayer tips! When we pray, we are to be confident in our walk. As you lift up your praise and prayer concerns to God, be confident that He is listening and will answer you!

#72. Be still and quiet your heart.
When you need to feel God close to your heart, be still. Take a moment of silence and listen for God to speak to you.
#73. Write out your prayers.
As a writer, I really enjoy using a prayer journal or listing out my prayers on prayer topics in my notebook. Any old notebook will do! You could even decorate the outside of your prayer notebook to make it special for your time with God.
#74. Use a prayer application.
There are MANY prayer applications that you can download on your smartphone! Several are free; some do not take up a lot of space; many are available to try and see if they are right for you!
#75. Say bold prayers.
Praying bold prayers can be tricky as you decide whether you are brave enough to say the bold prayers. YouVersion even has a Bible reading plan called Dangerous Prayers by Pastor Craig Groeschel from Life Church. It talks further on the topic of bold prayers!
#76. Let go and let God handle it.
We often worry too much!! Sometimes, the best action you can take when you pray is to let go and trust that God will handle it. I often stick a prayer request on a little card and then tuck it away in an envelope once I have handed it over to God! This is a great exercise!
#77. Allow yourself to be vulnerable.
Being honest in prayer takes courage. You might feel a bit uncomfortable at first, especially if you are praying in front of others. Like many things in life, you get what you put into it. Pray with all your heart, and you’ll thrive in prayer!
#78. Pray with faith.
When you pray, really trust God, knowing that your faith will sustain you, and the Lord will protect you!!
For we live by faith, not by sight. – 2 Corinthians 5:7 (NIV)
#79. Start small.
If you are new to prayer, consider doing something simple to start. You do not need to pray for a whole hour. Instead, practice praying for five minutes. Then, you can increase this goal to be for fifteen minutes or longer if the Spirit inspires you to do so!
#80. Pray with a clean heart.
When you pray to the Lord, you should confess your sins. Come to the Lord with a pure heart. He wants you to be holy and true when you spend time with Him!
Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. – Psalm 51:10 (NKJV)
#81. Remember His answers.
Tracking your prayers and the ways that the Lord answers your prayers. Remember that He always hears you and does respond. He just might not respond in the way that you had hoped. However, we must keep in mind that His way and His plans are better than ours!!
Know that the Lord has set apart His faithful servant for Himself; the Lord hears when I call to Him. – Psalm 4:3 (NIV)
#82. Try different ways to pray.
There are many ways to pray. You can do it in a more formal way on your knees with your hands folded. Also, you could just pray silently on your way to work. Try reading the Psalms or the Bible to God in prayer. If you have any verses memorized, this can be even more fun!
I will be fully satisfied as with the richest of foods; with singing lips, my mouth will praise You. On my bed, I remember You; I think of You through the watches of the night. – Psalm 63:5-6 (NIV)
#83. Pray God’s promises.
Looking for new things to pray for is one of the prayer tips that you won’t want to forget! An additional way that you can pray is to list God’s promises to His people. You can go through your Bible to do this or read a book on the Promises of God!
#84. Ask for protection.
Since we do not know what will happen in the future, it never hurts to ask God for protection for yourself and those you love. Don’t forget to pray for those who do not fit into those categories, too!
Related: How to Pray for Someone Who Hates You
#85. Try a prayer challenge.
A prayer challenge can be anything that stretches your prayer life. Maybe you need to spend five minutes a day in silence, listening to God speak to you in some way. Perhaps, you need to spend an hour in prayer each morning. This can vary from person to person!
Related: How to Set Spiritual Goals (With Free Worksheet)
#86. Pray the Psalms.
Have you tried many prayer tips without a change in your prayer life? Praying the Psalms can be quite freeing. You hear how David said prayers that are so applicable today, and it touches your spirit!
Learn New Ways to Pray the Psalms.
#87. Be dedicated to prayer.
Have you ever noticed that committing to something really sets the bar high? We should all do this with God. Dedicate yourself to prayer, and then watch how your prayer life changes!
#88. Pray the big prayers.
Praying all of your prayers may sound like one of the more obvious prayer tips, but in reality, it’s prayer tips like this that make all of the difference! Give it all to God in prayer – big or small!

#89. Have a grateful heart.
Having an attitude of gratitude when praying can certainly help things. You will notice all of your blessings rather than focusing so much on what is wrong in your life!
#90. Enjoy your quiet time!
Your quiet time with God should be a time of enjoyment, a time when you can listen to God speak to your heart, and a time when you feel a special connection to our Creator! Have fun!
#91. Pray the prayers in the Bible.
There are numerous prayers listed in the Bible. The prayers of the Bible vary from laments to prayers of thanksgiving. If you feel like you are out of words, consider reading the Bible to learn more about the prayers that David prayed (Psalms) or the ones Jesus taught (the Gospels).
#92. Use the ACTS prayer method.
The ACTS Prayer Method involves adoration, confession, thanksgiving, and supplication. If you need to do these out of order, go for it! If it helps you to change one of the parts, do that. Figure out what works best for your prayer times and make it happen!
#93. Pray for those who hate you.
You might have coworkers who dislike or even hate you. Maybe you have people at church or neighbors who don’t care for you. We often cannot change things when we are in situations like this – except through the power of prayer!! Lifting them up can be the best solution EVER!!
Related: What To Do When Someone Hates You
#94. Look to the Lord for strength.
When you feel tired, weary, or apathetic, look to the Lord for strength. He can solve any problem that you are facing. Things might not work out the way that you had hoped, but they will work out the way that He knows is best. Remember, He does all things for our good.
And we know that in all things, God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose. – Romans 8:28 (NIV)
#95. Pray for your husband.
If you are married, do not neglect to pray for your husband. We have some great prayer cards for FREE in the Shop if you’d like to check those out, too! If you are not yet married and want to know how to pray for your future husband, check out that article and pray your heart out!
#96. Use an envelope or box.
Do you ever feel like God is not answering your prayers? Do you wonder if you are being heard? If you write down your ongoing prayer requests and place them in a box or envelope (giving them to God), you can look back and see how God DID answer you!
#97. Track your prayers.
Tracking your prayers is another way to see the power of God in your answered prayers. Keep track of who you are praying for and what their prayer request is to better determine how God worked for the good of that individual (or yourself)!
#98. Pray for deliverance.
This is one of the prayer tips that changed my life! If the enemy is attacking you with a specific problem, you should lift it up in prayer! Continue praying over the matter until it is resolved!
#99. Pray with your spouse.
One way to grow your relationship with the Lord and your spouse is to pray together. If neither of you knows how to pray, you can learn together! This will certainly improve your marriage!
Related: Traits of a Successful Marriage (Free Worksheet)
Related: How to Grow Spiritually with Your Spouse
#100. Find joy in the Lord.
You can find great joy in the Lord when you pray! Consider it a privilege, not an obligation. It is truly a treasure to be able to spend time with God!
#101. Pray about everything.
Nothing is too great or too small for God. Think of every aspect of your life. Do you turn it all over to God each moment of each day? He longs to hear from His children, and you are definitely one of His children! Let Him know about your pain, discomfort, and blessings!
Related: Go to Celebrate Recovery for Your Hurts, Habits, and Hang-ups
#102. Pray in the Spirit.
Praying in the Holy Spirit involves letting everything go and releasing it all to God. The Holy Spirit will guide you if you allow Him to, but it does take time to develop this aspect of your spiritual life. Give it time, and turn it over to the Lord!
#103. Pull up a chair.

One prayer tip I was given once was to pull up an empty chair when I prayed. It gives you a chance to picture God sitting right next to you. If you are a visual learner, this is a great opportunity to grow in your faith and stay accountable!
#104. Do not give up.
If you feel that your prayer life is lacking something, pray about it! If you get insecure when you pray, let God know your feelings. Do you lack clarity when you pray? Do you wonder if you are doing it right? There is no right or wrong way to pray! Whatever you do, do not give up!!
#105. Pray in the middle of the night.
If you are anything like me, you do not sleep well. This is the perfect time to bring your woes to the Lord. Let Him know you are frustrated about insomnia, nightmares, or whatever keeps you up at night. If you are full of worries and cannot sleep, bring it to God in prayer.
#106. Light a fire.
One of the prayer tips you might want to try is making yourself more comfortable. For example, if you want to get extra cozy during your time with God, consider lighting a fire! This is an extra special way to grow closer to our Maker!
#107. Have a conversation.
Remember, prayer is not a monologue. It is a time to listen to God and speak to Him – as you would with a friend or anyone! God wants you to treat Him as a friend, a father, or even a soulmate. You do not always have to be formal when you pray; you can be yourself!
#108. Trust God’s plan for your life.
When you trust God’s plan for your life, worry becomes a thing of the past. Look at all the ways that you trust Him. Make a list if you find that to be a helpful tool. Just lay your cares down, and trust that God’s plan is greater than yours.
#109. Know that He hears you.
Remember that God hears you, no matter what concern you bring to Him. He listens and longs to hear from you. Just like a parent wants to hear from their child, God wants you to present your worries before Him.
#110. Create a takeaway list.
A takeaway list is like a to-do list – something you can use during your day to keep the issues presented in prayer at the forefront of your mind. Creating lists is always helpful to me, but they are not for everyone. Just give it a try to see if it is a helpful tool for you when you pray!

#111. Learn even MORE prayer tips out there!
- Express your love.
- Pray as a family!
- Don’t be selfish!
- Pray for your enemies!
- Show emotions!
- Pray for your marriage.
- Do not aim for perfection!
- Pray before bed.
- Talk about your feelings!
- Establish a routine.
- Sing!
- Watch a video on prayer.
- Accept His love.
- Try concentric circles.
- Pray for help.
- Text prayers to those you are praying for.
- Pray anyway!
- Teach prayer to others.
- Try praying a long prayer.
- Celebrate when praying!
- Pray when waiting in line.
- Listen to a prayer podcast.
- Talk about your needs.
- Show reverence.
- Make a prayer list.
- Start in the early morning.
- Ask Him to reveal your sins to you.
- Pray in Jesus’ name.
- Shout to the Lord!
- Use a cross.
- Thank Him for your salvation.
- Light a candle.
- Pray during yoga.
- Discuss your passions!
- Longer prayers are not always better prayers.
- Do not be afraid.
- Give Him your time.
- Do not be prideful.
- Do not fake it.
- Get creative!
- Take some alone time.
- Ask for protection.
- Keep your promises.
- Know that it is okay to cry.
Wow! We have covered over 100 prayer tips in this article! The hope is that they have lit up your prayer life in a new way (or two)!
Which prayer tips will you try first? What prayer tip is your favorite? Maybe there are some prayer tips that you use that are not included on this list.
Be sure to reach out and share your best prayer tips so that you can help others. We’d love to hear from you!
Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! – Philippians 4:4 (NIV)