Celebrate Recovery lesson 22

Celebrate Recovery Lesson 22: Gratitude (Free Study Guide)

With just a few lessons left, we are now discussing Celebrate Recovery lesson 22 – Gratitude

This Celebrate Recovery series has walked you through a variety of ways to handle your hurts and bad habits. The subject of gratitude will take you beyond wellness to a great daily habit!

Often, when working through recovery, we tend to focus on ourselves and what we need to do to stay clean. We don’t always take the moments we should to show gratitude to those around us or to our Creator. It’s important to take the time for this, as it can greatly improve things!

Celebrate Recovery lesson 22 will work on Principle 7, which says we should set apart time for Bible reading, self-examination, and prayer every day of our recovery. As we continue on the 12 steps of recovery, this lesson will help us focus on Step 11 – our relationship with God.

This step (Step 11) carries through both the Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) and Celebrate Recovery programs. Step 11 is critical for your spiritual health, so we won’t rush through it.

If you are new to the Celebrate Recovery lessons, check out the first lesson in this series – Celebrate Recovery Lesson 1: Denial. You might also wish to read the last lesson – Celebrate Recovery Lesson 21 – Relapse.

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What is Celebrate Recovery Lesson 22: Gratitude?

Celebrate Recovery principle 7 says: Reserve a daily time with God for self-examination, Bible reading, and prayer in order to know God and His Will for my life and to gain the power to follow His Will. Are you ready to take a dive into the world of gratitude?

Celebrate Recovery lesson 22

Step 11 says We sought through prayer and meditation to improve our conscious contact with God, praying only for knowledge of His Will for us and the power to carry that out. If you are struggling with positivity and gratitude, the lesson will greatly help you.

Let the message of Christ dwell among you richly. – Colossians 3:16

LessonPrincipleStepBible Verse
22711Colossians 3:16

In Celebrate Recovery lesson 22, we’ll talk about gratitude in your recovery. If you think you already know everything there is to know on this topic, I want to encourage you to learn more! Gratitude is a great subject to expand upon. Being a grateful individual will benefit you greatly!

Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. – Philippians 4:6

What Does “Celebrate Recovery Lesson 22” Mean?

Celebrate Recovery, or CR for short, is a 12-step recovery program created by Pastors John Baker and Rick Warren. It is Biblically based and Christ-centered. It was made for those who are struggling with hurts, habits, or hang-ups

For this program, the curriculum is Biblically-based. As such, the Celebrate Recovery 8 principles are based on the Beatitudes found in the New Testament of the Bible.

Celebrate Recovery Lesson 22 is the fourth lesson in the Growing in Christ While Helping Others Participant’s Guide 4. You can buy it online, or you can likely purchase it at your Celebrate Recovery meeting or step study. Normally, you go through the guide in a CR step study, but we are covering it in this article. 

Let us give thanks to the LORD for His unfailing love and wonderful deeds for mankind. – Psalm 107:15

Celebrate Recovery Lesson 22 Notes and Prayer

Here are the main points from Celebrate Recovery Lesson 22. Remember that gratitude is a critical part of your recovery, so make sure you show gratitude and think about what you are thankful for each day. Of course, always thank our Creator!

To learn more about gratitude in recovery, be sure to read our article on the subject!

Celebrate Recovery Lesson 22 Notes

According to the Celebrate Recovery study guide, there are 4 focus areas for your gratitude. Of course, this does not cover everyone and everything, but when we talk about how to have an attitude of gratitude, we will dive into steps you can take in ALL areas of your life.

The study guide was not extremely in-depth on this lesson, but the following areas of gratitude are listed:

  • Be thankful to God.
  • Be grateful for others.
  • Be thankful for your recovery.
  • Be grateful for your church.

Let the peace of Christ keep you in tune with each other, in step with each other. None of this going off and doing your own thing. And cultivate thankfulness. Let the word of Christ – The Message – Have the run of the house. – Colossians 3:15-16 (MSG)

A Celebrate Recovery Lesson 22 Prayer to Use

Dear God,

Please help me set aside the noise and distractions of this world. Help me concentrate and really listen to You during this moment. I long to know You better. Help me understand Your plan for my life and the purpose You have for me.

In all things, help me seek Your will above my own. Help me live this day in a way that honors and glorifies You. As I am an example to others, please guide me so that I can shine light in dark places. I want others to see that I am Yours by the actions I take.

Thank You a million times over for Your grace, Your forgiveness, and Your love. Thank You for everyone You have given me in life, for my recovery program, and for my church. I long to do Your will in all things, not mine.

In Your Son’s Name,


Questions from Celebrate Recovery Lesson 22 – Gratitude

Here are the discussion questions for Celebrate Recovery lesson 22

  • Why is an attitude of gratitude a crucial part of your recovery?
  • How has God impacted your recovery?
  • In what 3 areas has God accomplished something positive in your recovery walk?
  • Who has God put in your life during recovery – people you are thankful for?
  • What 3 areas of your recovery ministry are you grateful for?
  • Why are you appreciative of these?
  • What are 3 areas in your church that you are grateful for? Why?
  • How does gratitude make you feel?
  • List those who have positively impacted your recovery. Consider thanking each individual personally.

How to Be Grateful in Recovery

There are many ways to be grateful in recovery. As you walk through this step, be sure to show gratitude to God for all areas of your life. That includes the emotional, relational, physical, mental, and spiritual aspects of your life.

How To Be Thankful To God

Perhaps the most obvious way to be grateful to God is through prayer. If you do not know how to pray, think about what you love the most in your life. After you have identified that thing, event, circumstance, or person, just speak out loud to your Creator about it.

It might be a bit awkward at first, but, as with anything, once you practice it a few times, it will become an easier thing to do. You can also show gratitude for different things in the same prayer. That way, you can practice showing gratitude several times – at once.

Celebrate Recovery lesson 22

There are many gratitude journals out there that are formatted for you to praise God as part of your gratitude. You can also use prayer cards that include a statement of gratitude there or use a prayer binder with a tab dedicated to thanksgiving so you never miss it.

How To Be Grateful For Others

Do nice things for other people. It’s truly difficult to be kind to others when you think negatively about them. Instead, try to turn their negative traits into something positive. For example, if someone always annoys you for saying something the wrong way, learn to find it endearing.

Compliment others for the things you appreciate about them. When you point out the good in someone, you will appreciate them more and more. Also, you are more likely to find more good qualities once you embrace a few.

For example, if you search for a reason to be grateful for someone, you are bound to notice neat things about them that you might have previously overlooked. An acquaintance with a good sense of direction might also have a cool collection that you never noticed before.

How To Be Thankful For Your Recovery

You could probably list many reasons why recovery has been good for you. If you’ve begun your spiritual inventory or testimony, you likely know all the ways that you were living life in a pretty messed up way. Maybe you see the mistakes you once made or the damage you caused.

Recovery has changed a lot of things in a positive direction for you, hasn’t it? Be sure to practice some kind of gratitude on a regular basis. You never want to walk a mile in the shoes you once wore, so it’s a smart idea to observe how far you’ve come since then!

This lesson on gratitude is a great way to start this practice, especially if you have not been practicing thus far in your recovery. Grab a notebook and start a gratitude list, naming everything you are grateful for in a short amount of time (for example, 10 minutes).

Use this list as a starting point for your overall gratitude list.

How To Be Grateful For Your Church

The best way to be grateful for anything is to acknowledge what this thing has done for you. When we think of the sacrifice the Lord made on our behalf, it makes sense to feel emotions of sadness, gratitude, and awe – all at once.

What was your relationship with your church like before you began recovery? Was Celebrate Recovery something your church offers? Is that how you began your journey?

There are certainly questions like this that you can ask to stir your emotions and the gratitude you feel toward those in your church or for your church as a whole. Think about the people that make up your church, what they believe in, and how they have been supportive of you.

More Celebrate Recovery Resources

Make your journey a complete success with these additional resources!

FREE Recovery Lesson 22 Gratitude Study Guide

For the FREE Recovery Lesson 22 Gratitude Study Guide, please check out this resource.

A Celebrate Recovery Lesson 22: Gratitude Video

Celebrate Recovery Lesson 22 Gratitude

More Celebrate Recovery Resources

You might find these Celebrate Recovery resources helpful on your journey – the Celebrate Recovery NIV Study Bible and the Celebrate Recovery 365-Day Devotional Book

I have thoroughly enjoyed the devotional book listed above. There are a number of short prayers included. Plus, each day’s entry has a Bible verse and devotional story.

Bonus Gratitude Resources

The 5-Minute Gratitude Journal is one I find very useful in order to build joy and positivity!

The Clever Fox Gratitude Journal is perfect for men or women and has positive affirmations and stickers.

If you are looking for a long-term solution, the Daily Gratitude Journal for Women provides six months of positive vibes for you! It’s not only jam-packed with resources, but it also is very sharp looking!

For a fun-filled, positive activity for the whole family, try this Gratitude Jar with Notecards. The results are sure to be inspiring and motivational.

If you want to use something truly unique, consider this Gratitude Journal and 20-Sided Gratitude Dice. You will find daily gratitude exercises that you can use. What a fun way to celebrate your gratitude!

A Celebrate Recovery Lesson 22 – My Story

If you are part of the Celebrate Recovery program, you know the drill. I’m Michele. I am a grateful believer in Christ Jesus, and I celebrate recovery from addictions and abuse. However, I still struggle with some insecurities and perfectionism. 

My Honest Struggles

When you are on a journey like this, you might find things that you need to improve to grow. For me, this entails not complaining so much! I do try to have a grateful attitude as I have been richly blessed in so many ways, but it is not always the easiest thing to do!!

Recently, I have battled several health concerns while at the same time having a good friend and some other individuals not treat me in the best way. I’m telling you this because trials like this make you want to complain and gossip, but they are a chance to make you stronger!

Anyone in the Christian (or secular) sphere will admit (if they are honest) that gossip is a real struggle. We want to be interesting to those around us, or we fear they will not listen to us, and that means that we must tell the most interesting things on our journey.

What does this have to do with gratitude? Well, if I am honest (and the only way to succeed in recovery is to be honest), I’ve been struggling with not having a grateful attitude. I DO have many things to be grateful for, but the things I am not grateful for tend to occupy my mind!

Celebrate Recovery lesson 22

My Gratitude Story

When it comes to gratitude in recovery, I am very thankful for the Celebrate Recovery program – a program that helped me step outside of my selfishness and put my hopes in God instead of this world. With the help of this program, I was able to see God in a completely different way.

This program gave me the confidence to make spiritual friends – people who put God first and know how to not be hurtful to others. In my first step study group, I made lifelong friends and bonded with people I am still in touch with over a decade later!

Recovery also taught me how to put my trust in God. This means trusting God has a plan for me, even if I will never fully understand it. Something like this can rub some people the wrong way. They want to understand everything. If we trust Him, we can let things go and just believe.

Another item on my gratitude list is gaining spiritual maturity. I am not an expert on all spiritual matters. Actually, I don’t know that anyone but Jesus is an expert in all spiritual things. Sometimes, we must just have faith in the things that go beyond our understanding.

I am extremely grateful to God for the gift of my husband, who has turned into a wonderful leader and caring Christian who loves Jesus completely! It truly is a blessing to spend my life with him.

To learn more about my journey, please read my spiritual testimony! If you are eager to build your walk with God, be sure to check out our Psalms Bible Study. It will show you how to create a meaningful time with God each day!

Celebrate Recovery Lesson 22 FAQs

Check out the following questions about Celebrate Recovery lesson 22 – Gratitude

What are the 4 As of gratitude in recovery?

The four As of gratitude are approval, attitude, admiration, and appreciation. These elements will help you build your self-worth – whether you are in recovery or not. The premise behind the 4 As of gratitude is that there is always something to be grateful for. Just stop and look around.

How do you express gratitude in recovery?

The longer you are in recovery, the more grateful you will likely become. It’s hard not to be thankful when you straighten out your problems or the things that are weighing you down. Consider joining a Celebrate Recovery meeting or group to learn more!

What are the goals of Celebrate Recovery?

Celebrate Recovery aims to help you with your bad habits and hurts. They do not “fix” you like an ordinary recovery might. True recovery only happens when you take care of yourself, relying on the Lord for strength and patience. There are many benefits to going to CR, so try it!

What is lesson 6 for Celebrate Recovery?

Celebrate Recovery Lesson 6 is called Action. This is a HUGE step because we turn our lives and all of the components of our will over to God. We accept Him as our Higher Power, and we know that through it all, He will stand by our sides. Relying on God will take the burdens off your shoulders!

What is the Celebrate Recovery prayer?

The Serenity Prayer is the prayer used at both the Celebrate Recovery (CR) and the Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) meetings. You can grab a copy at no charge. The prayer is as follows: God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference


Can you believe we have gone through 22 lessons thus far? That is not even including the ones from the 12 steps! This article covered Celebrate Recovery Lesson 22: Gratitude and has the following elements:

  • What is Celebrate Recovery Lesson 22 – Gratitude?
  • An Overview of Celebrate Recovery 
  • Celebrate Recovery Lesson 22 Gratitude Resources 
  • My Gratitude Story
  • And Much More!

I would love to know how Celebrate Recovery has impacted your life. Did you go through the 12-step program? Did this lesson and study guide prove to be helpful? 

I would be very grateful if you could please share this lesson on social media or via email or text message with your family and friends. Let’s show gratitude to others on the road to recovery!

Be sure to check out the Serenity Prayer in the shop!! 
The next Celebrate Recovery lesson will be Celebrate Recovery Lesson 23 – Give! I hope to meet you there!

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