Do you wonder, why go to church? Maybe you want to know the benefits of going to church. If this is something that is on your mind, you’ve come to the right place. It’s normal to ask, what does the Bible say about going to church? This article is full of scriptures!!
Understand better the purpose of church, the benefit of attending church services on a regular basis, and the top reasons for going to a church near you – in person! You’ll see all sorts of reasons to start attending services soon! You’ll never want to leave the church building!
And let us not neglect our meeting together, as some people do, but encourage one another, especially now that the day of His return is drawing near. – Hebrews 10:25 (NLT)
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Social Benefits of Going to Church
Make new friends!
Church is a great place to make new Christian friends!
Fellowship with spiritual friends.
If you have existing spiritual friendships, you will be able to grow and deepen your relationship with those individuals at church!
Encourage others.
One of the top benefits of going to church is to encourage other Christians to stay firm in their faith and keep following the path that leads to Heaven!
Encourage each other and build each other up, just as you are already doing. – 1 Thessalonians 5:11 (NLT)
Build your social skills.
When you get out and about for any reason, you are building your social skills. Consider the acceptance you can find at the right church home and how that acknowledgment will help your social skills!
Find a godly mentor.
You can find a spiritual or godly mentor at church, so be sure to show up to reap this benefit of going to church!
Be around people with shared values.
If you are a Christian, church is a great place to spend time with others who have the same values!
Each day the Lord added to their fellowship those who were being saved. – Acts 2:47b (NLT)
Feel a connection to other Christians.
If you want to feel close and connected to other Christians, church is the place to go!
Meet together and be around other people!
It’s so beneficial to know that you are not alone in this world! Get out there and follow the Lord at church!
And all the believers met together in one place and shared everything they had. – Acts 2:44 (NLT)
Build a body of believers.
By showing up at church, you are helping to build a body of believers!
Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” – Matthew 28:18-20 (NIV)
Be influenced by the right kind of people.
Social media can be quite toxic; choose to go to church instead, and you’ll likely be influenced by positive, caring people!
Be a testimony to the world.
Church gives you the right opportunity to stand up to negative influences and be a testimony of the right one to the world!

Gain accountability.
Go to church for the support or encouragement that you need to succeed in this life!
Work hard so you can present yourself to God and receive His approval. Be a good worker, one who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly explains the Word of Truth. – 2 Timothy 2:15 (NLT)
Serve others. (Volunteer).
Volunteer opportunities are likely very available at your church, but you won’t know about them unless you show up!
Become a great leader!
Get a chance to be a leader at your local church! There are likely many opportunities to do this in your congregation (singing, praising, preaching, ministering, etc.)!
Care for others who are hurting.
Think back to a time when things were hard for you. What did you need back then? Now is the time for you to bless the lives of others by showing love and compassion when they are in pain!
Bring non-believers to church.
You might very well be able to alter the course of another person’s life by inviting them to come to church with you!
Show support for your spiritual leaders.
Your spiritual leaders need to know you are out there and appreciate them! Show your support for them by attending church services!
Obey your spiritual leaders, and do what they say. Their work is to watch over your souls, and they are accountable to God. Give them reason to do this with joy and not with sorrow. That would certainly not be for your benefit. – Hebrews 13:17 (NLT)
See old friends.
Church is a great place to catch up with old friends!
Win souls for Christ.
You’ll never know the difference you could make in another person’s life until you show up! Go to church to win souls for our Heavenly Father!
Be a good example to others.
Going to church is a great way to show others that there are positive alternatives to the negative choices they are faced with!

Grow spiritually with your spouse!
Learn new ways to grow spiritually with your husband or wife by going to church!
Teach your children the Word of God.
You want to be a good influence or example for your children, right? Why not go to church?
Meet a spouse with shared values.
If you are single and looking for a mate, consider going to church to find him or her! You will likely find someone who values loyalty, patience, and other characteristics of Jesus Christ!
Support those in need.
There will always be people in the world that need help. Why not make a difference by simply going to church and reaching out?
They sold their property and possessions and shared the money with those in need. – Acts 2:45 (NLT)
Receive much-needed love.
If you are in need of the love of other Christians, going to church is an excellent route to explore!
Share your individual testimony to change others.
If you have a great story to tell, you might find the opportunity to change the lives of those who need it by sharing it!

Support your family.
Be a positive influence on your family by encouraging them to attend church services on a regular basis!
Show love to someone who needs it.
You just never know what someone is going through until you reach out. Consider the difference you could make in another’s life by simply going to church and showing the love that Jesus showed us!
Motivate other believers.
Going to church is an excellent way to motivate others!
Let us think of ways to motivate one another to acts of love and good works. – Hebrews 10:24 (NLT)
Start your marriage off on the right track.
Why not start a strong spiritual marriage with your spouse by attending church together?
Get the opportunity to invite friends to church.
Invite people (neighbors, co-workers, friends, etc.) to go to church with you!
Learn who your real friends are.
Grow your spiritual friendships by going to church regularly!
As iron sharpens iron, so a friend sharpens a friend. – Proverbs 27:17 (NLT)
Do something positive with your children.
Consider the example you are setting for your children. Do you take them to church to teach them about Jesus and what He did for us? Do they understand the positivity that can come from going to church?
Improve your marriage.
Whether your marriage is on the rocks or going strong, going to church can make a positive difference! Find a local church near you to discover the marital benefits of going to church!

Help future generations know there are positive options out there.
Be a great example to future generations by going to church!
Remind yourself that you are not alone!
It’s always great to remember that you are not on your own in this world. If you find the right church, you will likely be reminded of why we are joined together in Christ. You’ll experience compassion and love like never before!
We are many parts of one body, and we all belong to each other. – Romans 12:5 (NLT)
Receive loving affection from others.
We all need affection, whether that is our love language or not!
Always be humble and gentle. Be patient with each other, making allowance for each other’s faults because of your love. – Ephesians 4:2 (NLT)
Embrace sincerity from other churchgoers.
While not all churches are full of sincere Christians, if you find the right one, you’ll likely experience love and growth like none other!
Meet all kinds of different people.
Broaden your horizons and meet a plethora of people by going to church!
Spiritual Benefits of Going to Church
Praise the Lord!
What is the purpose of going to church? After all, that’s what you want to know, right? Why go to church? The answer is to praise our Lord and Savior! He is our Creator! Does He not deserve all the glory we can give? This is a great benefit of going to church. It’s a chance to praise Him!
Praise the Lord! Praise God in His sanctuary. – Psalm 150:1 (NLT)
Most churches do allow you to tithe online or offer online donations to different ministries. If you go to church, you will certainly get a chance to give your weekly offering!
Worship our Creator!
Being able to worship our Lord is quite a privilege! Find a local church to regularly attend so that you can worship God! Surely, listening to praise and worship music will enlighten your soul and send you home with goosebumps!!
They worshiped together at the Temple each day, met in homes for the Lord’s Supper, and shared their meals with great joy and generosity. – Acts 2:46 (NLT)
Listen to the Word of God preached.
Being able to listen to the Bible preached is another benefit of going to church!
All Scripture is inspired by God and is useful to teach us what is true and to make us realize what is wrong in our lives. It corrects us when we are wrong and teaches us to do what is right. – 2 Timothy 3:16 (NLT)
Show God gratitude.
Showing God your gratitude is a great reason to go to church. Why not count your blessings and look at the positive side while you are at the Lord’s house? Attend church services to discover all the many reasons that you should have gratitude in your heart and soul.
Get closer to God, and build your relationship with Him!
This is one of the best reasons to go to church – to build your relationship with God! Of course, there are many ways to get close to our Lord at home, but you can get truly inspired in creating your bond with Him while you attend church services! Consider the possibilities!
Feel the presence of the Holy Spirit.
If you have not felt the magic that you can experience at a church service, you really should find a local church – someplace where you feel comfortable and feel like you belong! Once you have the right church home, you will get the chance to embrace the presence of the Holy Spirit!!

Obey the Lord.
Going to church is a chance to obey the Lord!
Refocus your life on what’s important (eternal salvation)!
While the hustle and bustle of daily life certainly can keep you busy, making time to celebrate your eternal home in Heaven is truly important! Going to church gives you a chance to refocus your life on what’s important and what you need to work on the most!
The Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved. – Acts 2:47 (NIV)
Celebrate your faith.
You can rejoice and celebrate your faith if you go to church. Going to church shows dedication and loyalty to the Lord! Enjoy all of the great parts of going to church as you celebrate your faith!
Know that you are in God’s will.
God’s hope for your life is so much greater than you can imagine. He wants you to love Him. You can best do this by going to church!
Learn more about eternal life.
What greater way to learn more about your eternal life than to go to church. Understand better what Heaven is really all about and why you need salvation in your future! As John states, believe in Him, and you will have this wonderful promise of eternal life.
For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life. – John 3:16 (NIV)
Show your love for Jesus and remember why you love Him.
Church is an excellent place to show your love for our Lord and Savior!
Really experience the Holy Spirit.
Not only is church a wonderful place to experience the Holy Spirit, but it also allows you to embrace the gifts of the Holy Spirit in the best way possible!
Grow spiritually.
What better place to grow spiritually than church?
Participate in communion (the Lord’s Supper).
Get a chance to honor Jesus through communion at church.
All the believers devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching, and to fellowship, and to sharing in meals (including the Lord’s Supper), and to prayer. – Acts 2:42 (NLT)
Focus on having a God-centered life.
If you focus on having God at the center of your life, you will want to find every possible way to embrace your faith. This would include going to church – a place where you can celebrate life, praise and worship our Creator, and honor Him in every way!
Although I hope to come to you soon, I am writing you these instructions so that if I am delayed, you will know how people ought to conduct themselves in God’s household, which is the church of the living God, the pillar and foundation of the truth. – 1 Timothy 3:14-15 (NIV)
Grow in the Holy Spirit.
As you learn more about the Holy Spirit, you will find that you can grow in this way by being more active in your faith. Grow closer to God by going to church and learning all about the Holy Spirit. Your life will forever be changed if you find the right one!
Confess your sins.
We are all faced with guilt for things that have happened in our past. Jesus has bought your sins and will change your life if you learn about Him and His saving actions! Get a chance to confess your sins at church and let them go. Clear your conscience and grow with our Lord!
Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. – James 5:16 (NIV)
Bring glory to God.
David brought glory to God over and over again in Psalms. Take a read if you do not believe this! It’s important that we bring our Creator glory by doing His will – going to church!
Praise Him for His acts of power; praise Him for His surpassing greatness. – Psalm 150:2 (NIV)
Mature in a spiritual way.
The longer you attend church, the more mature you will be in a spiritual way. Of course, this is not what happens with everyone, but it is certainly an outcome if you give it a shot and go to church!
Be faithful.
Obey our Lord; demonstrate your faith; go to church!
Follow the Bible.
The Bible instructs us to praise and worship God. What better place to do this than church? If you are committed to your faith, show God and find a good church home!
Remember why you are walking with God.
As Christians, we must know why we are doing the things we do. Most preachers have this knowledge from years of seminary school. Understand the reasons that you have your beliefs by talking to your minister or church leader and attending a church service!
Honor our Lord.
Honor our Lord and Savior through praise and worship at church!
Learn how God is good.
From time to time, we wonder why God does the things He does or does not do, or some people do! Understand God better by going to church and learning from sermons and Bible school lessons! There are also Bible studies at church and other activities that can grow you!
Understand your sins better.
How can you ask for forgiveness if you do not know what you have done to sin? Understand all about your faith by going to church!
Feed your soul with what’s important.
During the week, you are bound to face trials. Going to church gives you a chance to feed your soul with what really matters – application lessons for your spirituality.
Know you are in the presence of Jesus Christ.
Is it not wonderful that you can be in the presence of Jesus Christ at church? Show up, and He is there with you!
For where two or three have gathered together in My name, I am there in their midst. – Matthew 18:20 (NASB)
Understand the Fruit of the Spirit.
The Fruit of the Spirit is explained in Galatians 5. Take a read to learn all about love, joy, peace, and the other fruits. Attend a church service to learn more about glorious things like this in the Bible!
See what God is doing in the world.
You will likely not know about the ways God is acting in the lives of others unless you are around other Christians!

Receive any needed forgiveness.
Church is a secure place for forgiveness.
Experience a miracle.
You never know what will happen unless you go to church!
A deep sense of awe came over them all, and the apostles performed many miraculous signs and wonders. – Acts 2:43 (NLT)
Learn more about Jesus.
Understand Christ Jesus better by going to church!
Receive the opportunity to be baptized.
Baptism is a wonderful action that a Christian takes, and you’ll gain this chance if you go to church!
We have all been baptized into one Body by one Spirit, and we all share the same Spirit. – 1 Corinthians 12:13 (NLT)
Prayer Benefits of Going to Church
Enjoy group prayer.
Matthew tells us that Jesus is there when we meet together in His name!
Whenever two or three of you come together in My name, I am there with you. – Matthew 18:20 (CEV)
Learn how to pray.
A great way to learn how to pray is to go to church! If you need further assistance, I’m sure the pastor at your local congregation would be more than happy to help!!
Request prayers.
We all need prayers from time to time. Go to church to ask for prayers!
Learn how to pray for your spouse.
It’s important that we pray for those we love. Consider the many ways you can pray for your husband or wife!
Pray for others.
One thing you can do is learn how to pray for someone who hates you!
Hear about prayers that were answered.
This is a motivating reward you receive by going to church!
Share which prayers of yours were answered.
It’s important to help others. You can do this easily by sharing which prayers of yours were answered!
Personal Benefits of Going to Church
Live longer.
Science has shown that those who attend church on a regular basis live longer. Plus, there are other health benefits of going to church! Why not take advantage of those?
Apply the Bible to your life.
While having a personal Bible study time is important, you might want to learn new ways to apply the Bible to your life by hearing sermons or going to Bible class!
Discover your spiritual calling.
You can very well discover your spiritual calling by going to church.
Enhance your individual Bible study time.
Improve your personal Bible study by heading to your local congregation and applying the lessons you learn!
Support your spirituality.
Learn new ways to build your faith by going to church!
Feel connected to the Body of Christ.
Believers are bonded together by their love for Christ. Learn more about this by going to church!
The human body has many parts, but the many parts make up one whole body. So it is with the Body of Christ. – 1 Corinthians 12:12 (NLT)
Receive Biblical advice.
Are you in an ethical dilemma at work? Do you struggle to know the right thing to do? What is God’s will? How can you apply the Bible to your life in the right way? All of these questions and more may be answered at your church’s next service!
Understand the Bible better.
Enhance your Bible study time with lessons straight from the Bible. Understand the stories of the Bible better by hearing a sermon!
Push yourself outside of your comfort zone.
Not everyone is comfortable at church. Many people struggle with social anxiety, for example! You can combat this by stepping outside of your comfort zone. Going to church allows you the opportunity to face your fears!
Demonstrate your spiritual talents and spiritual gifts.
Learn more about or demonstrate your existing spiritual talents and spiritual gifts. If you do not know what they are, church is a great place to explore this!
When you assemble, each one has a psalm, has a teaching, has a revelation, has a tongue, has an interpretation. Let all things be done for edification. – 1 Corinthians 14:26 (NASB)
Receive your spiritual fuel for the week.
While this should not be your sole reason for going to church, it is certainly a bonus!
Learn something new.
Increase your knowledge of many things by meeting with other believers at church.
Understand your spiritual purpose.
If you have unlocked your spiritual purpose, church gives you a chance to explore it further!
Expand your horizons.
Meet new people, go somewhere new, and increase your knowledge by going to church.
Understand your beliefs better.
You will want to back up your beliefs (faith) by understanding the facts behind them!
Be inspired.
Receive great inspiration at church!
Learn more about Heaven.
Wouldn’t you love to learn more about the place you will one day call home – Heaven?
Singing is a great benefit of going to church. Praise our Lord with your voice!
Let the message of Christ dwell among you richly as you teach and admonish one another with all wisdom through psalms, hymns, and songs from the Spirit, singing to God with gratitude in your hearts. – Colossians 3:16 (NIV)
Understand what God’s plan is for your life.
Do you feel lost? What better place to call home than church?
Grow to be more like Jesus.
We should always strive to live lives like Jesus, but this is never easy on our own. Head to church to uncover more secrets to being like Jesus and living a life of purity and righteousness.
Allow God’s Word to seep into your heart and soul.
Growing in your Bible study is a fabulous benefit of going to church.
Receive comfort for your pain.
Are you hurting? Did you know that some Christians live to help others? Head to church to learn new ways to combat your hurt and pain.

Be fed with spiritual food.
Many Christians live to be fed in a spiritual way. Hit your local congregation for the fuel you need for the week!
Build your ministry.
If you have a growing ministry, what better way to gain inspiration and help than by going to church?
Learn the truth about the gospel.
The gospel is the story of Jesus. Your church can expand your knowledge on this subject!
Get your spiritual questions answered.
It’s normal to have questions. Meet with other Christians to get those answered!
Gain curiosity and excitement for your faith.
Find motivation and energy at church!
Develop leadership skills.
Church is a great place to lead others!
Define your belief system more clearly.
If you are unsteady with your beliefs, talk to a pastor you trust today.
Hear music that will help you during the week.
If you want to feel the presence of the Holy Spirit, there is no better place than church! That music will give you goosebumps!!
Become less selfish.
As you learn to be more like Jesus by going to church, you will become less selfish.
Understand why the world is the way it is.
Every question you have might not be answered, but many may be!
Have something positive to do.
Do you have something better to do with your time?
Learn what you need to change in your life.
Church is a sound choice to learn what sin you need to stop in your life.
All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting, and training in righteousness. – 2 Timothy 3:16 (NIV)
Share what is happening in your life.
Some people are social butterflies and need to spread their wings!
Improve your listening skills.
Learn how to listen better by listening to a sermon!
Get writing inspiration!
Every time I write a piece for Sharing Life and Love, I am further inspired to write more! Church is a positive outlet to gain a healthy curiosity and to receive writing inspiration!
Change your unhealthy worldly views.
If you constantly listen to the views of the world, you are more likely to become worldly. Avoid this by filling your time with positive words!
Learn how to meditate on scriptures or pray with purpose. You can do both by praying the scriptures!
Get your priorities in order.
Learn to embrace that which is most important.
Reduce worry.
You might very well discover new ways to reduce your worry by going to church.
Learn self-improvement.
Learn more self-discipline and self-control.
Get support in times of loss or financial need.
Your church may very well have the right program for you.
Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. – Matthew 11:28 (NIV)
Build your self-esteem and self-worth.
Grow as a person at church! You might even be able to improve your life this way!
Prepare your heart for the coming week.
Soften those rough edges by attending a weekly church service!
Reduce your stress and anxiety.
Church is the place for many to reduce the amount of anxiety and stress they currently have.
Gain stability in your life.
Build a solid foundation for your life at church.
Beat boredom or unhealthy alternatives.
Stay busy with the healthy choice of attending church services.
Learn how to handle your problems better.
Church is a fantastic place to learn how to handle trials positively.
Get a chance to dress up.
For some people, this is reason enough to go to church!
Stay out of trouble.
When you stay busy with something positive, you are often able to stay out of trouble!
Receive pastoral counseling if needed.
Your spiritual leaders are there to help!
Experience joy.
Discover new ways to embrace joy at church!
These I will bring to My holy mountain and give them joy in My house of prayer. – Isaiah 56:7 (NIV)
Feel love and acceptance.
You might uncover new ways to love others or receive love at church!
Learn ways to be happier.
Find happiness at the home of our Lord.
Gain a new sense of hope and purpose.
Learn new reasons to keep on trucking along!
Change your life for the better.
Alter your existence in new ways!
Learn about an exciting new career or job opportunity.
If this is something you struggle with, you might find church has the answers that you are looking for.

More Life-Changing Benefits of Going to Church
Show compassion to others.
Discover new ways to show your compassion to others at church.
And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds. – Hebrews 10:24 (NIV)
Help build a powerful church.
You won’t be able to help your church grow unless you actually go there!
Support missionaries.
Learn all about what missionaries are doing!
Discover new ways to serve in your church.
You will only uncover ways to serve at your congregation if you hear the announcements or opportunities to do so!
One day in Your temple is better than a thousand anywhere else. I would rather serve in Your house than live in the homes of the wicked. – Psalm 84:10 (CEV)
Be a good example to children.
Children learn by seeing how others are and what they do!
Get motivated to get involved.
If you are on the fence about getting involved in a spiritual opportunity, there is no better place for clarity than church.
Find the motivation and encouragement to return next week!
Once you attend church services, you will want to keep coming back. It usually gets easier to attend with time, but you’ve got to show up!
Learn to stop and smell the roses.
Understand the value of slowing down by going to church weekly.
Get involved in Celebrate Recovery.
Embrace the Christian 12-step recovery program Celebrate Recovery. It is for anyone with a hurt, habit, or hang-up, so you will fit in! Learn if your church has the program offered!
Go on a mission trip!
Learn about how you can make a difference elsewhere!
Plant healthy seeds.
Find your firm foundation at church.
Promote your local community.
Help your local community grow by going to church.
Express kindness to others.
Show your sweet side to others through kindness!
Experience the blessing of church that many cannot enjoy!
So many people are not offered the privilege of going to church, so reap the benefits!
Bonus: Going to Church Resources
How to Go to Church
First, know that it takes courage to attend church as a newbie, but you are a brave little duckling who can do anything you set your mind to. Don’t let fear of the unknown stop you! Be proud of yourself for taking this first step!!
Second, before you attend a new church, have a solid understanding of your individual belief system. This will help you find a church that is best suited for you. Try to determine which denomination you most identify with; in other words, explore your options!
Think about which church you would enjoy going to the most. Would you like a big church with lots of opportunities to get involved, or would you prefer a smaller church where everyone is treated like a family? A mix of both scenarios is ideal, of course!
Third, check out the church you want to attend online. They might have online services or a website that you can explore to learn more about the church. Watching online church services can help you find the best fit and learn what to expect when you go in person.
Finally, there is a chance that you may not know anything about religion, church attendance, or the Bible. Many churches are made for all people to attend – regardless of your past, socio-economic status, or knowledge, so don’t let your ignorance or your past stop you.

Where to Go to Church
There are thousands of churches out there, so a search can be overwhelming! Once you have decided you want to go to church, you need to find a church where you feel like you belong. If you want to experience the benefits of going to church, attend a church on a regular basis!
If you have difficulty making it to church because of your schedule or other time constraints, rearrange things! After all, God should be a top priority! What you believe (your faith) should be your main focus! It is everything in this world and the next!
If you have never attended church or do not have a church home, determine the reasons you want to go to church to elevate your motivation and find a church today!
The following list is not all-inclusive, but here are a few churches that offer online services to check out to determine where you’d like to be a church member! These are only suggestions to get you started on your hunt for the right place!
You can also search for a church near you with Church Finder.
More Resources to Help You
As you begin your journey as a Christian, you will want to incorporate many things. Consider the many benefits of Bible study – even if you just do it on your own and do not attend a group function.
The following resources can help you with Bible study.
- SOAP Bible Study Method – This is the most popular Bible study method out there. Enjoy learning more about this method and how it can aid you in Bible study!
- SWORD Bible Study Method – This unique Bible study method is one of a kind! Give it a try and see why it’s considered one of the easiest methods to employ!
- HEAR Bible Study Method – Another popular choice, the HEAR method will guide you along your Bible study journey with a FREE worksheet to boot!
Another important aspect of being a Christian is prayer. If you are new to prayer, consider starting a prayer journal with applicable prompts to guide you along the way.
Here are some resources to help you with prayer.
- Vintage Leather Prayer Journal – This beautiful prayer journal will help you get your thoughts and feelings down on paper. It’s so gorgeous that you will want to take it with you wherever you go!!
- A 90-Day Prayer Journal – This incredible prayer planner and journal will help you stay focused as you pray with prompts to guide you along the way!
- FREE Prayer Journal Planner – This downloadable prayer journal and planner is free and created by Sharing Life and Love. Enjoy!!
Finally, building your relationship with God is your ultimate goal. The series written about building a relationship with God can guide you as you pursue this part of your faith!
Frequently Asked Questions
What does Jesus say about going to church?
Luke 4:16 explains that Jesus went to church on a regular basis. It is important that we follow His example. In many places in the Bible, we are instructed to live a life that is modeled after our Lord and Savior – Jesus Christ!
What are the 5 purposes of going to church?
Churches have many purposes, as illustrated in this article. For example, you can join in missionary work, get involved in a church ministry, praise and worship God, fellowship with new Christians or other members of the church, and practice discipleship! Of course, it’s great to learn about the Bible and listen to sermons!
What is the meaning of church?
Churches are buildings that are established for Christians to assemble together to worship God. They have many purposes, as listed above, and great benefits. If you are considering joining a church, that is quite commendable, and you should give it a try! What do you have to lose?
How do I get started in a church?
Usually, when you first visit a church, they will have a welcome or greeting for you. You can always ask other church members the best way to get involved at their church establishment or the most effective means to begin your Christian journey. If not, try a different church!
Why should I get involved at a church?
Once you get involved in a church, you will realize many rewards! You will make spiritual friendships that last a lifetime and build bonds with others that will change your life. Consider all the spiritual benefits of going to church, as well!
You now know MANY benefits of going to church, so what are you waiting for? Will you go to church this weekend? Now that you understand the reasons to head to church, we hope you are challenged to get yourself in gear and go! Enjoy a day where you can worship the Lord!
Maybe now you will be able to answer someone else’s questions about why they should go to church and encourage them to attend your local church’s (or theirs) services! Make a difference in the life of someone else and spread the gospel that has been passed on to you!!
He went to Nazareth, where He had been brought up, and on the Sabbath day, He went into the synagogue, as was His custom. – Luke 4:16 (NIV)