celebrate recovery step 2 -how to take step two

Celebrate Recovery Step 2 | How to Take Step 2 in Recovery

Celebrate Recovery step 2 is one of the 12 steps found in the recovery process. If you aren’t familiar with a 12-step recovery program, there are two major ones – Celebrate Recovery (CR) and Alcoholics Anonymous (AA). Celebrate Recovery has the same 12 steps as AA.

In Celebrate Recovery step two, we discover that we have a Higher Power (God) who will get us through this tough time in our lives – getting over our hurts, habits, and hang-ups. In other words, God will walk by your side as you continue on your road to recovery!

If you’ve just started Celebrate Recovery, way to go! Make sure you read Celebrate Recovery Step One. Recovery will change your life forever. If you work the steps presented in CR, you will discover that they really are effective, so don’t stop doing the steps or give up! 

As you read this article, get pumped up! You are doing something very valuable for your life – something that will make a difference from this day forward. 

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The advice in this article will help you as you move forward in recovery. Be sure to follow the right lessons in the step study guides that go with each step and seek positive change in your life while embracing progress!

quote by Demi Lovato, Recovery is something that you have to work on every single day, and it's something that it doesn't get a day off

What is Celebrate Recovery Step 2?

Celebrate Recovery Step 2 is the second step in the 12 steps of recovery in either Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) or Celebrate Recovery (CR). Step 2 says that We came to believe that a Power greater than ourselves (God) could restore us to sanity

Celebrate Recovery (CR) Step 2 corresponds with Celebrate Recovery Principle 2 of the Celebrate Recovery 8 Principles.

Principle 2 of Celebrate Recovery says that We earnestly believe that God exists, that we matter to Him, and that He has the power to help us recover. The corresponding Bible verse is from the Beatitudes: Happy are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted. That is from Matthew 5:4.

The 12 steps of Celebrate Recovery that we are covering in this series correspond with the 12 steps found in Alcoholics Anonymous. The main difference between the programs is one is more secular than the other. Celebrate Recovery is based on our Lord, Christ Jesus.

For it is God who works in you to will and to act in order to fulfill His good purpose. – Philippians 2:13 (TLB)

What Does Celebrate Recovery Step 2 Mean for You?

Congratulations on continuing on your road to recovery by hitting Celebrate Recovery step 2! In this step, we look at having hope in our faith and restoring ourselves to sanity


Think about it; if you don’t have hope in your life, what do you have to look forward to? Those who are hopeless often get very depressed because they do not have something to think about in the future.

Having faith in God and believing that He can make anything possible in your life will help you on your journey. Just believe that God has your back! Knowing that a Higher Power is on your side can provide you with a great deal of hope and comfort.

So, how do you have faith in something you can’t hear or see? It’s like the wind; you know it’s there because the leaves move when the wind passes over them. That’s how faith in God works. Look for the wonderful effects of having faith in Him – and only Him!


The next question we need to ask is, why do we need our sanity restored? Insanity is basically doing the same thing over and over again, expecting different results. If you’ve had a hurt, habit, or hang-up for any length of time, you probably have made some unwise choices.

With the help of the Lord, we can jump over this obstacle and make wise decisions based on the truth. We can face the fears that we have been trying to avoid. In fact, the CR study guide says that no matter what kind of shape your life is in, with God, you can handle anything!

Jesus said, “With man, this is impossible, but with God, all things are possible. – Matthew 19:26 (NIV)

How to Accomplish Celebrate Recovery Step 2

Commit Your Life to the Lord.

If you haven’t committed your life to God, now is the time. Believe in your Higher Power (God). That is what this step is all about – having faith in something bigger than your current world. When you do place this faith in God, your world will expand beyond measure!

Communicate with God.

As with any relationship, communication is key. Begin communicating to God on a regular basis through prayer (talking to God). Start reading your Bible to learn what God is saying to you. Your relationship with God will develop; just keep working on it!

Trust God.

Keep an open mind as you explore your faith. You may have been raised in one denomination, but maybe that “church” is not the right one for you now. 

Learn about different religious denominations, talk to your sponsor, and ask questions about your faith to find the best church for you

Know that God has the power to help you change your life. If you believe in Him and realize the power He has, your life will be changed. It won’t be a storybook tale or even how you imagined, but it will be a great life to live – a wondrous journey to be on!

Keep Working at It.

Have realistic expectations in your recovery. Things won’t happen overnight; make sure you don’t expect perfection from yourself or others! Your friends and family members may not understand what you are doing in recovery, but this is not for them; it’s for you!

Even if things are a bit slower than expected, you should never give up! Being in recovery is a lifelong journey, and lifelong journeys don’t happen in one swift swoop. Rather, it takes a lifetime! Give it a chance; not only will your life change, but you will, too, and for the better!!

For I know that good itself does not dwell in me, that is, in my sinful nature. For I have the desire to do what is good, but I cannot carry it out. – Romans 7:18 (NIV)

"Believe you can, and you're halfway there"
Theodore Roosevelt

More Tips for Completing Celebrate Recovery Step 2

  • Start going to church to fellowship with other believers.
  • Realize that as you continue in recovery, your life will change (for the better)!
  • Study your Celebrate Recovery curriculum (CR study guides).
  • Memorize the 12 Steps of Celebrate Recovery.
  • Start looking for accountability partners as you make friends at your CR meetings.

Related: Celebrate Recovery Lesson 3: Hope in Your Faith

Related: Celebrate Recovery Lesson 4: Sanity (Free Study Guide)

More Celebrate Recovery Step 2 Resources

A Celebrate Recovery Step 2 Video

A Celebrate Recovery Step 2 Video

More Celebrate Recovery Step 2 Resources

  • Celebrate Recovery NIV Study Bible – This Celebrate Recovery Study Bible has CR devotionals in it and plenty of commentaries. I love the large print and wide margins. A recovery Bible is a great choice, but be sure to use whatever Bible you are most comfortable with! The point is to get that bad boy opened up and start reading!
  • A Celebrate Recovery Devotional Book – The Celebrate Recovery devotional book has 365 devotions in it – one for every day of the year! These are all related to recovery and can help you during your quiet time with God.
  • The Celebrate Recovery Series – We’ve provided many other articles on Celebrate Recovery here. Each step has a lesson plan that goes with it. We also have free study guides in the shop! Check out the Celebrate Recovery section of this website for more information!
  • In the Shop (at no charge), you will not only find the free study guides to go with the lesson plans, but you will also find many Celebrate Recovery Serenity Prayer printables. There are many different kinds – something for everyone. This is perfect for memorizing this important prayer!
" Success is the sum of small efforts. repeated day in and day out." 
Robert Collier

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the principles of Celebrate Recovery?

The 8 principles of Celebrate Recovery relate to the Beatitudes found in Matthew of the New Testament. They help bring the Bible to your recovery meetings, as they are the guiding principles that correspond to each step in the 12 steps of recovery!

How do you introduce yourself in Celebrate Recovery?

Although you are not required to talk at Celebrate Recovery, it does benefit you to speak up. Most people will introduce themselves by saying something like, “My name is Michele, and I’m a faithful believer in Jesus Christ. I celebrate recovery from alcoholism and struggle with perfectionism.”

What is a group in Celebrate Recovery?

Celebrate Recovery (CR) has many groups. The CR group is a Christ-centered recovery program for people with hurts, habits, and hang-ups. The small groups are made of each individual issue. The step study groups are even further broken down into smaller groups that typically meet weekly to discuss recovery issues.

What is a Celebrate Recovery step study?

A Celebrate Recovery step study typically meets for several months – usually once a week. This is an intensive, deep study of the Celebrate Recovery lesson plans. Women meet with women and men with men. Any problem, issue, habit, or hiccup is welcome in a step study.

What is the Celebrate Recovery Serenity Prayer?

The Celebrate Recovery Serenity Prayer says, God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference. This prayer is recited at AA and CR meetings. Find free copies of the prayer in the Shop!

" It takes a lot of strength to ride the storm of addiction, but it's worth it."
Maggie Swann


You should now understand Celebrate Recovery Step 2 and all that goes with it. Our hope is that as you travel along the road to recovery, resources like this will help you!

We are very excited that you are committing your life to God and will be having the wonderful blessings that come along with that decision!

Keep going to Celebrate Recovery! As they say at the meetings, “It works if you work it!” That means that you should never give up – no matter how bumpy the road gets!! Congratulations on your smart decision, and here is wishing you only the best things!!

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