Discover Your Calling Week 5

Discover Your Calling Week 5 | How to Discern God’s Will – 1 Samuel

As you continue to follow this study in Discover Your Calling Week 5, you’ll learn all about discerning God’s Will in a study of 1 Samuel in the Bible.

In fact, you now know ways to identify God’s Will, why following God’s way is the better choice, how to wait patiently on His timing, and how to trust God’s Will as your chief priority. Are you excited to learn how to discern God’s Will for your life? I have chills of excitement for you!!

So, how can we figure out what we are called to do when everything is in place? First, pray to the Father above. Let God know you are ready to receive the signs of your calling and are eager to do His Will and see the wonders He can do through you.

Next, pick up the Bible or refer to the verses you have memorized. Knowing the Bible “perfectly” is an unreasonable target, but learning key verses and reading It should be a priority in your life. If you don’t have a relationship with God that involves the Bible, begin one!

With the knowledge of the Bible comes the Holy Spirit. The Spirit will guide you when you are lost as it reminds you of the Scriptures you need to know at any given moment. The power of the Spirit only comes through faith in the Lord and spiritual maturity.

Finally, you can learn from experiences. Wisdom is the key here. Listen to others, especially God. Try a sermon or podcast to maybe reveal the calling or gift you didn’t realize you had!

Continue to leave everything in the hands of God and wait on His timing for your mission in life!

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Grab the Journal Version of Discover Your Calling!

Use the full 6-week journal version of this Bible study, including a printable worksheet and leader’s guide!

Day 21 – Seeing God Speak Through Prayer 

In Discover Your Calling Week 5, day 21, you’ll learn how to see God speak through prayer.

After reading the fierce verses of Judges, I see what a beautiful story 1 Samuel brings. Read 1 Samuel 1 for Hannah’s backstory. Continue reading 1 Samuel 2:1-11. That will lead you to Hannah’s Prayer of Thanksgiving, which is also known as Hannah’s Song.

It’s a beautiful prayer by someone who suffered much persecution for not being able to have children. Hannah speaks beautiful words that can be intimidating for those who were never taught to pray. Most people were not taught how to pray in a formal way.

Read the Lord’s Prayer in Matthew 6:9-13. Jesus taught the disciples how to pray because they asked! Many of them were taught the prayers of the Old Testament, but they still did not feel they knew how to pray “right.” 

Related: Learn How to Pray for Beginners

What About You?

Do not let intimidation stop you from pouring your heart out to God.

Often, it is when we are most vulnerable in prayer that God reveals Himself to us. It’s in those moments when you least expect something to happen that it does.

There is no perfect way to pray. You can use prayers from the Bible as an example, listen to other people pray as models, or find a new means to start your prayer journey. The most important thing is your heart. Read Matthew 6:21.

If you are excited about your calling and ready to follow God’s Will for your life, begin with sincere prayer. Start a prayer journal, create a prayer closet, make a war binder (or war room), or grow a prayer garden. 

Just do what you need to in order to connect with the Lord.

Discover Your Calling Week 5

Day 21 – Biblework

Today’s Verses: 1 Samuel 1; 1 Samuel 2:1-11; Matthew 6:9-13; Matthew 6:21

Read the following additional verse(s): Matthew 7:7-8; Philippians 4:6-7; Hebrews 5:7; James 1:5-6

Answer these questions:

  1. How were you taught to pray? 
  2. How does this compare to Hannah’s prayer?
  3. What did you learn from Hannah’s Prayer?
  4. How can you apply it?
  5. How are you praying about your spiritual calling? List any revelations.

Digging Deeper:

In 1 Samuel 1, we learn of Hannah’s vow to the Lord. What happened with the baby she had and the vow she made? Continue reading and studying through 1 Samuel 2:26. Do you see how the Lord’s plan played out in Hannah’s life and the life of the baby she had?

Day 22 – Learning God’s Will by Studying the Bible

In Discover Your Calling Week 5, day 22, you’ll learn how to discern God’s Will by studying the Bible.

With the Bible, we are given a clear way to get to know God better – through the very text on the pages! We do not all have a formal education in Biblical studies that allows us to understand all of the details of the Bible as well as we would like to, so how can we gain a better grasp on It?

Studying the Bible on our own and doing Bible studies will certainly increase your knowledge of the Bible, but how can this reveal your calling? The key is to apply the lessons you learn.

Read 1 Samuel 8. The people had many excuses as to why they wanted a king, and when God appeased them (even after all of Samuel’s warnings), what happened? See 1 Samuel 13:13-14

What About You?

Are you creating blockades between you and God? Is fear, stress, or a different excuse keeping you from the Bible? Discovering your calling through the Bible is very probable, and the more you are in the Word, the more IT will get inside of you and permeate your every fiber.

When you know the Word front and back (or side to side), you will be able to send those excuses (darts from the enemy) away with a healthy dose of Scripture to boot! Even with a little knowledge of the Bible, you can ward off those hindrances and really thrive!

Allow God to radiate your Spirit as you soak in the beautiful words of the Bible – every chance you get!

Discover Your Calling Week 5

Day 22 – Biblework

Today’s Verses: 1 Samuel 8; 1 Samuel 13:13-14

Read the following additional verse(s): Psalm 119:105-106; Matthew 4:4; John 1:1; Hebrews 4:12; 2 Timothy 3:16-17

Answer these questions:

  1. What Bible study excuses have you heard from others or had in the past? 
  2. How could you refute them?
  3. What have you learned that has stuck the most in the Bible? 
  4. What verses have truly impacted you?
  5. How has God spoken to you through His Word about your calling?

Digging Deeper:

Because we are talking about the importance of the Bible, this week’s assignment will involve memory verses. Commit the following verses to memory (do a word study on any word that stands out to you): Romans 3:23, Romans 6:23, and John 14:6. Pick your own, too!

Related: Why Memorize Scripture?

Day 23 – Knowing the Holy Spirit is Always Present

In Discover Your Calling Week 5, day 23, you’ll discover more about how to know the Holy Spirit is present at all times.

In 1 Samuel 11:6, we see the Spirit come over Saul. Read 1 Samuel 10:6. What was Saul’s experience with the Spirit of the Lord?

One of our benefits as Christians is to walk by the Spirit. God reveals so much this way! Galatians 2:19-21 and Romans 8:1-17 reveal how we receive and walk in the Holy Spirit. What do you learn here? 

If you are struggling to understand how the Spirit is producing fruit in your life (Galatians 5:22-26), engulf your life with prayer. Do a self-examination to see if there is any area that you are not walking in step with the Spirit.

Do you see the Holy Spirit at work in your daily activities? Gentle nudges that show us right from wrong come from the Holy Spirit. Have you felt this before?

What About You?

If you have never experienced the Spirit, does this mean you should cut back on prayer? It’s really quite the opposite. Embrace prayer – even if it makes you uncomfortable. The Holy Spirit can often involve stepping outside your comfort zone.

As you take the time to really think about the Holy Spirit today, be sure that you have an open heart and an open mind.

Where is your heart right now? Are you approaching God with openness and confidence? If you need to confess something, take note of 1 John 1:9. The more you follow God’s Will, the more present the Spirit can become, and any calling or instructions from God will become clearer.

Discover Your Calling Week 5

Day 23 – Biblework

Today’s Verses: 1 Samuel 10:6; 1 Samuel 11:6; Galatians 2:19-21; Galatians 5:22-26; Romans 8:1-17; 1 John 1:9

Read the following additional verse(s): Acts 2:38-41; Romans 8:26-27; 1 Corinthians 2:12; 1 Corinthians 12:1-31; Ephesians 4:1-16

Answer these questions:

  1. What did you learn about the Spirit in 1 Samuel 10:6
  2. How does this compare with the Spirit that is introduced in Acts 2:38-41
  3. What differences do you see? 
  4. When have you experienced the Holy Spirit working in your life? 
  5. What happened?

Digging Deeper:

Let’s explore what encompasses the Holy Spirit a little more. Read Galatians 5:13-26. Once again, list the fruits of the Spirit that are thriving in you and those that might need further development. Doing word studies on each of the fruits will provide further insight.

Related: How to Do a Bible Word Study (FREE Worksheet)

Day 24 – Understanding the Value of Reflection 

In Discover Your Calling Week 5, day 24, you will learn the value of reflection.

In reading 1 Samuel 15, we see that God rejected Saul as king. What did Saul do or not do that caused this to happen? Why do you believe Saul acted in such a way?

We see that God was not really a priority for Saul. Read 1 Samuel 13. Do you see how Saul disobeyed the Lord? While it might seem like he had good intentions, really, we see that he was acting in an impatient, selfish way.

In what ways did Saul act differently than David, and why was there such a difference between the two kings? Read 1 Samuel 16:1-13 for the introduction to David.

What About You?

Take a moment to really reflect on the traits of these two kings. In what ways are you an example of Christ for others? Do you tend to be more like Saul or David?

We see probably the most famous story of David in 1 Samuel 17. Faith in God was the weapon David had on his side when he defeated Goliath. God shows us over and over again that He can do anything (Mark 10:27)! His abilities are limitless.

God is always by our side; we only need to search in our hearts for Him. Don’t allow limitations or excuses to stop you. God is all-powerful and can conquer anything!

As you search for your calling, spend some additional time today in reflection, meditation, and prayer. When you reflect on the bad that has happened, you need to see what good came out of it. In other words, keep the scales balanced! Do a fearless and honest inventory of your life.

Discover Your Calling Week 5

Day 24 – Biblework

Today’s Verses: 1 Samuel 13; 1 Samuel 15; 1 Samuel 16:1-13, 7; Mark 10:27

Read the following additional verse(s): Psalm 1; Psalm 63; Colossians 2:8

Answer these questions:

  1. What did you learn from the reflection or inventory that you did?
  2. What has God done in your life? 
  3. When have you seen Him most clearly?
  4. In what new ways are you seeing Him?
  5. How will you apply what you’ve learned so far?

Digging Deeper:

Do a word study on the word meditate as mentioned in Psalm 1. Some great verses to look up as you study this term include Joshua 1:8, Psalm 77:12, and Psalm 143:5. How often do you meditate? How has your research of this term impacted your time of reflection?

Day 25 – Listening to Revelations From God 

In Discover Your Calling Week 5 day 25, you will see the importance of knowing how to listen to revelations from God.

It’s important to see the evidence of God in your life. Look at David – someone we just met in 1 Samuel. David was not perfect, but he is a true example of someone with a heart for the Lord.

The close bond that David shared with God was truly awesome. It was not a perfect relationship, but it was steadfast, and David turned to the Lord through it all.

You can read more about how David turned to God at every corner in the book of Psalms. He wrote the majority of them (around 73 of the 150 Psalms). Check out Psalms 3-11, Psalm 23, and Psalm 34.

Where did David learn to have such faith? Remember that we studied his family tree when we looked at Ruth 4. This shows us that David did come from a line of honorable, God-fearing men. 

While our upbringing can definitely impact our calling, our current relationships can, too. Many times, it is our friends, family members, and what we listen to (podcasts, social media, sermons, television, etc.) that shape our path and confirm the messages of what our calling should be. 

What About You?

If you have received confirmation of your calling from a person after God’s own heart, you should listen. God brings people into our lives to show us what He wants us to focus on. Take it all into consideration as you journey on this road of discovery.

If things are still a bit hazy, call on the Lord in prayer, talk to a spiritual mentor, or consider listening as a means to connect with God in a new way! He will not waste your efforts; you just need to pay attention, listen, and obey. God is with you in each moment!!

Discover Your Calling Week 5

Day 25 – Biblework

Today’s Verses: Psalm 3-11; Psalm 23; Psalm 34; Ruth 4

Read the following additional verse(s): Proverbs 12:15; Matthew 6:33-34; 2 Corinthians 5:11-21; Ephesians 4:1-7

Answer these questions:

  1. What did you learn this week about David?
  2. What are you allowing to impact your path? 
  3. Are you impacted more by this world or God? Explain.
  4. In what ways have your friends and family shaped your spiritual growth?
  5. What insights have you gained regarding God’s plan for your life?

Digging Deeper:

2 Corinthians 5:11-21 provides us with a powerful mission. Has your calling been revealed yet? Dissect the verses in 2 Corinthians 5 to see the roles that all Christians are to follow. How are we able to achieve this new life? Also, read and study Romans 6:6-7 and Colossians 3:3.

Bonus Bible Study Resources

Use these Bible study resources to enhance your Bible study time!

More Sharing Life and Love Bible Studies

How to Build a Quiet Time with God – In this 8-week Bible study, you will walk through the book of Psalms. Build a unique quiet time with God.

FREE Ruth 9-Week Bible Study – Learn all about this incredible woman and what she achieved in her lifetime in the Ruth Bible study!

Create Your Own God-Centered Goals – In this 5-day Bible study, you learn all about goals and how to create ones faith-centered ones.

Additional Helpful Resources

Find additional ideas for your Bible library here:

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Join our Facebook community, the Sharing Life and Love Sisters Bible Study Group. We have live videos that walk through various Bible studies. Our community is for ladies only right now and is called the Sharing Life and Love Sisters Bible Study Group.


As you have now learned in Discover Your Calling Week 5, it is crucial that you learn to discern what the Will of God is and obey it completely. Has this week changed you? In what ways have you grown? What takeaways will you implement into your daily life, and how?

Discover Your Calling Week 5

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