Celebrate Recovery Lesson 23

Celebrate Recovery Lesson 23: Give + Free Study Guide

As we wrap up the lessons that are part of the Celebrate Recovery curriculum, we now come to Celebrate Recovery Lesson 23 – Give! As you’ve seen, Celebrate Recovery can help you through a myriad of hurts and struggles. It’s not just for those with unhealthy addictions!

We often take in so much goodness that we forget to give it back out. Have you ever experienced this? Maybe you have forgotten how to share your gifts with others, or perhaps you do not yet know how you can bless the lives of others. We all have gifts!

In Celebrate Recovery lesson 23, we will move on to Principle 8, which states that we will yield ourselves to God to be used to bring the Good News (the Gospel) to others – both by our examples and by our words. 

This lesson will walk us to Step 12 – the spiritual experience you have, carrying it out to others, and practicing it in all of your affairs.

Celebrate Recovery Lesson 23

This step (Step 12) follows both the Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) and Celebrate Recovery programs. Step 12 will sustain you as you walk the path that God has laid out for you and learn how you can help others.

If you are new to Celebrate Recovery, please read the first lesson in this series – Celebrate Recovery Lesson 1: Denial. You might also want to review the last lesson – Celebrate Recovery Lesson 22 – Gratitude.

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What is Celebrate Recovery Lesson 23: GIVE?

Celebrate Recovery principle 8 states: Yield myself to God to be used to bring this Good News to others, both by my example and by my words. Are you excited to learn what YOU can do??

Step 12 says, Having had a spiritual experience as the result of these steps, we try to carry out this message to other people and practice these principles in everything we do. If you struggle to see how you can make a difference, buckle your seatbelt!

Happy are those who are persecuted because they do what God requires. – Matthew 5:10

LessonPrincipleStepBible Verse
23812Matthew 5:10; Galatians 6:1

In Celebrate Recovery lesson 23, we’ll discover how you can be less selfish and more selfless, understand why sharing your victories is so critical, and how you can be a shining example, lighting up the pathways of those around you.

Brothers and sisters, if someone is caught in a sin, you who live by the Spirit should restore that person gently. But watch yourselves, or you also may be tempted. – Galatians 6:1

What Does “Celebrate Recovery Lesson 23” Mean?

Celebrate Recovery, or CR as it is referred to is a 12-step recovery program created by Pastors John Baker and Rick Warren. CR is Biblically based and also is Christ-centered. It was made for those people who are struggling with bad habits or hang-ups

Celebrate Recovery Lesson 23

The main difference between AA and the CR program is that the curriculum for Celebrate Recovery is Biblically-based. Because of this, the Celebrate Recovery 8 principles are based on the Beatitudes found in the book of Matthew in the Bible.

Celebrate Recovery Lesson 23 is the fifth lesson in the Growing in Christ While Helping Others Participant’s Guide 4. You can purchase it online at Amazon or another bookstore, or you can likely buy it at your CR meeting or CR step study

Typically, you go through the study guide during your CR step study, but we will review it in this article. 

Freely you have received; freely give. – Matthew 10:8

Celebrate Recovery Lesson 23 – Give Notes and Lessons

Here are the main talking points mentioned in Celebrate Recovery Lesson 23 – Give

Celebrate Recovery Lesson 23 Notes

According to the Celebrate Recovery study guide, we can break down the word GIVE into four parts. 

#1. In terms of priority, we want to put God first. 

When you put God first, you soon realize that every single good thing in your life is a gift from God. The success of recovery does not depend on anything that is material in nature. Rather, it’s built on your willingness to follow Christ’s direction and grow in your faith.

Since we are unable to serve two masters, as it says in Matthew 6:24, we must decide if we are going to follow the Will of God or our fleshly desires, which are rooted in what the world says we need. Blessing upon blessing is found when you think of eternal thoughts over worldly ones!

God did not even keep back His own Son but offered Him for us all! He gave us His Son – will He not also freely give us all things? – Romans 8:32 (GNT)

#2. We need to walk together with others (We are not on a solo mission). 

The 12-step programs were not meant for individuals to work through by themselves. You should not try to do it all on your own, especially when there are plenty of other people out there that need to hear your encouraging words and teach you their strategies for success!

The Bible teaches in Proverbs and Ecclesiastes that two are better than one. We can thrive in the spiritual callings we were meant to pursue when we work together. You have traits, skills, desires, passions, and thoughts that others do not. We are all created to be unique!

Love the Lord your God with all your heart and will all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: Love your neighbor as yourself. – Matthew 22:37-39

#3. Our victories should be shared.

When you work through the last principle of the Celebrate Recovery 8 Principles (Principle 8), you see the encouragement to share your victories and experiences with others. By explaining where you came from or how you began this walk, you strengthen others.

Other people who are struggling need to know what you’ve overcome in the event that they are in the same boat or will be experiencing a similar struggle in the future. What gave you strength? How can you show others that there is hope in the Lord?

Let us give thanks to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the merciful Father, the God from whom all help comes! He helps us in all our troubles so we are able to help those who have all kinds of troubles, using the same help we received from God. – 2 Corinthians 1:3 (GNB)

#4. We need to be an example to others by the way we live our lives.

James 1:22 encourages us to be doers of the word, not just receivers. That means that we cannot just take information from others and educate ourselves fully. Rather, to be a help to others, we need to give back. We need to share and put ourselves out there.

Celebrate Recovery Lesson 23

We should strive to be more than “Sunday Christians” or “Celebrate Recovery Buffs.” Instead, we need to carry out the message that Jesus is our Lord and Savior in all of our affairs. That includes activities and events that happen outside of the church. It says, ALL!

This can get rather uncomfortable if you do not like to alienate people who do not believe in God. We are called to deliver the Gospel message to others, though. The way that we live in complete obedience to God and the Celebrate Recovery program is a testimony, too!

My children, our love should not be just words and talk; it must be true love, which shows itself in action. – 1 John 3:18 (GNT)

Questions from Celebrate Recovery Lesson 23 – Give

Here are the study guide’s discussion questions for Celebrate Recovery lesson 23

  • What does Matthew 10:8 mean to you?
  • In what ways has your view of giving changed because you now put God first?
  • In what specific situations have you seen Ecclesiastes 4:9 in your recovery?
  • What victories have you had recently that you could share with a newcomer?
  • As James 1:22 stated, how can you be a doer of the Word – with your friends and family, in your recovery group, in your church, at your job, and in your community?

More Celebrate Recovery Resources

Make your journey a complete success with these additional resources!

FREE Recovery Lesson 23 – Give Study Guide

For the FREE Recovery Lesson 23 Give Study Guide, please check out this resource.


A Celebrate Recovery Lesson 23: Give Video

Celebrate Recovery Lesson 23 Give Video

More Celebrate Recovery Resources

The following Celebrate Recovery resources have been helpful to me on my journey – the Celebrate Recovery NIV Study Bible and the Celebrate Recovery 365-Day Devotional Book

A Celebrate Recovery Lesson 23 – My Story

If you’ve ever been to Celebrate Recovery, you probably know how this goes, but I need to introduce myself properly. I’m Michele – a grateful believer in the Lord Christ Jesus, celebrating recovery from addictions and abuse. And I continue to struggle with perfectionism. 

Here are the key takeaways from my personal notes on this lesson:

  • Treat others the way you wish for them to treat you.
  • It’s not always about you or what others think of you.
  • Recognize the areas where you are blessed and thank God for them!
  • Tough times are easier to get through with others.
  • Find people who encourage you, listen, and hold you accountable.
  • My victories revolve around my faith and where I am with God today!
  • Learn and obey God’s commandments to love others.
  • Always be respectful, showing others your kind, loving, and gentle nature.
  • Be sure to reach out to others through acts of kindness or volunteer work.
Celebrate Recovery Lesson 23

To learn more about my walk on this road, please read my spiritual testimony! If you are eager to build your relationship with God, I encourage you to check out our Psalms Bible Study. It will teach you how to build a meaningful time with God as a lasting habit!!


In the Celebrate Recovery Lesson 23 (Give) material, we have learned how to implement the 12 steps of recovery through giving! You can see how giving is an important part of your road to recovery. In this article, we covered Celebrate Recovery Lesson 23: Give and:

  • What is Celebrate Recovery Lesson 23 – Give?
  • A Brief Overview of Celebrate Recovery 
  • Celebrate Recovery Lesson 23 Give Resources 
  • My Story In Relation to CR Lesson 23
  • And So Much More!

How has Celebrate Recovery impacted your life? Are you going through the 12-step program? After these 25 lessons, what kind of articles would you enjoy reading? Leave a comment!

To grow this ministry, please share this article on social media or email it to a friend!

For a great FREE Celebrate Recovery printable, check out the Serenity Prayer in the shop!! 

The next Celebrate Recovery lesson will be Celebrate Recovery Lesson 24 – Yes! I’m looking forward to it!!

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