Discover Your Calling Week 1

Discover Your Calling Week 1 – How to Identify God’s Will (Joseph)

In Discover Your Calling week 1, we learn that there are many things to consider when trying to identify God’s Will for your life. 

First, we must recognize that there will always be things in life that do not make sense. Embrace the uncertain moments as a chance to flex your “curiosity” muscles!

Next, we need to trust that God knows best. He sees the big picture, so let’s rely on His way. It’s also important to note that His way is the better one and produces lasting rewards.

Finally, just as you plan ahead and look forward to the dividends produced by things like exercising and budgeting, think about your home in Heaven. Why wouldn’t you be excited about that? Celebrate it by praying regularly, going to church, and studying the Bible.

Are you ready to identify your calling? Can you feel the excitement? Goosebumps or butterflies in the tummy are natural responses to the Holy Spirit taking over as you release that ironclad grip of control on your life! Let go of your fears and embrace what God has planned for you!

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Grab the Journal Version of Discover Your Calling!

Enjoy the full 6-week journal version of this Bible study, including a printable worksheet and leader’s guide!

Day 1 – God’s Will is Often Beyond Our Understanding 

In Discover Your Calling week 1, day 1, we will learn that God’s Will is often beyond our understanding.

You might know the story of Joseph from Sunday School. He had “the coat of many colors (Genesis 37:2-4).” He was his father’s favorite son and not popular among his 11 brothers. 

Continue reading the remainder of Genesis 37 for Joseph’s story.

Joseph had quite a few struggles in his life. Perhaps he envisioned a “perfect life” – something he visualized as ideal in his mind. However, things were surely not going the way he planned. 

Who would want to be betrayed by their loved ones?

As we learn in Genesis 39, Joseph was thrown in prison when he was innocent. Read that chapter to better understand the whole story.

Based on those chapters alone, we do not know for certain or understand what God has planned for Joseph. 

However, as we continue reading in the next few days, we will learn about God’s plan and why it was important. 

In life, the “why” is not always clear. You might have heard that “God does everything for a reason,” which is a good mindset to have, though not always easy. We like to understand things!

Sometimes, the best situations require us to trust God and not fully understand the details taking place behind the scenes. What we “understand” as humans is much different from God’s understanding.

Discover Your Calling Week 1

Day 1 – Biblework

Today’s Verses: Genesis 37; Genesis 39

Read the following additional verse(s): Psalm 139:4-6; Proverbs 4:5-9; Proverbs 28:26; Isaiah 14:24-27; Isaiah 55:8-9 

Answer these questions:

  1. Why did Joseph’s brothers want to get rid of him?
  2. Can you understand their side, or do you relate more closely to Joseph? Explain.
  3. When have you experienced persecution or difficulties? What happened?
  4. Was it difficult to see God’s plan at that time? Why, or why not?
  5. What has God revealed about His big plans for you?

Digging Deeper:

Do a word study of the word “understanding” (Proverbs 4:5 – NASB) to better differentiate between God’s knowledge and ours. As you think about this term, determine some new ways that you can apply the insight you gained this week to your life.

Learn How to Do a Bible Word Study (+FREE PDF).

Day 2 – God Sees the Big Picture

In Discover Your Calling week 1, day 2, we will learn that God sees the full picture – things we cannot see.

Have you ever tried to assemble a puzzle when you did not know what it would look like? What about trying a puzzle with the pieces turned upside down? What a challenge! Remember, we cannot see the big picture, but God does.

When we are faced with trials, the key is to trust God. He has a plan for our lives that goes well beyond what we know. We can often look back over unfortunate events to see where God was at work. 

God can do anything and everything – and does! When things are complicated or confusing, know that He has a master plan.

As things continued to be challenging for Joseph, do you think he saw God’s grand plan for his life? Read the final parts of Genesis chapter 39:19-23 again to see what happened. Can you see the role that God had for Joseph at that point in his life?

As believers, we are called not to worry about anything but, in every situation, turn to God (Philippians 4:6-7). This means that we should not stress over the details. God will take care of them. He alone has the big picture.

Discover Your Calling Week 1

Day 2 – Biblework

Today’s Verses: Genesis 39:19-23; Philippians 4:6-7

Read the following additional verse(s): Matthew 6:25-34; Matthew 16:23; Romans 8:28 

Answer these questions:

  1. How did the Lord respond to Joseph being in prison?
  2. What do you imagine Joseph felt like at that time? How would you feel?
  3. Have you ever seen God’s plan more clearly after a trial has taken place? Explain.
  4. Are you starting to see God’s Will and your calling? 
  5. What do you see?

Digging Deeper:

Write out Philippians 4:6-7 to discover the benefit that we will receive if we turn our worries over to God in prayer. Do a word study on any main terms (keywords) for additional insight and to gain a greater understanding of this key verse.

Day 3 – God’s Way is Best

In Discover Your Calling week 1 day 3, we will discover that God’s way really is the best..

As we continue reading the story of Joseph in Genesis 40, we see that things almost get better, but then Joseph faces unfortunate circumstances once again.

As you read through Genesis 41, note the good things that came about in Joseph’s life. If this all happened today, we could easily see why he could hold much resentment about his situation. He didn’t seem to, did he? He was focused on being a hard worker.

When we work, we are told to work at it as if working for the Lord. Do you ever feel like you are working to please mankind over God? Maybe you have times of idleness where you know you could do more but lack the proper motivation.

Begin praying about these concerns today to get your heart in the right place.

So, how can we know that God’s way is best? Do it. Do things His way, and you WILL see it with your own eyes. Read the Bible. You will encounter person after person – followers and believers of our Lord – who were bountifully blessed, including Joseph himself. 

Trusting God with the most important parts of your life (the places where He is needed the most) does not happen overnight. Most of us spend our entire lives trying to trust Him over the way we want to do things. 

Often, when looking back, we can see the beautiful places where God took over after we let go. 

Day 3 – Biblework

Today’s Verses: Genesis 40-41

Read the following additional verse(s): Psalm 18:30; Colossians 3:23-24; Hebrews 11:39-40

Answer these questions:

  1. What happened to Joseph at the end of Genesis 40?
  2. What do you think it was like to be in a position of authority (Genesis 41) after being a prisoner?
  3. What changes do you need to make to work more for the Lord over mankind or self?
  4. In what ways have you seen God’s way as better, either in your life or the life of someone else?
  5. What does this tell you about your calling?

Digging Deeper:

In Bible studies, understanding the culture can be very helpful. Research “grain” (Genesis 41:57) to see why it was so valuable in those days. Even beyond the famine, grain was critical. Why was it so important? Doesn’t this make you appreciate God’s provision even more?

Day 4 – God’s Will Provides Eternal Blessings

In Discover Your Calling week 1, day 4, we will learn about the eternal blessings God provides.

As you finish Joseph’s story (Genesis 42-45), you see how he kept his faith strong despite trial after trial and was richly blessed. He trusted that God would provide and did not waver.

Joseph found that his purpose was to serve the Lord in the ways that were needed according to his circumstances. 

According to Joshua 22:5, God’s Will is often given to us through His instructions. We can locate those commands in the Bible, but truly understanding God takes a lifetime of learning and growing in a genuine relationship with Him. One way to do this is to study the Bible

Growing in your relationship with God is usually something that happens over time. To start, you’ll need to trust His Will and His promises. Along with salvation, God promises forgiveness, redemption, and unconditional love (agape) to those who love Him. 

What About You?

So much more growth can be achieved with the help of Jesus. Are you turning to Him in every circumstance, or are you only connecting during trials?

Joseph’s responses to his circumstances were both noble and transformational. He did not constantly question what was happening – “Why, God?” Instead, he had the attitude of “What’s next, Lord?” 

Can you relate?? Do you trust God’s promises when times are tough? 

God keeps His promises. He is forever faithful. Do not be afraid to put your life on the line for Him. Ask Him to lead the way, and you’ll be delighted. Read Psalm 37:4.

As you think about your calling, list the ways God is speaking to you. How is He putting His Will on your heart so that you can walk along the path that He designed for you?

Discover Your Calling Week 1

Day 4 – Biblework

Today’s Verses: Genesis 42-45; Psalm 37:4; Joshua 22:5

Read the following additional verse(s): 1 Peter 5:10; 2 Timothy 2:10; 2 Thessalonians 2:16-22

Answer these questions:

  1. What are some ways we can please the Lord?
  2. What are some of the blessings that God has provided for you?
  3. What have you learned about God’s promises?
  4. Go on a scavenger hunt! Take 5 minutes to flip through or read passages in the Bible. Make a quick list of each instruction or command that you come across. To jumpstart your list, be sure to check out the commands in 1 Thessalonians 5:16-22.
  5. In what ways do you feel you need to change or adjust in order to better follow God’s Will for your life?

Digging Deeper:

Read Psalm 37 and write out your thoughts. How might our desires be different from those who do not put God first? In Psalm 37:1-7, we see several instructions. List them, and write out the actions you will take to grow in your relationship with God – starting now.

Day 5 – Your Purpose Found in God’s Will

In Discover Your Calling week 1 day 5, we learn how to find your purpose in God’s Will.

As we wrap up Joseph’s story, read Psalm 105:16-22. What further insight or detail is provided in these verses? How does this change how you view what happened to Joseph?

Suffering or being in unfavorable circumstances often leads us to believe that God is not fair, but did you see how beautifully Joseph’s story turned out and impacted the lives of those he loved?

It does not appear that Joseph wasted time with anger and resentment. He uncovered God’s Will for his life and took action to fulfill his calling.

As you look to uncover your calling, be sure that you allow God to do His work. This means obedience. You can practice obedience when you know and apply God’s instructions.

Read Mark 12:28-31 (also known as the Greatest Commandment) to see how we are instructed to live out God’s commandments. What are the two commandments given? In what ways do these instructions encompass the ten commandments given in the Old Testament?

What About You?

As we continue on the path of discovering your calling, think about how you can impact the lives of others with your purpose. We are called to make a difference, not hoard all of our wisdom and insight for ourselves. We were created to share it. 

In the NLT (New Living Translation) version of the Bible, Ezra 1:5 begins with, “Then God stirred the hearts….” God guided His people through their beliefs, desires, and attitudes. He is always at work inside of us, blessing us with the ability and longing to do His Will.

Read Philippians 2:12-18. List the instructions given to the people. Which of these are you having trouble with? Take a moment to pray about how to make any needed changes.

Day 5 – Biblework

Today’s Verses: Ezra 1:5; Psalm 105:16-22; Mark 12:28-31; Philippians 2:12-18

Read the following additional verse(s): Psalm 133; 2 Thessalonians 4:3; 1 Peter 2:15

Answer these questions:

  1. What have you discovered so far about your spiritual calling?
  2. Do your deepest desires align with God’s direction? If you need to, pray for a change in your desires.
  3. Are you seeing how to connect what you are passionate about with God’s Will for your life? Explain.
  4. How does your calling impact the lives of non-believers? 
  5. What does it do for their spiritual walk?

Digging Deeper:

Do word studies on the two Greek verbs listed in Philippians 2:14. List your findings. How do these words cause problems in your life, or how have you seen them impact those around you? Why is it hard to rejoice when we have a negative attitude or grumble and dispute?

Bonus Bible Study Resources

Use these Bible study resources to enhance your time with God!

More Sharing Life and Love Bible Studies

How to Build a Quiet Time with God – In this 8-week Bible study, you will walk through select passages in the book of Psalms. Additionally, you will create a valuable time with God.

FREE Ruth 9-Week Bible Study – Learn all about this incredible woman and what she achieved in her lifetime in the Ruth Bible study!

Create Your Own God-Centered Goals – In this 5-day Bible study, you will enjoy learning about goals and how to create ones that are centered upon the Lord.

Additional Helpful Resources

Find additional ideas for your Bible library here:

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In Discover Your Calling week 1, we have learned about how God’s Will is beyond our understanding, how God sees the big picture, how God’s way is best always, the eternal blessings we will receive, and how to find your purpose.

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