how to write a soldier a letter of encouragement Sharing Life and Love - computer and office supplies

How to Write a Soldier a Letter of Encouragement

Are you looking for ways to reach out to soldiers stationed overseas? Do you want to provide them with a positive and uplifting message? Do you want to learn how to write a soldier a caring letter that will touch his or her heart?

It’s not always easy coming up with the right words of encouragement, especially if you haven’t been in their shoes.

This article will show you how to write a soldier a letter of encouragement. This way, you can write awesome cards and support letters to those who don’t get mail!

I encourage you to become a pen pal with a service member! Watch how rewarding the experience can be! I bet YOU get more out of the experience than you would ever believe.

Why You Should Write a Soldier

I think letter writing is a lost art. There’s something magical that happens when you put pen to paper! You can uplift military members who are fighting for our freedom by just sending letters! How easy is that?

I mean, you can send care packages if you want, but it can be easier than that. Writing to soldiers overseas is a rewarding and affordable way to make a difference!

What really motivated me to join this cause was the fact that these soldiers do not get care packages or letters of support from anyone in the United States. This means that when a mail call comes, these soldiers just get nothing. How sad is that? I think it’s important that every military member gets mail – even if it is from a complete stranger!

Where to Find a Soldier to Write To

There are many organizations that can offer you the addresses to mail soldiers the letters you write. I will save this topic to be a separate in-depth article to be discussed at another time.

From what I have researched, most organizations will give you addresses for the Air Force, Marines, Army, and many other military outfits, but they do have rules and regulations you must follow. For example, many require that you donate money to be a part of their cause.

Soldiers Angels requires $1.00 per month. Operation Gratitude has a process you must go through, but they did not require a monetary donation. I will look into the matter further for the accompanying article. Operation Care and Comfort was a free one that I would recommend; I have sent them letters in the past with success.

Learn more about Operation Gratitude or How to Make a Soldier Pen Pal.

how to write a soldier a letter of encouragement - letter writing supplies

What to Include in a Letter to a Soldier

When you begin a letter to a stranger, it can be awkward. Just explain how grateful you are for all the soldier is doing. Tell them that you appreciate their hard work and to stay strong!

You might want to include some motivational scriptures. I’d write out each scripture, but here is a list of some of the ones I used to include:

  • Proverbs 27:17
  • Ecclesiastes 4:10-12
  • Isaiah 41:10
  • Philippians 4:6
  • Proverbs 12:25
  • Colossians 3:23
  • Proverbs 3:5-6
  • Psalms 128:1
  • 2 Corinthians 5:7
  • Proverbs 24:10

If you want to expand upon the verses, you could talk a bit about your faith and how it has helped you grow as a person. Some soldiers just need a little faith, as they are perhaps feeling lost or alone.

I would highly recommend writing the letters by hand, as it shows that it took you time and effort to do so.

Many soldiers want to know who is writing them. If you have children, now is a great time to include drawings and colorings, showing appreciation for what they are doing for us.

Talk about what you do for fun, what your job is, and what motivates you. What are you passionate about? Include your name, address, and email address if you want them to write you back.

For my all-time favorite letter writing supplies, please check out the Recommended Letter Writing Resources in the free resources! These will help you in writing lots of letters!

How to Write a Soldier Encouraging Words

Think about what the soldiers are doing on our behalf. Try to empathize, and encourage them to stay the course. You might include some of the following phrases:

“Thank you for the hard work you are doing for our country! Stay strong!”

“I know it must be hard being away from home. Remember the positives – the good you are doing for others.”

“I admire your abilities and dedication! Just do your best and know you are very appreciated!”

“Keep your spirits up, and know that you are making a difference in the lives of others!”

For more encouraging quotes, check out my free download: 35 Motivational Life Quotes.


Have you written a soldier? What do you think of my guide on how to write a soldier a letter of encouragement? If you can add to the discussion, please leave a comment!

Also, as I am just starting this ministry, I’d love it if you’d help me out by spreading the word on social media or to others who could benefit from my articles! Please share this post with someone today!

I’d love to hear from you. Feel free to reach out to me, especially if you know of a worthy cause or volunteer opportunity I could share with my readers.

I hope you will reach out to a soldier today. You will get more out of the experience than you could ever imagine!

Grab your free copy of the volunteer log in my shop!

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