Are you wondering how to make a Bible study binder? Have you been on social media, seeing the beautiful posts that people show with images of their binders? Maybe you’ve been wanting to make a Bible study binder, but you have not found the right resources to do so.
It could be that you are very skilled in another area, but it is not a creative one, so you need some ideas to get started. This is completely understandable. I have been there. The key is to figure out your purpose. Then, you will be better equipped to find what you need.
If you’ve never heard of a Bible study binder, there will be plenty of ideas and definitions to get you started on this fun project! Perhaps you are looking for printables for your Bible study binder. There are plenty of FREE Bible study printables listed in this article. Let’s get started!
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What is a Bible Study Binder?
A Bible study binder can be what you create to contain all of the paper Bible studies that you have collected over the years. If you have participated in an online or in-person Precept Ministries’ Bible study, for example, you could contain all of that information in a binder.
If you have completed many Bible studies from different sources, it is recommended that you use a very large binder or consider using more than one binder. The best way to divide them is with labels or dividers that contain the names of the books of the Bible.
If you write Bible studies or have Bible study notes that you would like to store in an organized fashion, you could easily use a Bible study binder for that purpose. Additionally, any commentary notes, sermon notes, or Bible memorization tools could be stored in a binder.

Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my soul. – Psalm 119:105
Why You Need a Bible Study Binder
So, why do you need a Bible study binder? The answer is actually pretty easy. You need a Bible study binder to get organized! Being organized can help you find what you need when you need it. Imagine not searching everywhere for your notes on the book of Jonah.
Having your Bible studies organized in binders will also help you when you are witnessing to someone. If you want to share Jesus with someone, it is very useful to have visual aids or quotes from reliable sources. Having your Bible study material organized can help with that!
Accomplish the maximum by using clever organization strategies!
What Are the Different Types of Bible Study Binders?
Of course, you can create a Bible study binder for any purpose. The main thing you will want to do is to make it reliable and useful to you. If you do not plan to read the Old Testament any time soon, you might want to wait to create that portion of the binder or binders.
1 – A Bible Study Binder for Your Bible Studies and Notes
As mentioned, a Bible study binder is perfect for holding all of your Bible studies. Today, many Bible studies are sold online as printable. That means that it is up to you to print them. With all the paper you use to print Bible studies, why not have them organized?
You can then find each Bible study easily because you have them in an organized fashion. If you decide to lead a Bible study or even just want to review a Bible study you have already done, you’ll want to refer to your Bible study notes. Having a Bible study binder will save time!

Nobody ever outgrows Scripture; the book widens and deepens with our years. – Charles Spurgeon
2 – A Bible Study Binder with Reference Materials
It can be quite handy to have at your fingertips all of the reference materials that are related to a book of the Bible or ones you’ve gathered from a Bible study that you’ve done. Reference materials might consist of charts, maps, definitions of keywords, or character studies.
3 – A Bible Study Binder for Writing Out the Bible
When I originally created the Bible study binder printables made for this website, it was for a group that was writing out the Bible by hand. They wanted to have cover sheets for each book of the Bible so that they would be able to organize where they were in the writing process.
If you would like to write out the Bible by hand on notebook paper, the printables offered in this article will help you divide up the books of the Bible. You can even add Bible tabs to each book of the Bible to better divide them up.
I’m not completely positive of all the reasons that people write out the verses of the Bible, but I would imagine it would strengthen your relationship with God. Additionally, it is great for Bible memorization! If you want to keep God’s Word on your heart all the time, consider writing it out.
Fix these words of mine in your hearts and minds; tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. – Deuteronomy 11:18
Bible Study Binder Ideas and Tips for Success
Take into consideration the following tips and ideas to help you succeed when making your Bible study binder. I have made a few, and I treasure my binders (and use them all the time)! I hope you have as much fun exploring Bible study binder ideas as I do!
1 – Make your Bible study binder work for your particular needs.
Perhaps you are in seminary school or need to study for academic purposes. If that is the case, consider what you need to put together to learn effectively and accomplish what you are trying to do in school. If it’s a work project, what does the job require of you?
Maybe you hope to write out the entire Bible by hand. That is certainly a spiritual goal that many people share. In that case, using printed dividers would be very handy. You could use the ones made for each book of the Bible to best sort your writing of the text.
We know that in all things, God works for the good of those who love him, who[a] have been called according to his purpose. – Romans 8:28
2 – Expand your binder system when you need to.
What’s great about organizing things with binders is how flexible the system is. If you write Bible studies and decide to write another study on a certain book, you can simply add it to the system you are already using. When one binder is too big to hold more paper, it’s time for two!
3 – Quality supplies might be better than the cheaper options.
While there are many times when a cheaper knock-off will work, there are other times when it is best not to pinch pennies when purchasing office supplies or equipment. When you purchase inferior office supplies, you run the risk of them breaking or going bad too soon.
Read about my recommendations in the Bible study binder must-have resources. While you can certainly try off-brands, it will usually cost more in the end. I’ve often struggled with jammed staplers or inferior label makers. This costs time, energy, and a great deal of patience.
Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer. – Romans 12:12
How to Make a Bible Study Binder Yourself
The steps to learn how to make a Bible study binder yourself are actually quite basic.
(1) You will want to begin by gathering the supplies that you need (a binder, the printables that you plan to include, a hole punch, and any decorative items that you want to add to your binder).
(2) Next, you will want to decide how you want to put it all together. You might find it easiest to write it on a piece of scrap paper. Maybe you are using dividers for this binder. If so, map out which printables will go behind which divider. Also, what theme will you use?
(3) The last step is probably the easiest. You’ve already gathered your supplies and planned how to put them together. The only thing you have left to do is to include it all in your binder. You’ll want to hole punch the pages so they fit nicely, and you are done!

Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and he will establish your plans. – Proverbs 16:3
Free Bible Study Binder Printables
Of course, to make your Bible study binder, you will need material to put in it. Maybe you have copies of Bible studies, printed Bible studies, or other printed material that you wish to hole punch and add to your binder. If you are still searching for something, here is quite a collection!
FREE Printable Bible Study Binder Cover Options
Bible Book Covers for Your Scripture Writing or Bible Studies – Use these to add a beautiful touch to your Scripture-writing pages or to organize your printable Bible studies. There are various covers to use. There are 66 additional covers – one for each book of the Bible.
FREE Bible Study Worksheets
Inductive Bible Study PDF Worksheets – Use these FREE inductive Bible study PDF worksheets when you study inductively. They include room for the date, passage, who, what, where, when, why, how, and context.
FREE Bible Study Application PDF Worksheets – Enjoy these free Bible Study Application PDF Worksheets. Included is space for the summary, favorite verse, sin to avoid, what you’ve learned about God, commands to obey, how you will apply all this to your life, and more.
The SOAP Bible Study Method Worksheet is a great tool for studying the Bible and applying what you learn. Use this worksheet to record the scripture you are studying, your observations, applications for your life, and a personal prayer to God. Try the SOAP method today!
The SWORD Bible Study Method Worksheet – Grow in your faith as you apply the SWORD Bible study method using this worksheet. The imagery will ensure you always remember the questions you should ask to learn more about God’s character and what He wants from you.
FREE Color-Code Your Bible PDF
Enjoy this FREE Color-Code Bible PDF – Just print the PDF, and using your highlighters, color each phrase the color you wish to use for that phrase in your Bible. This will ensure you have the right colors each time you highlight your Bible. Learn to color-code your Bible today!
FREE Printable Mini Bible Studies
Praising God for Your Blessings Mini Bible Study – Enjoy this short 8-page mini Bible study when you study the Bible and learn how to start praising God for your blessings. This Bible study is sure to grow your faith!
Identity in Christ 4-Page Mini Bible Study – Enjoy this short 4-page mini Bible study when you study the Bible and learn how to celebrate your identity in Christ. This Bible study is sure to strengthen your faith!
FREE Sermon Notes PDF Printable
FREE Sermon Notes Printable – This beautiful FREE printable is two pages long. It is perfect for Sermon Notes when you are in church and want to refer to something at a later date and time that is preached. Enjoy this printable with the How to Go to Church article!
FREE 12-Month Bible Reading Plan
FREE 12-Month Bible Reading Plan – Enjoy this 12-month original Bible reading plan! Each month is based on a different topic or theme. To learn more about how to use a Bible reading plan, check out the blog post – How to Start a Bible Reading Plan This Year.
Bible Study Binder Must-Have Resources
If you want to use a binder system, you need to have good supplies. You might also want decorative items like stickers, washi tape, markers, labels, tabs, colored pencils, scrap paper, crayons, highlighters, good pens (my favorite is the Pilot G-2 07 pen), and scrapbook paper.
Your Stapler
The Swingline Stapler is probably the best out there. It does not jam, and this particular model can staple up to 30 sheets of paper. I use this stapler and would highly recommend it. There are other quality staplers out there. Bostitch makes some that are pretty tempting!
Your Hole Punch
My hole punch is rather old and does not have the brand listed on it. I prefer this one because it rarely jams. This Bostitch Office Premium 3 Hole Punch is one I would trust. It’s affordable and high quality. There is also a comparable Swingline one that is certainly worth checking out.
Your Label Maker
It is difficult to find an affordable quality label maker; mine is a DYMO, but it is discontinued. The closest one that compares in quality and price is the DYMO LetraTag Bundle 100T Printer. I’d keep it simple with whatever you decide to get. Otherwise, you might spend more than planned.
Your Binder
While any 3-ring binder will do, I’ve found that some of the cheaper brands don’t last nearly as long as others, like Office Depot’s Heavy-Duty D-Ring 2” Binder. When I purchase something like that, I rarely know whether I need a 3-inch or 2-inch binder. When in doubt, go bigger.
Did you learn how to make a Bible study binder? We went over a LOT in this article. Not only were definitions, types, and reasons given for a Bible study binder, but over a hundred FREE printables were provided for your Bible study binder!! Are you excited?
We’d love to connect with you and see pictures of your Bible study binders. Which type of Bible study binder did you make? Which printables did you find to be the most helpful or the most beautiful? What kind of printable would you love to see in the future?

Wishing you success and blessings!