Are you interested in prayers for recovery from addiction? Do you struggle with addiction yourself? Maybe you have a loved one or know of someone who needs prayers as they walk the road to recovery. This article will help with that.
This article has over thirty-one prayers for someone who is recovering from addiction. It might be that the person wants to learn the Serenity Prayer. It could be that they wish to just say a personal prayer for someone else. These prayers will give you guidance here.
As you enjoy the following prayers, be sure to make them your own. In other words, rearrange the words to apply to your specific situation. Most of all, speak from the heart, and the Lord will hear your prayer and answer.

Blessed is the one who perseveres under trial because, having stood the test, that person will receive the crown of life that the Lord has promised to those who love Him. – James 1:12
What is Addiction?
According to Harvard Health, addiction is a chronic and often relapsing disorder in which one person is “addicted” or “hooked” on something. Usually, their life revolves around the source of their addiction, and it becomes all that the individual can think about.
While the word “addiction” is typically thought of as a negative term, there are many who use it in a positive sense. Addiction to something healthy is uncommon, however. Rather, addiction usually has detrimental effects on one’s life and is hard to let go of.
Once addiction has a hold of you, it can be a difficult road to escape. You might feel that the pull to appease your addiction is overwhelming and that strength to resist it is hard to find. There are many programs and resources that prove this is completely untrue. Have faith in yourself!

When you can stop, you don’t want to. And when you want to stop, you can’t. That’s addiction. – Anonymous
Why Pray for Someone in Recovery From Addiction?
Praying is incredibly powerful. I remember once hearing that those who are prayed for have been proven to recover faster than those who are not prayed for. That is a huge reason to pray: It works! God is faithful and will answer your prayers in one way or another.
Does prayer hurt you? Will it hurt the other person? Yet another reason to pray for someone in recovery is that there is no harm in doing it. Why not pray for someone trying to get better? Wouldn’t you want people praying for you if you were in recovery from addiction?
As you pray for someone in recovery from addiction, you offer them hope from a new source – our Lord and Creator! Providing someone who has hit rock bottom with new hope can shed light in darkness. If you are a light for Christ, share it with the person who is aiming to get better!
Prayer is a way to show compassion to another person. If you love them and want to show that you care for them, why not pray for them? Jesus often prayed for those He cared for, and we are to emulate Him. Grow your softer side by being compassionate in prayer.
Any type of prayer can and will bring you closer to God. When you pray, you are opening up a communication channel between you and the Lord. This gives you precious moments to ask Him for help for this loved one in recovery. Watch your faith soar as God gets you through this!

Pray continually. – 1 Thessalonians 5:17
Famous Prayers for Recovery From Addiction
The Serenity Prayer is probably the most popular and famous prayer for recovery from addiction of any kind. It can and should be memorized by addicts as part of the 12-step program they joined. Repeating this prayer during moments of temptation can help prevent a relapse.
The Serenity Prayer + Free Printable
This is the beginning of the Serenity Prayer. You can get a free copy of the entire Serenity Prayer in our shop. There are several options available. Additionally, our article on the Serenity Prayer is incredibly thorough and helpful to those in recovery. Please memorize this one!
God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.
The Third Step Prayer
Here is the prayer that is from the third step of most 12-step programs. Learn more about Step 3 in Recovery.
God, I offer myself to Thee — to build with me and to do with me as
Thou wilt. Relieve me of the bondage of self, that I may better do Thy
Will. Take away my difficulties, that victory over them may bear
witness to those I would help of Thy Power, Thy Love, and Thy Way of
life. May I do Thy Will always!
Psalm 23
This is a beautiful and encouraging verse for times of turmoil.
Even though I walk
through the darkest valley,
I will fear no evil,
for You are with me;
Your rod and Your staff,
they comfort me.
Psalm 23:4
Unique Prayers for Recovery From Addiction
Use the following unique prayers for recovery from addiction to aid you as you pray for an addict. As you read the following prayers, adapt them to work for you and the person you are praying for. Speak from the heart, and the Lord will know what you wish to say.
Prayers for Recovery From Addiction to Pornography
These prayers will help someone who is struggling with an addiction to pornography.
Help me, please, to resist the enemy. I often feel that sexual immorality in the form of pornography has a hold on me. I’m drawn to things that corrupt my mind and the way I behave toward others. You have given me Your Armor in Ephesians 6. Urge me to turn to that passage with curiosity to see the many ways I can fight this temptation. It’s war!
In Jesus’ Name,
Dear Lord,
Today, I pray that You please guide me in taking steps as I start a new chapter in my life. Shield me from the temptation to look at pornography. Walk with me to remind me that I am a child of Yours and my actions reflect You and those around me. I want to be a good example to others, and I cannot do that by having an addiction to pornography. Please rid me of this demonic force and cleanse me to be new.
I love You, Lord, and pray all of this in Your Name,
As I embrace my walk of recovery from pornography and lustful influences, please guide me. I know that I will not always make perfect choices, but I want to believe that You are with me every step of the way. Help me to have confidence that this is always true because You keep Your promises, and You’ve promised to always be by my side. Thank You.
In Jesus’ Name,

Be strong in the Lord and in His mighty power. – Ephesians 6:10
Prayers for Recovery From Addiction to Food
These prayers will help an individual in recovery because of an addiction to food.
Dearest Lord,
I often feel that food has a hold on me. I want to eat when I’m not hungry. Bring me Your strength, please. I know you offer the strength to overcome the temptation to eat or use food as an escape from reality or uncomfortableness. Deliver me please from this sin and help Your might and Your light to shine through and show me other outlets for my pain.
In Your Name,
I know that You watch my every step. Please take my hand today and walk with me. As we journey together, create in me a new desire for You, an excitement about OUR relationship. Help me please to build a passion for things that You offer, not the food and drink of this world. Help me focus on what is truly important over food, snacking, and other fleshly desires.
My hope rests in You.
In Jesus’ Name,

“It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop.” – Confucius
Prayers for Recovery From Addiction to Sex
Try these prayers for addiction if you are in recovery from an addiction to sex. Our Christian sex article might prove to be helpful, as well.
I am having difficulty controlling my sex drive. I know You can show me a better way to manage this. You have given me the strength to overcome all things! As I feel like my body is out of control, help me channel my urges and addictions to positive things like Bible study and prayer. Show me that I do not have to have sex in order to be a worthy child of Yours.
In Jesus’ Name,
Dear Lord,
Often, my addiction to sex has been at the expense of my relationship with You. Cleanse me from my sin. Create in me a new heart, a new desire for You alone. Do not leave my side or give up on me. Instead, accept my sincere heart as I aim to change my wayward way. I long to be Yours alone, rather than a slave to my fleshly desire to want to have sex when I shouldn’t.
I love You.
In Your Name,

“I am not defined by my relapses, but by my decision to remain in recovery despite them.” – Anonymous
Prayers for Recovery From Addiction to Drugs
If you struggle with an addiction to drugs, be sure to check out these prayers.
I pray that you please protect me from the temptation to use. As I feel drawn to something that will alter the way I think and feel, remind me that you are all I need. Help me escape the hold this substance has on me. Show me a better road. Please help me move past this.
In Your Precious Name,
Dearest Lord,
The enemy is preying on me as I try to resist the temptation to use drugs. This addiction has had a hold on me for much too long. Show me a better way, a better outlet for my addictive behaviors. Get me hooked on the Word of God, or shower me with a desire, drive, and devotion to serving people in church. Help me focus elsewhere, somewhere that won’t lead to this sin.
I trust You, Lord. Thank You for Your faithfulness.
In Jesus’ Name,
There are things in this world that are hard to deal with, and I have found solutions to problems in the wrong things. Help me to see what is right and true and beautiful and lovely. Help me to recognize Your love through every step I take. Guide me to paths of righteousness, leading me away from negative influences. Thank You.
In Jesus’ Name,

“When everything seems like an uphill struggle, just think of the view from the top.” – Anonymous
Prayers for Recovery From Addiction to Gambling
Are you having a hard time because of an addiction to gambling? Check out these prayers!
Dear Lord,
You have entrusted me to be a steward of my money, and I feel like a failure because gambling has a hold on me. Instead of this addiction, please give me an outlet that honors You. Show me how to use my money in a way that brings You glory and grows Your Kingdom rather than distributing it to people who will not use it for good.
I pray all this in Your Name,
I need You right now. I’m not sure how to manage the temptations that I’m facing. However, I know that with Your strength, I can do anything! Help me combat my desire to gamble. Remind me that I can be just as passionate about Your Truth found in Your Word. I know I’ll be able to persevere with You by my side! Thank You, Lord!
In Your Name,
Dear Lord,
As I journey on this road to recovery, please lead me to the right influences. I feel driven to do what I know is wrong. Help me see what is beautiful in this world – Your love, Your creation, Your splendor, Your glory, and Your grace upon us. Help me, please, to recognize these things above any addiction and to focus on You above all things.
In Jesus’ Name,

“Rock bottom became the solid foundation on which I rebuilt my life.” – J.K. Rowling
Prayers for Recovery From Addiction to Shopping
Shopping is a tough addiction. Be sure to try one of these prayers during recovery.
Please lead me away from my addiction to shopping, from the urge to spend money when I do not need to, and from anything that drives my heart away from You. Remind me that I am a steward of the skills, money, resources, and all the blessings You have given me, and I am to use all this in a wise manner. Lead me away from spending and closer to You.
In Jesus’ Name,
Dearest Lord,
I plead with You today to help me with my shopping addiction. It is just so easy to click and buy. Help me realize that with each purchase, I am spending money that we might need for something else. Help me remember what is important in this life and focus on You rather than on material objects.
Thank You, Lord.
In Your Name,
The temptation in this country is to buy, buy, and buy more. Commercials are left and right. The influences are such that it has become very tempting for me to spend money that we do not currently have. Help rid me of this temptation and lead me toward paths of goodness and righteousness. Lead me toward You, Lord.
I love You.
In Jesus’ Name,

“Recovery is about progression, not perfection.” – Anonymous
Personal Prayers for Recovery From Addiction
The following personal prayers for recovery from addiction are meant to help you pray for specific individuals in recovery. If you have someone you need to pray for, or if you are praying for yourself, you can certainly change a few words to make these your own heartfelt words.
Prayers for Recovery From Addiction For Loved Ones
As you deal with having a loved one in recovery from addiction, consider praying for them!
I humbly come before You asking for prayers for recovery from addiction for my dear loved one. You know his/her heart and what is going on in their situation. I beg You to help them gain a greater desire for You and to shrink their desire for their drug of choice. Rather than being hooked on this unhealthy option, help them see that You will provide all of their needs if they seek You.
I pray in Your Name,
Dearest Father in Heaven,
I sincerely pray a personal prayer for my loved one who is suffering from addiction. May You help this substance no longer have a hold on them. Help them seek it no longer and want a relationship with You instead. Keep them safe, please, and if it is part of Your Will, help them recover in a calm and painless manner, never to return to this addiction again.
In Jesus’ Name,

“Recovery is something that you have to work on every single day, and it’s something that doesn’t get a day off.” – Demi Lovato
Prayers for Recovery From Addiction For Your Spouse
Loving your husband or wife during recovery from addiction can be hard. Pray for your spouse and aim to have a Spiritual Marriage.
I’d like to humbly ask if You would please help my spouse. He/She is addicted and seeking recovery, and I only wish the best for them. Help my heart to align with Yours as I strive to do what is best for them. When I want to gripe and complain about the past, give me the grace and patience to forgive. Help me be understanding and sweet instead.
In Jesus’ Name,
Dear Lord,
As I am frightened for my spouse and their addiction, I pray that You comfort me and my children. Help us realize that everything is part of Your bigger plan and all things will work for the good of those who love You (Romans 8:28), and I do sincerely love You, Lord. Bless my family as we aim to get over this hurdle. Thank You.
In Your Name,
This road is difficult. I do not always know the right things to do or say, but I trust that You do. When I speak to my spouse about his or her recovery, please guide my words. Help me be of assistance. Give me the strength to help carry them when they are at low points, but do not permit me to enable their sin when I know it is wrong. Lead me, Lord.
I love You.
In Your Name,

“You were never created to live depressed, defeated, guilty, condemned, ashamed, or unworthy. You were created to be victorious.” – Anonymous
Prayers for Recovery From Addiction For Your Accountability Partner
If you have an accountability partner or fellow sister or brother in a Step Study, pray for them during their recovery.
Today, I humbly come before You in request of assistance for my accountability partner. As he/she struggles to know and do right from wrong, walk with them, please. I know they desire a walk with You or would if they understood the true blessings that come with such a journey. Help them to see this beauty and embrace it over their addiction.
In Your Name,
As I pray for the recovery from addiction for my accountability partner, I ask that You help me stay strong as well. I know that this journey should not be walked alone, so they need me. However, I also know I can be easily swayed when it comes to addiction. Help me resist temptation and be a shining example for this person.
In Your Precious Name,

“Remember that just because you hit bottom doesn’t mean you have to stay there.” – Robert Downey Jr.
Prayers for Recovery From Addiction For Your Child
Having a child in recovery can be very difficult. Prayer can help. Consider using one of the following prayers.
As my child is dealing with recovery from addiction, help me to be a strong influence in their life. Guide my steps as I give them advice. Help me know what to say and do – things that will help them on this journey. Give me restraint when I overstep boundaries and grace when I miss my mark. Help my heart grow in love for my child as they are suffering and battling something that I do not always understand. Thank You, Lord.
In Jesus’ Name,
Dearest Lord,
My heart is broken as I have seen my child embrace addiction over You. I see them working toward recovery, and it fills my heart with joy. I just ask, if part of Your Will, to walk beside them and lead them to make the best decisions for their recovery. Help them resist temptation and turn to You in times of turmoil.
I thank You in advance, and I pray in Your Name,
I am on my knees and praying with all of my heart that my child gets well. I know that addiction has had a deep hold over them and that their life would be immensely better if they could successfully recover from their addictive behaviors and choices. Help them find and stay on the best path, make decisions that honor You, and choose You over anything else.
I pray in Jesus’ Name,
“Recovery is an acceptance that your life is in shambles and you have to change.” – Jamie Lee Curtis
Prayers for Recovery From Addiction For A Friend
As you build Spiritual Friendships in recovery or a 12-step program like Celebrate Recovery, be sure to pray for your friends.
As I come before You today, I’d like to ask for prayers for recovery from addiction for my friend. He/She is suffering so much because they are choosing the ways and offerings of this world over what You have to offer and the blessings they could find if they would only choose Your way. Lead their walk to the pathway of recovery. I love You, Lord.
In Your Name,
Dear Lord,
I often feel helpless when trying to help my friend in recovery. There are times when I do not know what to say or do to assist them on this journey. Please guide me in what I say and the steps I take to help them along. Give me Your words to say so that they are encouraged and strengthened. Thank You.
In Jesus’ Name,
My dear friend is having difficulties. They are facing recovery from addiction, and I really desire it to be successful. As they take the right steps toward getting over this awful addiction, please walk by their side. Let them know that You are always available to hold their hand – no matter what hurdle comes their way. Please comfort their soul during this process.
In Jesus’ Name,
“Friendship is unnecessary, like philosophy, like art… It has no survival value; rather, it is one of those things that give value to survival.” – C. S. Lewis
Frequently Asked Questions About Recovery From Addiction
The following questions about recovery from addiction should help you understand addiction a bit better. There are many facets to addiction, and it can take a lifetime to learn them all. Take it one bite at a time, learn what you can, and apply your newfound knowledge appropriately.
What are the 5 stages of change in recovery?
The five stages of change in recovery include precontemplation (thinking of what you might do), contemplation (reaching realizations), preparation (getting ready to take action), action (taking moveable steps toward recovery), and maintenance (continuing to grow as you walk the road to recovery).
How does the coping model for addiction work?
With the coping model for addiction, addicts begin to gain a new sense of control. This control might be over their thoughts, feelings, actions, or behaviors. A newfound sense of control can lead to lasting change in the individual seeking recovery.
What are the 3 P’s of recovery?
The three P-words of recovery include patience, persistence, and perseverance. When you are patient in affliction, you build endurance. Endurance can give you a newfound drive, which leads to persistence. Perseverance occurs when you reach that unstoppable phase of recovery!
How can I prevent a relapse?
There are many things you can do to prevent a relapse. Join a 12-step program, build a solid support system (which can easily be built in a program like that), understand your triggers, attend counseling or therapy, and stay busy. The enemy loves idle hands!
What are recovery skills?
There are many recovery skills for an addict. Being honest and communicating problems with one’s support system will certainly help prevent a relapse. Learning to cope with triggers, solve problems, and manage stress can help with self-management in recovery.
“A true friend is someone who is there for you when he’d rather be anywhere else.” – Len Wein
As you have now learned, there are many prayers for recovery from addiction. We have covered quite a few. Could you think of any that were left out? If so, please comment or contact us. You never know when your prayer or idea will be published on our website! We love you!

“There is nothing on this earth more to be prized than true friendship.” – Thomas Aquinas