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Well, we want to encourage you to be your best self and to find profound meaning in this life and the next!

If you want more out of life, Sharing Life and Love is the website for you! Think about what you would do if you had a life-changing experience. Then, explore our site to see how we can help.

Set your mind on things above, not on earthly things. – Colossians 3:2

How Can We Help?

Our mission is to help you find joy in whatever hurdle comes your way, but most of all, we long to bring the salvation that comes through Christ to your very doorstep! Now, not all our content is religious-based. We cover the topics of recovery and volunteer work quite thoroughly!

In an effort to share with you the joy and delight we have, we always give you high-quality, useful content and practical, easy-to-follow advice. Check us out on Facebook, Instagram, or another social media platform to find new content regularly!

We even have a Facebook group dedicated to Bible study – Sharing Life and Love Sisters Bible Study Group. (At this time, the group is only for women – any age, any experience level). Join us as we walk through numerous Bible studies, using a variety of methods. Perfect for beginners, too!

Our hope is that you will APPLY what you learn from us to your life! We ask for prayers as we continue to this wonderful ministry, as it is only through the Lord that we thrive!!

Explore the latest content or find something new and extraordinary at Sharing Life and Love! 

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Sharing Life and Love offers SO much more, too! Find out where you belong by exploring one of the following options.

Therefore, encourage one another and build each other up. – 1 Thessalonians 5:11

Sharing Life and Love - Bryan and Michele Kelsey

Why Do We Share?

We are very passionate about what we do! From needing help personally in recovery and other walks of our lives to becoming avid volunteers and ambassadors for Christ, we’ve seen it all! Through everything, our joy is found in helping others and serving the Lord!

We want to help you grow in your faith in astounding, remarkable ways! We long to have hearts like that of David in the Bible.

To contact us, you can reach out to Michele at Sharing Life and Love dot com. It’s your positive feedback, support, prayers, and, of course, the love and direction of the Lord that keep us going! Don’t stop, please!

Let your light shine before others so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in Heaven. – Matthew 5:16

What’s Next?

There’s no guarantee that your life will change overnight, but what’s the worst that could happen? Have a victory today by learning about and exploring Sharing Life and Love!

Keep your eyes on Jesus, who both began and finished this race we’re in! – Hebrews 12:2

May God Bless You!!

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