Celebrate recovery 25 stuck

Celebrate Recovery Lesson 25: 7 Reasons We Get Stuck + Freebie

Can you believe we’ve made it to Celebrate Recovery lesson 25 – 7 Reasons We Get Stuck? Along with a FREE original study guide, this lesson will help you determine the reasons that you might be at a standstill and need to regroup in order to move to the next step in your life!

If any of these reasons that people get stuck sound familiar, you might need to give that area of your recovery a bit of TLC. It’s perfectly normal to slow down a bit in an effort to take the time needed to complete one step the right way. You want to grow, not be stuck in neutral.

In Celebrate Recovery Lesson 25, we look at the things that might be hindering your road to recovery, the Bible verses that might help with each issue, and some practical problem-solving solutions that you can use in order to complete your recovery journey.

Both the Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) and Celebrate Recovery (CR) programs use the 12 steps of recovery. This lesson will not focus on any one principle (of the 8 principles of recovery) or any particular step but will incorporate the values of Celebrate Recovery in its message.

If you are new to Celebrate Recovery, check out the first lesson in this series – Celebrate Recovery Lesson 1: Denial. If you missed the last lesson, the article is here: Celebrate Recovery Lesson 24 – Yes.

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What Does “Celebrate Recovery Lesson 25” Mean?

Celebrate Recovery is a 12-step recovery program based on the Bible. It was originally created by Pastors John Baker and Rick Warren. It is Christ-centered, but you are not required to be a Christian to join. It was created for anyone struggling with bad habits, hurts, or hang-ups

Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) has been around a bit longer than Celebrate Recovery, but they are both solid programs. The Celebrate Recovery (CR) program is based on the Celebrate Recovery 8 principles – centered principles around the Beatitudes in the Bible.

Celebrate Recovery Lesson 25 is the last lesson in the Growing in Christ While Helping Others Participant’s Guide 4. You can purchase it online or at your CR meeting or CR step study. This curriculum is usually done with a group – your Celebrate Recovery step study

Celebrate Recovery Lesson 25 – 7 Reasons We Get Stuck Notes 

Here are the main points from the lesson called Celebrate Recovery Lesson 25 – 7 Reasons We Get Stuck

Celebrate Recovery Lesson 25 Notes

According to the Celebrate Recovery study guide, there are many rewards that come with the fact that you have completed a step study. You are now able to sponsor someone else and could even lead a step study on your own. There are many perks of graduation!

It is your job to guide them as they complete their journey. Sometimes, people in recovery rush through it and miss a lot. Other times, they fail to complete a step and get stuck. Some addicts or others in recovery just don’t completely understand what is going on without guidance.

In order to aid those who get stuck, you’ll need to know the 7 major areas where people often get stuck in recovery. Being familiar with these areas will help you be a more effective leader. With the right tools, you will hopefully be able to get them “unstuck” and back on track.

Here, we will look at the possible reasons that you might be stuck and not moving forward on your recovery journey. While this might not apply to you, it will help you to know this information for future reference or if you plan to be an accountability partner or sponsor.

Related: Why You Need a Sponsor

#1. You have not completely worked on the previous principle.

Often, people in recovery are addicts. I’m guilty of this! When an addict gets “into” something new, they tend to go overboard. For this reason, addicts might want to rush through the steps for that great moment of achievement. We can get in such a hurry, unfortunately.

If you are rushing through the steps, slow down, and take your time. Savor and really make sure you complete each step. Let God have time to do His thing! The Celebrate Recovery (CR) program is a process, not a race. Just remind others of this, as well.

#2. You have not totally surrendered your life and will over to God.

We are all guilty of putting Jesus on the backburner from time to time. We think something else is more important when really we just need to rearrange our priorities. Are you only praying when you have something to “ask?” Do you try to “get” things rather than being grateful?

celebrate recovery 25 stuck

Are you stealing the moments of control in your life that you should be turning over to Him? Maybe it’s time to focus on your relationship with God. Enjoy it! Grow from it! Share it! Your faith was never meant to be something that you hold near and dear – all to yourself! Reach out!

#3. You have not accepted Christ’s work on the cross for forgiveness.

Sometimes, we forgive those who have hurt us, but we leave a few people off the list. For example, have you forgiven yourself? If you held resentment toward God, did you work that out? Have a clean slate as you move on in recovery!

#4. You have not forgiven others as you should have.

Often, it is easy to go through the motions and not really mean what we are doing – deep down. If you have pain from something in your past, it’s time to let go of it. If you don’t release the anger and resentment that you feel and forgive them, it will eat you up, holding you hostage.

#5. You are scared of making the changes that you need to make.

Do you suffer from a fear of failure? Maybe you fear intimacy with others because of your past. It is always possible to get hurt again when you start a new relationship. Because of this, you might not want to grow. Growth will lead to the unknown realms of possibilities.

#6. You do not want to “own” your responsibility.

In most cases, all of the relationships in your life did not become failures because of one person. Realize that when it comes to a damaged friendship, a broken marriage, or a dysfunctional bond between a parent and child, there is likely some part that you need to own.

#7. You have not yet developed a good support team.

If you have not found a sponsor or a strong accountability partner, you need to reach out and start forming some meaningful connections with others. Make sure you ask for the phone numbers of those in your small groups or step study. Consider volunteering at CR, too!

Bonus Celebrate Recovery Lesson 25 Resources

Make your road to recovery a total success story with these bonus resources for Celebrate Recovery Lesson 25!

FREE Recovery Lesson 25 – 7 Reasons We Get Stuck Study Guide

For the FREE Recovery Lesson 25 Study Guide, please check this out.

Recovery lesson 25 Stuck

A Celebrate Recovery Lesson 25 Video

A Celebrate Recovery Lesson 25 Video – 7 Reasons We Get Stuck

Celebrate Recovery Lesson 25 Resources

Use the following Celebrate Recovery (CR) additional resources to have even more success and fun on this journey – the Celebrate Recovery NIV (New International Version) Study Bible and the Celebrate Recovery 365-Day Devo Book – something I use almost every day!! 

A Celebrate Recovery Lesson 25 – My Story

As you know, I am Michele – a grateful believer in Jesus. I celebrate recovery from addictions and abuse. I continue to struggle with perfectionism and some resentment from my past.

Here is my personal advice from Celebrate Recovery Lesson 25:

  • Make sure you have truly completed the 12 steps of Celebrate Recovery before moving on to the next thing.
  • Daily – Surrender your day to the Lord and see where HE wants you to go, where HE wants you to be, and in what ways HE needs you. Submit to His Will and your relationship with Him above all else.
  • Ensure you have forgiven yourself and anyone on your list that might have been overlooked. You don’t have to speak to them about it if it does not aid your recovery, but let it go. You will be glad that you did not have that resentment inside!
  • There are risks that come with change, but isn’t it worth it to see how God can impact your life if you trust Him?
  • Stop playing the “blame game” in recovery. We are focused on our part, not the things that other people did in the past. Leave the judging to God!
  • Make sure you find good Christian friends who can walk alongside you on this journey. If you haven’t found very many, continue to attend church and Celebrate Recovery meetings, and be open to meeting new people.
  • If you are going to Celebrate Recovery, you might think you do not belong and wonder why God urged you to give this a try. My encouragement to you is to follow His Will for your life. You might not be there for you, but instead are a blessing to someone else!
celebrate recovery 25 stuck

To learn more about my journey, please read my spiritual testimony! If you need to build your relationship with God (or restore it), I encourage you to check out the Psalms Bible Study. It will show you exactly how to build a quiet time with God – something everyone needs!!


In the Celebrate Recovery Lesson 25 (7 Reasons We Get Stuck) material, we used all of the 12 steps of recovery from the program! Can you believe we’ve gone through 25 lessons and are done with this set of books?

In this article, we learned all about Celebrate Recovery Lesson 25 and:

  • What is Celebrate Recovery Lesson 25?
  • An Overview of Celebrate Recovery 
  • Celebrate Recovery Lesson 25 Resources 
  • My Take on CR Lesson 25
  • And More!

Do you go to Celebrate Recovery? Will you consider starting, if only to check it out and see what it’s all about? Leave feedback about your journey and where you plan to go next!

celebrate recovery 25 stuck

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If you’d like a FREE Serenity Prayer, you can find it in the shop!! There are several options to choose from!

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